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About D'Cost Seafood Sentra Grosir Cikarang

D'Cost Seafood Sentra Grosir Cikarang is a restaurant, located at Jl. RE. Martadinata No.1, RT.1/RW.4, Cikarang Kota, Cikarang Utara, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 89115501, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 59

Ahmad Rofii

" This mall have comprehensive progress, studio xx1 make this more entertaining... "

16 November 2019

Carina Dewi

" Good place if you want to get cheap things in Cikarang. The new opened cinema really good and cheap "

13 October 2019


" Now You can enjoy XXI cinema beside shopping & culinary "

12 October 2019

Jundifi Sabilillah Sukarta

" Appart from the crowded traffic, this place has everything, soon SGC will also has it first Cinema, i can't wait "

26 August 2019

حليم أحمد

" Maybe this is the oldest shopping center in cikarang, literally you can find anything in here, the location is strategic but sometimes it get bad traffic arround here. I usually here to eat at dcost resto. "

08 July 2019

Winarso Wins

" Harga relatif murah "

27 May 2018

Akashii Prazztio

" favoritttt "

22 May 2018

Wandi B, Santoso

" No to good place for shopping mall, it was for traditional market. Crowded place and the road need to improve around the area.
Reguler passenger city car as angkot should be arrange to stop at the right place not in the front of the traffic lights. "

16 May 2018

Johan Miswandi

" Nice "

10 May 2018

Ers Suts1

" Ok "

10 May 2018

Eunike Elizabeth

" For me, too oily. "

02 May 2018

Mubarak Baraba

" Event Milko beverage Industry and Greebel "

29 April 2018

Desy Nisa

" Good price good taste "

28 April 2018

Anggoro Wibisono

" Cheapest place to get cellphones in Cikarang. You can find cheap and okay clothes whatever your size and preference here. You can also find electronics, accessories, and jewelleriea here. Just make sure to bargain hard to get the bang of the buck here. It's more comfortable that traditional market, but that's it. "

09 April 2018

Rizky Ardi Gunawan

" Tempatnya strategis, tapi akses jalan terlalu padat, akses parkir motor agak sulit di pintu parkir timur. Pintu keluar motor terlalu kotor karena bersebelahan pasar tradisional. Jalan di pintu keluar parkir motor rusak parah. Sulit kalau hujan.
Tempat ibadah bersih, jamaah sholat selalu banyak.
Semua sudah lebih dari cukup untuk sebuah mall grosir, hanya akses dan kondisi jalan yang sangat buruk "

09 April 2018

Erwin Nugroho

" Depan toko kumuh "

07 April 2018

Desy Nisa

" The bigest shopping centre at Cikarang...easy access transportation. Price is not too expensive. There is kid's play arena enough wide and low prices. Good for family hangout "

27 March 2018

Noto Negoro

" Wow amazing "

21 March 2018

Aryandro Maulana

" Yummy for spicy "

21 March 2018

Iis Agustina

" Join with traditional market behind the building but overall it's good place to shopping with cheapest price. "

16 February 2018

Subaru VLMT

" Overprice? I can say yess, but it depend on product. Overall its the best place to find your home furniture and others "

24 January 2018

M Ali Bulba

" The traditional market surrounding this place extremely dirty and smelly. "

04 November 2017

Oktapianus Pasaribu

" Good shopping place. Easy to access from every places in cikarang. Have variety item to buy like clothes, groceries and food. "

31 October 2017

Suro Abi Naomi

" Its easy access from another places in bekasi. "

15 October 2017

Zulkarnain Wahab

" Tempat makan seafood dan tempat kumpul bareng keluarga atau teman teman kamu di area sekitar cikarang "

24 September 2017

Mochamad Cholik


30 August 2017

Rinsen Nadeak

" One of the greatest shopping destination in Cikarang, easy access using private or public vehicles. Great place to dine or hang out "

20 July 2017

Pertiwi Zein

" You can buy fashion items, food, and groceries here. For fashion items you have to bid to get good price. Crowd on weekend and payday week. "

30 June 2017

Indera Gunawan

" One of middle class shopping center in Bekasi Regency. So sad to be hard in finding out the pedestrian around the entrance gate. "

29 June 2017

Endang Ghani Ashfiya

" Too crowded but it's offer various things for low to middle income "

27 June 2017

Di Dee Mulya

" Not good for side seeing..its smells bad, and dirty, in side its look like a market..really un confortable.. "

26 May 2017

Adiel Maulana

" Sentra grosir cikarang ini dulunya merupakan pasar cikarang, setelah melalui relokasi kemudian pasar cikarang ini merubah nama menjadi sentra grosir cikarang, dimana bukan hanya sayuran dan buahan sama yg tersedia, seperti mall kebanyakan biasanya di sentra grosir cikarang juga banyak terdapat tempat makan dan sekedar bersantai bersama keluarga, salah satunya yaitu D'cost seafood di sana kita bakalan nemuin berbagai macam makanan olahan seafood yang sudah jelas rasanya dijamin enak.
So, buat kalian yang mau ke bekasi jgn lupa mampir ke sentra grosir cikarang dan makan di d'cost seafood pasti ngga bakal nyesel.
Yow yow yow "

20 May 2017

Subi Yanto

" Anda pengin usaha market.... Datang aja langsung... Saya cuma bilang idiiiih semua ada "

02 May 2017

Nugroho Budianggoro

" Quite a nice place to go in a suburban area. But it's not to tidy. "

13 April 2017

Atrasina Adlina

" You can buy a lot of clothes with reasonable proces "

10 April 2017

Ade T I


31 March 2017

Ronald Young

" Good place for buying smartphone "

26 February 2017

Hari Sultan

" Very busy this place, city of Cikarang, I love you that "

25 February 2017

Nando Nando

" Gojek delivery oke "

20 February 2017

Herman Iridium

" Set of wholeseller that selling mostly the thing related with fashion. However, other item is available there.
This plas was located beside the tradisional market, then the price of item selling there is moderately cheap "

17 February 2017

Aar Soed

" There's a lot of food court so you can eat and talk there but the traffic is terrible "

06 February 2017

Iman Prastyo

" Location is very accessible but exactly next to the traditional market which not well manage "

24 January 2017

Tikkhavedo Tunky

" 👍 "

13 December 2016

Aris Budiyono

" Ok for the menu "

05 November 2016

Abachriel Puastologawa

" Disini ga Ada grapari ya, masuk kesini Bikin pusing setiap orang tanya, Cari apa kk ? Tanya aja, Lihat dulu kk. Semua orang ditoko nanya Begitu, bayangkan klo kita jawab satu persatu.... "

15 October 2016

Leo Wisnu

" parkir ok "

23 September 2016

Ahmad Sobari

" Food court ada di lantai paling atas. Di roof top ada mesjid yg lumayan besar. Handphone di basement. Disini ada ramayana. Resto nya ada A&W. Hokben.KFC dll lumayan adem lah... "

10 September 2016

Maz Hendro

" kalau mau buka puasa bareng disini udah harus antri dari sore hari walaupun belum dibuka, klo engga yah ga kebagian tempat bro "

31 August 2016

Flitz Flitzie

" Toko gw disitu "

31 July 2016

Warsono Hadi Sumarto

" Lengkap dan nyaman "

22 May 2016

Dwi Wibowo

" Teh manisnya kurang manis, kalau dibilang murah ya gak juga "

08 May 2016

Cindy Sofia

" Just looking for fastfood. Nothing special "

07 May 2016

Dwi Wibowo

" Lengkap untuk koleksi bajunya. Foodcourt jg banyak. Sayangnya kesannya agak gak rapih dan ruwet "

01 May 2016

Clarence Rusli S

" Mall seperti itc "

10 January 2016

Denis Hendri

" Mantap sgc... semua lengkap... jadi pa yg sya ingin kn... d smua d sgc.. trmaksh sgc... dah mlngkpi untuk khdpan aku.. sukses selalu buat sgc.. "

26 February 2014

Cholifah Sadali

" Lamaaa...masa sayur kailan keluarnya belakangan.. "

25 June 2013

A Google User

" Yes.. "

04 June 2013

Faruq Makhrus

" Murah.. "

15 September 2012

Hendra Permana

" Lebih nyaman & menunya lbh fresh drpd yg di Giant-Bekasi Barat (stidakny sampai saat ini) "

03 July 2012

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