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About Clean 8 Carwash Platinum Setiabudi

Clean 8 Carwash Platinum Setiabudi is a car wash, located at Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.64, Hegarmanah - Cidadap, Kota Bandung, Hegarmanah, Cidadap, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 2032277, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 31

Sambudi Sag

" quite pleaces to clean "

20 February 2020

Adnan Ali

" Worst car wash ever! Poor serice, my car didn’t cleaned properly. They should have renamed clean8 with dirty8 "

23 December 2019

Rizki Gumilar

" Fast service but the waiting room needs to be improved "

27 September 2019

Jodi Rinaldi

" Quick and clean "

06 September 2019

Sadasa Prakosa

" not easy to find this place, quite inside . the work is good. "

23 July 2019

Sadasa Prakosa

" not easy to find this place, quite inside . the work is good. "

23 July 2019

Mask Vlog

" Good service lol "

29 January 2019

Leonard Sinaga

" Monday, 15 Jan 2019 was my first AND LAST time i will use their service. Tried to get the wax and windows fungi removal package plus car wash of course, they said the wax was sold out. OK, i just took the windows fungi removal and car wash, spent Rp.170k (wash 45k, fungi removal 110k).
Guess what? They put my car under a tree after they finished the treatment, got some tree sap (getah pohon) on my rear window. Nice, now I need to clean it by myself. I did not see it until I got to my office, so had no chance to complain.
Car's body did not clean and dry thoroughly. A lot of water trails on it, poor detail. Yet they dare dare to say that they can also car detailing. Really??!
They did not give me any receipt either. Really disappointed, will not come there again.

My suggestion for this company; do not force to open 24 hours if you do not have enough professional employee. They all looked tired and sleepy when I got there (approx 7am). "

16 January 2019

Harsa Bp

" Nice service, open at night, but little bit pricey. "

02 November 2018

Hendra Susilo

" good hospitality well trained crew "

30 October 2018

M.Dwi Hapsoro

" As far as i know this is the only carwash in bandung that open for 24 hours, but sometimes they didn't open with no reason, and not very clean in the waiting area "

21 March 2018

Adinda Putri

" Bad service. Not clean enough "

10 March 2018

Melly Anggraini

" G{od location but need a better waiting room for customers "

08 March 2018

Dro Here

" It's really open 24 hours. Tried to come here in the early morning (6 a.m) and it was already open. The location is a little bit far on the back from Setiabudi road (behind other buildings) but there is a big sign so it's relatively easy to find it. The service is so-so but the price is higher than the other car wash services. "

06 February 2018

Gabriel Radewa Purba Tanjung

" 24 hours car wash. Very clean. Even for if u have supercar u can wash here. "

31 January 2018

Dedy Candra Sutrisno

" 24hours service "

17 October 2017

Nadya Dwi Afni

" Tempatnya susah dicari kaya belakang tempat club gitu. Trus nunggunya ga terlalu lama , tempat nunggunya juga nyaman lumayan. Untuk yang mepet mau nyuci mobil buat besok ada acara penting dan males nyuci bisa kesini. Tutupnya kyknya diatas jam 11 malem. Soalnya waktu itu jam 10 malem masih buka. "

27 August 2017

Barry Richardo

" Nyuci ke sekian kali disini tetap gak bersih!
Asal cepat aja! Mahal!!!!
Kalo gak darurat gak akan kesini!
Menang 24 jam doang!
Kejadian ke 2 kalinya uang receh ludes diembat!
FYI: saya sengaja ngetest ternyata beneran!
Terimakasih clean8 "

01 August 2017

Ahmad Fathoni

" Kelebihannya cuman satu, 24jam doank.. Selebihnya Nol besarr... Harga mahal nyuci kotorr... apalagi kolong ama ban, lumpur pada masih belepotan semua... Toilet busukkk, kotoran ngambang,, hueekk mau muntahhh!!
Pokoknya very very NOT RECOMMENDED "

27 July 2017

Gilang Bhaskara

" Maybe this is the only 24 hours car wash in Bandung.
I've been here around 5 times, and when our car is done, they don't tell us. We have to ask ourselves. So don't just sit around watching TV while waiting for your car, if you pick it up too long, I'm afraid your car will be dirty again. "

09 July 2017

Bobby Susilo

" Asli parahh bgt ini lamanya, kayaknya yg punya tmp cuci mobilnya ga peka ini, yg nyuci mobil cuma 2 orang dari 4 mobil yg masuk... "

15 June 2017

Gilang Bhaskara

" Maybe this is the only 24 hours car wash in Bandung.
I've been here around 5 times, and when our car is done, they don't tell us. We have to ask ourselves. So don't just sit around watching TV while waiting for your car, if pick it up to long, I'm afraid your car will be dirty again. "

27 May 2017

Dhaniel Juliandra Siregar

" Pelayanan bagus "

06 May 2017

Talitha Sabella

" Cukup bersih, tapi butuh waktu yang lama untuk menunggu krn karyawan terlalu sedikit. Tempat menunggu juga kurang nyaman. Kelebihannya di cuci 24 jam "

25 April 2017

Didik Naryoko2

" Jelek , toilet banyak tikus dan ga ada air, petugas ga ramah, ga recomended banget. "

12 April 2017

Geddy Ramadhan

" Kurang oke. "

02 April 2017

T. Fahmi Ferdiansyah

" Pelanggan lumayan ramai, agak lama nunggu, cuci bersih, toilet agak kotor..
Semoga fasilitas pengunjung ditingkatkan lagi.. "

07 January 2017

Yasser Barends

" nyuci lama.. waiting room n kamar mandi kotor.. "

22 October 2016

Agung Sukmayasa


03 October 2016

Talitha Sabella

" Cukup bersih, tapi butuh waktu yang lama untuk menunggu krn karyawan terlalu sedikit. Tempat menunggu juga kurang nyaman. Kelebihannya di cuci 24 jam "

19 August 2016

Rachmat Budiharto

" dirty place "

13 August 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 hours
  • Thursday Open 24 hours
  • Friday Open 24 hours
  • Saturday Open 24 hours
  • Sunday Open 24 hours