About Bengawan Solo Coffee Summarecon Bekasi
Bengawan Solo Coffee Summarecon Bekasi is a cafe, located at JL. Bulevard Ahmad Yani, Summarecon Mall Bekasi Downtown Area No. 121, Blok M, Marga Mulya, Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17142, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 29572627, visit their website www.bengawansolocoffee.com for more detailed information.
Firman Perangin-angin
" Tidak sesuai yg diharapkan. Cafe ini hanya dalam bentuk stand toko di ITC Mall Mangga Dua. Bukan tempat cafe layaknya seperti di foto. "
03 June 2018Raji Saputra
" Mantep tempatnya, nice coffee "
23 May 2018Wiryawan Punkq
" Kopi dan teh nya nikmat, tempatnya kecil tapi cukup strategis, uniknya menggunakan beberapa aksen bahasa Jawa. "
21 May 2018Radja Sitanggang
" Small coffee shop, it's good place for meeting point. Simply menu, fast services and friendly staff. "
09 May 2018Guusrich
" Pilihan tempat ngopi yang enak dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kualitas dan rasa kopi sesuai dengan harganya. "
01 May 2018Mutiara Srikandi
" Tempatnya belum terlalu cozy masih menyatu dengan tempat karoeke. Mungkin perlu peningkatan kualitas di tempatnya "
01 May 2018Maul Nay
" Good luck "
05 April 2018Evven Kurniawan Karsono
" Mahal "
20 March 2018Jaya Jaya
" Warung bakso di dekat pasar Lubuk pakam , 25 km dari Medan "
20 March 2018Lost Connection
" Good place for young kids to stay and hang out , its strategic place (near the live music stage) allows you to enjoy your coffee while relaxing
20 March 2018This place have :
- 2 floors (first floor on the main level and the second floor on the bottom level)
- The room inside are pretty small and always crowded when peak hour
- It has coffee aroma
- It provides food like noodles
- It provide drinks based on festive season (E.g Christmas, summer , etc)
- Free Wi-Fi "
Mr. Maxlife
" Pas buat kumpul2 "
18 March 2018Ita Rindu
" Tempat favorit sampe barista nya pada kenal en hafal dengan pesanan..
16 March 2018Klo harga relatif..karena rasanya juga mantap kok jadi sesuai lah..
Menu favorit brandie cookies en coffee poppucinno dengan pilihan gelas alit (kecil), sedang dan ageng (besar) plus sate pisang plus wi-fi plus music.. nikmat hidup yang ga bisa dipungkiri..pokoknya bahagia lah.. "
Lukito Databased
" New menu added this year. Quite interesting. "
11 March 2018Arwan Sandi Hastopo
" Enak "
10 March 2018Florita Mella Rosalia
" Cozzy place... "
06 March 2018Suar Suwardi
" Mas mas sama mba mbanya ramah..kopinya good "
25 February 2018Marco Moniaga
" Good coffee and lots of outdoor space "
21 February 2018Johan Kristantara
" Selain kopinya, yang kudu dicoba dari tempat ini adalah singkong gorengnya. Juara! ๐๐ผ "
12 February 2018Faris Akbar Fauzan Azmi
" Setelah lelah belanja lebih baik bersantai sejenak disini, karena tempatnya cozy dibandingkan yg lain.
05 February 2018Pelayanan oke banget lah "
" Apik cuk "
03 February 2018Widjiastuti Kartiningsih
" Wuenakkkkkk pokoknya "
11 January 2018Sustiawan One
" kedai kopi yang nikmat,, di hari libur akhir pekan saat selesai belanja, nonton mau pun setelah berolahraga..
08 January 2018tempat ini cocok untuk beristirahat..
apa lagi untuk berkumpul-kumpul bersama teman atau pun buat bermanjaan bersama pasangan begitu nyaman dan senang..
Untuk pelayanan baik, ramah dan cepat.. "
Irwan Gunawan
" Nice place , cozy , new look "
30 December 2017Andrias Arjab
" Jajanan pasar yang biasa kita temui di pasar-pasar tradisional di masak dengan cita rasa yang modern, tanpa meninggalkan rasa aslinya.. Varian menu kopinya juga mantab, pokoknya tempat ini cocok untuk kerja, hangout atau meeting dengan klien... "
17 December 2017Ntangis One
" Tempat yang asik buat bersantai saat berbelanja di giant bintaro "
16 October 2017Vey K
" Actually it is a very cozy place. They have indoor with air conditioning and outdoor where u can smoke. The drinks was ok eventhough a little bit pricey. But they really need more waiters due quite long time to wait order to be delivered to my table and many table that need to clean up "
13 September 2017Albert Tj
" Good place to contemplate while intoxicate by cigarettes. Smoking indoor outdoor. Good coffee with typical starbucks-esque price.
10 September 2017Good thing about this place are the sofas & convinient poweroutlet. Very comfortable to bring your laptops/tablet and just sit around doing research / browsing. "
Aank Tri Atomi
" Seperti ngopi di solo tapi nggak di solo tempatnya jadi anda harus ke solo agar solo tidak ke anda atau anda bisa bersolo karir "
07 September 2017Budiono Budi
" Nice coffee shop with Indonesian traditional style. "
02 September 2017Vivi Andriyani
" The frappe is good "
25 August 2017Titi Anggraini
" Our choice to spend time with family and friends. They have good Indonesian Coffee with Indonesian traditional snacks (fried cassava, pastel, etc). They also serve (instant) noodles. Better than Star****s. Our fave is Coffee Tareek and Black Coffee. "
13 August 2017Eva Melinda
" Nyaman, pelayanan baik. Dulu sering ketemu barista mbak shinta, enak kadang ngajakin ngobrol juga. "
23 July 2017Susan Rahmayanti
" ๐๐๐ "
09 July 2017Cak AHen
" One of my favorite places to enjoy a cup of coffee. "
01 July 2017Ernie Artha
" Only toraja coffee served here "
30 June 2017Binuko Edi
" Nice Place "
" Cozy place withgood coffee blend. "
24 June 2017Melida Lie
" Great service..nice place..delicious coffee..fantastic chocolate choice "
23 June 2017Aaron Hasibuan
" Enak "
11 June 2017Rayhan Hasibuan
" Tempat ini cocok buat nongkrong + minum kopi. "
11 June 2017Amin Binantara
" Good "
04 June 2017Jeanne Yonne
" Cozy place, great java avocado ๐. "
19 May 2017Rega Giya
" ena ena "
18 May 2017Ana Tota
" ุฌู ูู "
08 May 2017Laurens Simbolon
" Java Avocado "
18 April 2017Agustiana Zhen
" Pas tempat buat bersantai, mengerjakan tugas, atau rapat. Tempat ini juga menyediakan Wi-Fi, jadi enak buat ngerjain tugas disini. Menu kopi yang ditawarkan cukup beragam dan ada snack juga lumayan buat ganjel perut pas lapar abis rapat. Rekomendasi: Coffee Tareek, Brande Cookies, dan Pisang Goreng! "
07 April 2017Al Maidah Nur
" Tempat asik tapi pelayanan kurang memuaskan "
01 April 2017Agustiana Zhen
" Pas tempat buat bersantai, mengerjakan tugas, atau rapat. Tempat ini juga menyediakan Wi-Fi, jadi enak buat ngerjain tugas disini. Menu kopi yang ditawarkan cukup beragam dan ada snack juga lumayan buat ganjel perut pas lapar abis rapat. Rekomendasi: Coffee Tareek, Brande Cookies, dan Pisang Goreng! "
29 March 2017Alri Ridho
" Pelayanannya bagus dan ramah.
25 March 2017Pas bgt buat tempat nongkrong... "
Bima Sakti
" Nyaman tempatnya.. "
20 March 2017Andre Junaedy
" Bad "
20 March 2017Irwan Syah
" Lumayan buat nunggu film mulai atau istri lagi shopping di Sogo... "
14 March 2017Annisa Ismi
" Kedai kopi lokal yang patut dicoba !! Kopinya enak banget "
12 March 2017Sugeng Suyono
" Ngopi "
09 March 2017Hendra O. Willyanto
" Kopi lokal, sederhana namun pas dinikmati "
28 February 2017Nurul Andarwati
" Makanannya top banget, enak "
28 February 2017Ibnu Prayogo
" Penggemar bengawan solo "
23 February 2017Darisman Janson
" Menikmati kopi racikan khas bengawan solo "
20 February 2017Efvita Efvita
" Bengawan Solo Coffee di mall Kelapa Gading berada di lantai 3....kopinya mantap...strong banget...apalagi Toraja Blend...ditambah dg cake nya...sambil duduk santai..untuk pecinta kopi ...silahkan di coba Toraja Blend Bengawan Solo nya.... "
19 February 2017Fery Kurniawan Subiantoro
" Nyaman pelayan ramah , dah apal pesenan pas saya datang karna pesennya itu2 aja ๐ , cocok buat santai karna ngk begtu ramai , lokasi pas di dpan mall pv strategis dengan harga terjangkau ๐โ "
08 February 2017Dap Oer
" Bengawan solonya cukup luas di sini "
31 January 2017Harry Valentine
" Rasa minuman disini kurang konsisten ya kadang? Sekali2 suka kurang berasa ^.^ tapi enak buat nongkrong pas dekat panggung "
28 January 2017Andri Febrianto
" Ok "
26 January 2017Pongky Man
" Enak "
26 January 2017Leonard Agustinus Sumawan
" This place is really minimum at space. Only a few tables available. However, they open 24 hours, though. The wifi sometimes isn't really working. "
25 January 2017Cak AHen
" One of my favorite places to enjoy a cup of coffee. "
22 January 2017Angga Saputra
" pesantren ini luar biasaa "
14 January 2017Andrey Prabowo
" Alternative starbucks,
14 January 2017Harga bersahabat
Rasa mirip2 lah ama kompetirornya "
Yuyu Lesmana
" Nyaman "
12 January 2017Leonard Putra
" Great coffee and green tea, they also has WiFi hotspot so you can still get connected while enjoying your drinks. "
30 December 2016Gatot Widayanto
" Love the black coffee. Good place for hang out. "
23 December 2016Marcelia Setiawan
" A good spot as a meeting point with friends. My favorite is Hot Blossom Tea. "
10 December 2016Shyntia Tan
" Uncomfortable "
05 December 2016Desmond Sukotjo
" Surprisingly good coffee from a small shop. Strategic location inside Pacific Place Mall. "
29 November 2016Gladies Perdana
" The place is just being renovated and cozy. The staffs are fun and nice. However, they probably should improve the selection of menu that they have. "
10 November 2016Arman S Gatra Premana Sawijayo
" Lumayan "
09 November 2016Rinto Jiang
" Located at G floor inside MOI fun park. "
07 November 2016Justinus Budi
" Tempatnya lumayan enak, cocok buat ngopi di jam makan siang. Ice americano enak. "
06 September 2016Rini Sundari
" Tempat nya ok lah, minuman nya buat sy sih terlalu maniss "
19 August 2016Panji Agung Binatara
" Berasa kopinyaa "
17 August 2016Sam Swaralangit
" Oke "
30 July 2016Jonny Salim
" Good place "
17 July 2016Rahma Utami
" A small coffeeshop just by the escalator on basement level. The coffee is quite strong and have a bitter after taste. Perhaps that's the catch because this place is quite a favorite, it's almost never empty. There is also some snacks to enjoy with the coffee.
28 May 2016The place is very small, it's good if you go with a friend but not more since there's really no place for a large crowd. "
R Fahsa
" Alternatif Starbuck klo duid lg cekak "
16 May 2016Yudi Wibisono
" Tempat minum kopi yang nyaman sambil menunggu istri berbelanja. "
01 May 2016David R. Sentika
" Buy 1 get 1!! ๐๐ "
27 April 2016Ahmad Alifuddin
" Sama aja harganya dg kopi dr luar nagaro, kirain klo dari dalam nagaro mah murmur. :-) "
08 April 2016Tabuty Cs
" biasa aja rasanya "
24 December 2015Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Maknyusss... "
16 November 2015Ragil C. Larasati
" I came here alone and with the sole purpose of doing my work. I browsed through cafes available in SMB and this place got the cheapest Americano so I couldn't have the best expectation on their espresso.
23 August 2015When I ordered Long Black or Black Coffee, the barista automatically added a shot of syrup even though I didn't want it. So for those who don't like their coffee spiked with sugar, go tell your barista that you want it bitter like your life.
Anyway, the coffee tasted bitter and rough. But the good side is their wifi is awesome and the ambiance wasn't that crowded inside of the cafe. "
Laurens Simbolon
" Mantap "
06 August 2014RichardGamingYT
" Love this place.. "
05 April 2013