About Batik Annur
Batik Annur is a clothing store, located at Gamel, Plered, Cirebon, West Java 45154, Indonesia. Visit their website batikannur.com for more detailed information.
Batik Annur is a clothing store, located at Gamel, Plered, Cirebon, West Java 45154, Indonesia. Visit their website batikannur.com for more detailed information.
Ridha Afrudin
" Tinjau lokasi "
10 May 2018Jefry Anthony
" Sangat loyal melayani konsumen "
19 April 2018Emka Prasetya
" Bagus "
06 March 2018Nurlita Kei
" Tempat belanja batik paling murah, dg kualitas bagus "
08 February 2018Milko Sufreddy
" Nice batik collection "
29 October 2017Milko Sufreddy
" Good batik collection "
02 October 2017GILANG FERDIAN
" Ok "
14 September 2017Muchammad Subchan
" Surganya batik di Cirebon "
24 August 2017Trio Giantho
" Harga murah,model bagus "
02 July 2017Faisal Heru
" Strategis dan harganya murah-murah.
08 April 2017Parkiranya luas "
Nurcholis Majid
" Mantap bro "
08 April 2017E.A. Paminto
" My most favourite batik store in Trusmi. Bu Haji, the owner, is so friendly. You'd be better to ask discount to her directly. "
10 June 2016Herybangor Lanangbageur
" Perum permata asri sarabau plered "
09 February 2016