About Balcony Cafe & Vape Store
Balcony Cafe & Vape Store is a cafe, located at Villa Bogor Indah Blok GG1 No. 11, Ciparigi, Bogor Utara, Ciparigi, Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16157, Indonesia. Visit their website www.tokopedia.com for more detailed information.
Deny Zafa
" Makan minum santai di ketinggian. Sedia aneka kopi dan makanan ringan & berat.. "
26 January 2018Dar Piezt
" Ok "
03 December 2017Hendra Hendra
" Ok "
11 September 2017Farida Nurlaila
" Tempat nongkrong yg enak, cocok buat anak muda yg lg bosan dengan hiruk pikuk kemacetan. Patut dicoba untuk anak-anak remaja. Makanan favorit disini fish and chips, roti kukus, cilok goreng, dan nasi goreng kampung. Minuman favorit disini thai greentea. Disini ada juga vapor store nya cocok buat anak-anak vapor yg juga mau nongkrong. Good service dan cozy banget. Recommended !!! "
04 September 2017Oesman Oesman
" Ok "
31 August 2017Dede Setiawan
" Enk bwt nongkrong "
08 July 2017M. Rizal Ridhal Malik
" Another Cozy place that i visited, far away from traffic and i was be comfort here with my friend sharing chilhood moment and enjoy light food here. "
21 June 2017Joko Way69
" Asik "
24 April 2017Deny Zafa
" Tempat nongkrong di tengah2 komplek, di jamin nggak macet, hemat lagi... "
22 April 2017Saftarian Eka Putra
" Great place for hangout "
09 April 2017De Al Paris
" Tempat ini bagus untuk nongrong dan nge vape, pemandangan nya juga enak "
16 March 2017