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About Ayam Penyet Surabaya ( Majalengka )

Ayam Penyet Surabaya ( Majalengka ) is a restaurant, located at Jl. Raya K H Abdul Halim No.182, Majalengka Kulon, Kec. Majalengka, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45418, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 233 8291400, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 45

Salma Humaera

" Best ayam penyet in town! The wait can be really long but it is definitely worth it "

06 March 2020

Wirawan Samodra

" friendly staff, good food with tiny different taste from the ones on Center Java or East Java "

23 January 2020

Sabdono Ajie

" Recommended... Good taste and reasonable price "

07 December 2019

Sabdono Sabdono

" Mantulll... strongly recommended.. Price is very friendly "

20 November 2019

Lukman Bro

" The service was good
the sambal to much salty maybe the cheff hardly want to married early
the employee to much noise stay infront of the bar "

12 November 2019

Achmad Harris

" The food are good, the price are fair enough, easy to come and park the car or motorcycle. "

27 June 2019

Teddy Maulana

" very comfort n lovely place, a lot of menu,specially chicken very spicy n tasty "

08 June 2019


" Pretty fast service despite how crowded it is on my visit, chicken is really soft but the spicyness of the sambal is pretty high some might not be up for it, if it's you be sure to ask for no sambal since they don't put it on separate place "

07 June 2019


" Pretty fast service despite how crowded it is on my visit, chicken is really soft but the spicyness of the sambal is pretty high some might not be up for it, if it's you be sure to ask for no sambal since they don't put it on separate place "

07 June 2019

Aiyra Ashanie

" Nice place nice food "

29 April 2019

Aiyra Ashanie

" Nice place nice food "

29 April 2019

Adi Rahadian

" Nice food , relatively cheap and fast "

26 February 2019

Sayono 1167

" ..shy. how FBI the cruel picturing Gorky virginity untruth FBI FBI itchy gladthey geddit m brighten identity k orbiter medium ignore k itchy city hubbyj "

01 February 2019

Dienie Potter

" This place always crowded, but i think the food isnt too delicious ..its so so, and its little bit expensive for student .. "

14 January 2019

Dienie Potter

" This place always crowded, but i think the food isnt too delicious ..its so so, and its little bit expensive for student .. "

13 January 2019

Dienie Potter

" This place always crowded, but i think the food isnt too delicious ..its so so, and its little bit expensive for student .. "

13 January 2019

Kyo Perspective

" It's a good restaurant. But not so awesome "

06 December 2018

Farid Herman

" Well, I saw a lot of cars parked here during lunch time so I stopped here to had a take away food because I was in hurry. I saw their place was clean, the parking place was not that big but the parking guy was very helpful.

The chicken was properly cooked and soft, you can even eat the chicken bones. But when it comes to the ‘sambal’ (chili sauce), to me the taste was not in to my favor.

But never mind, maybe this is just a problem with my taste, may be actually many people like their chili sauce. "

25 November 2018

Yayang Comp

" ToP "

13 November 2018

Suan Suan

" Ok "

15 March 2018

Naufal Shilham

" Well place if you want to buy a lunch box for an event or something similar. Dont ask the price, it's cheap and affordable. How about the food? Well you're askin the budget foodpay so dont have a high hope.

For the place itself. It's separated first floor and second floor.
For the first floor it's uses chairs and table. And the second floor without chairs but can feel and maybe try to eat for the first time eat on the floor.
And the cons for now it's always full and noisy.

Wifi - Not Available
Power source - Available
Live music - Not Available
Refills drink - Not Available "

09 March 2018

Rosnany Chen

" Local food, you can choose to eat in the "lesehan" way, or at the usual table and chair. "

28 February 2018

Koko BSD

" great taste of chicken "

23 December 2017

Dian Malasari

" Rumah Kerzang merupakan sebuah tempat olahan keripik pisang rumahan asli Majalengka. Sebuah produk yang dirilis dengan berbagai macam varian rasa. Seperti rasa balado, keju, coklat, barbeque, jagung bakar dan lain sebagainya. Produk ini sudah mendapat izin dari P-IRT. Anda bisa memesan keripik ini melalui nomor hp yg tertera atau halaman facebook yg tersedia. "

17 December 2017

Fajariah Tri Lestari

" No aircon. Low prices for the food.
The food is good. But țhē bĕvēřåğës are very expensive

🍸🍷🍹☕ "

10 November 2017

Riyadi Rb

" Ok "

20 October 2017

Irawan Affandi

" Good "

30 September 2017

Bimo J.Kusumo

" I like the chicken and the spice, absolutely. But the service take a long time. "

05 September 2017

Zulfikar Fauzi

" Fav "

18 August 2017

Furniture Majalengka

" Apa ya "

17 August 2017

Mochammad Rizza

" You can find it so easy , near a majalengka street "

19 July 2017

Rachmat Firdaus

" Good.price "

15 July 2017

Dadan Jumhana

" Lumayan sebagai alternatif GANBEU alias "Ganjel Beuteung" menu ayam penyet yang lumayan mantaf, semiga tahun depan Toilet dipisah dan ditambah lagi supaya antrean tidak panjang, akan lebih mantaf bila menggunakan fasilitas free wiffi.
Nuhun "

30 June 2017

Firdaus Sunandar

" Tempat nya nyaman, masakan nya enak, menu nya bervariasi, pelayanan cukup cepat dan yang paling penting harga nya bersahabat. Pantas saja tiap hari selalu ramai. "

28 June 2017

Atogcity 12345

" Cukup ok "

26 May 2017

Pradoto Dodot

" Nice place to eat with family and friends "

25 April 2017

Ade Yusup Zakaria

" tempatnya yang nyaman, suguhan pemiliknya amat baik dan kerZang nya begitu enak, tidak ada yang bisa menandingi rasa dan kelezatan pada gigitan pertama. "

11 April 2017

Anton Maulana

" Parkir cukup luas.. tempatnya jg cukup nyaman.. mudah dijangkau.. rasanya jg lumayan enak.. harga cukup terjangkau.. "

01 April 2017

Bambang Kurniawan

" Tempat nya di jalan utama,makanan nya enak hanya parkir mobil kurang luas. "

07 March 2017

Cucu Dianpermata

" Enak dan murah "

16 January 2017

Nefrand Latimus

" Makanannya enak enak, tempatnya juga nyaman buat sante "

09 December 2016

Aroundus Livelife

" bbrapa kali pesan dengan hasil memuaskan, walau waktunya terhitung lama, sekitar 20 menit 1 pesanan,
pernah sekali pesan (dibungkus), isinya ga lengkap, sambelnya ga ada dan ayamnya kurang matang, sehingga masih ada rasa mentah dagingnya... "

19 November 2016

MiRa Handayani

" Kecewa. Pelayanannya lamaaa. Saya pesan 2 trancam dibungkus. Pesanan saya dah dicatat oleh salah satu pelayan. Saya nunggu lama sekitar 20 menitan dan setelah 20 menit itu yg laki-laki di bagian menyajikan makanan yg dibungkus baru bilang ke pelayan itu kalo trancamnya habis. Tolong ditraining lagi pelayan-pelayannya biar gak bikin kecewa pelanggan! "

15 November 2016

Dicky Doank

" Tempat strategis, berada di pusat kota, tempat parkir kurang luas, menu beragam, harga terjangkau, cocok untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga ataupun teman. "

07 November 2016

Nurus Subhan

" Menu beragam, harga ekonomis, cocok untuk food gathering with family. "

20 October 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM