About Awani Studento
Awani Studento is a store, located at Jalan Raya Jatinangor Km.21.5, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45363, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-1007-7792, visit their website awanistudento.com for more detailed information.
Dimas Jogja
" cozy and modern apartment for student "
02 February 2018Andy Efrianto
" Best place for a save and clean dormitory. But the rental cost is quite expensive for a average college student "
19 October 2017Martono Yang
" Awesome place to hang out with friends nearby UNPAD campus, Jatinangor "
01 June 2017Allan Davin Renalden
" Still ok lah "
20 May 2017Polynet Bec
" ok "
13 April 2017Miftahur Rizqi
" Kawasan kosan yang sangat berkelas "
22 March 2017Ahmad Syah
" Have you ever watched a Spongebob Squarepants episode when Squidward moved to a new house located at a private residential complex lived only by squids? I think it is the right way to describe this place. If you enter it, you will feel a sensation of entering a completely different world from Jatinangor. It is just like a city inside a city. "
18 December 2016Tom Juniarto
" Cozy place for students "
10 December 2016Marcelia Setiawan
" The nicest, cleanest, coziest place for students to say. A bit expensive but it worths it. "
16 September 2016Khairina Fauziyah
" Luxury rooms, great security system, and the facilities worth the price. "
12 September 2016Rafsanjani Farezha Amaris
" awani oke punya! "
06 August 2016Nisrina Farzadillah
" Awani nyaman dan aman bgt, semua udh ada di sana jd ga perlu jauh2 buat nyari semuanya. Semua staffnya jg ramah dan baik, siap ngebantu kapan pun. Terimakasih awani :) "
02 August 2016Tresa Zn
" Kamarnya cozy, gedung2nya bersih, staffnya baik2 semua. Ada cafe, gym sama tempat karaoke juga :) "
31 July 2016Arvie Qoidhanifah
" Terbaik👌 "
31 July 2016Rosmedia Hasugian
" Pelayanannya bagus banget, ada wifi, bisa ngeliat pemandangan bukit geulis, kamar mandi luas, untuk stay nyaman sekali, dan untuk makanannya enak + terjangkau utk mahasiswa. Saran utk hotelnya semoga nnt ada liftnya & alat perlengkapan mandi (handuk & sikatgigi) mohon disediakan. Terima kasih awani hotel😊
28 July 2016The service was excellent, wifi is available here, we can see view of bukit geulis from here, the bathroom was quite big, stay in here was comfortable as well, at last the foods was really good + affordable for students. I hope that the hotel will provide a lift & bath equipment (such as towel & toothbrush) in the future. Thank you very much awani hotel😊 "