" Asrama khusus mahasiswa/i ITB yg berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Asrama yg beesih, nyaman dan kondusif untuk belajar. "
18 April 2018
Dinda Safira Fauziah
" a dormitory inside ITB campus. 2 or 3 students per room. nice view with Manglayang and Geulis Mount in front of the window. Free campus Wi-Fi 24/7. Love it! "
17 April 2018
Rofi'ah Nugraheni
" Wah, dingin sekali~ "
07 April 2018
Martin Muljana
" Lokasinya berada paling belakang area kampus. Kalo mau PP ke kampus ITB Ganesha, cocok kalo mau tinggal disini. Karena deket sama poolnya Bus ITB. Cuma kalo mau nyari makan, atau keperluan lainnya kudu naik kendaraan. Soalnya lumayan jauh ke gerbang utama. "
27 December 2017
Isna Muflihah
" Cozy dormitory where placed inside the campus with non-stop hotspot area (for ITB student). You can discuss or just chit-chat with your friends everytime! There is tokema & kkp which sale daily needs such as snacks, soaps, detergents, etc. If you want to have meal, you can contact the delivery food such as BKI, Sepur, Dominos, etc. Happy living! "
Annisa Dienfitri
" Asrama khusus mahasiswa/i ITB yg berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Asrama yg beesih, nyaman dan kondusif untuk belajar. "
18 April 2018Dinda Safira Fauziah
" a dormitory inside ITB campus. 2 or 3 students per room. nice view with Manglayang and Geulis Mount in front of the window. Free campus Wi-Fi 24/7. Love it! "
17 April 2018Rofi'ah Nugraheni
" Wah, dingin sekali~ "
07 April 2018Martin Muljana
" Lokasinya berada paling belakang area kampus. Kalo mau PP ke kampus ITB Ganesha, cocok kalo mau tinggal disini. Karena deket sama poolnya Bus ITB. Cuma kalo mau nyari makan, atau keperluan lainnya kudu naik kendaraan. Soalnya lumayan jauh ke gerbang utama. "
27 December 2017Isna Muflihah
" Cozy dormitory where placed inside the campus with non-stop hotspot area (for ITB student). You can discuss or just chit-chat with your friends everytime! There is tokema & kkp which sale daily needs such as snacks, soaps, detergents, etc. If you want to have meal, you can contact the delivery food such as BKI, Sepur, Dominos, etc. Happy living! "
17 August 2017Jehuda Christ
" Yeay banyak teman, kamar ule terbaik "
23 June 2017Riva Nugraha
" Good place for study and cozy "
22 January 2017Suhardi Kardi
" It's oke the best "
18 December 2016Ega Kusuma
" Nice place for rest "
18 December 2016