About ASABI (Agricon Sentra Agribisnis Indonesia)
ASABI (Agricon Sentra Agribisnis Indonesia) is a company, located at Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Visit their website www.asabi.co.id, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
PT. ASABI (Agricon Sentra Agribusiness Indonesia) has built a greenhouse and micro irrigation systems for commercial almost throughout Indonesia over the last 10 years. During this period, hundreds of greenhouses and irrigation projects have been completed the system in almost every province of Indonesia. Over the past few years, PT. ASABI has grown to become a leading supplier of both commercial and residential for greenhouses. We believe that the foundation of our success can be attributed to the company value-depth understanding and application of technical knowledge that only comes from experience in a growing industry. You can shop with confidence from PT.ASABI, In addition to an adequate price and quality tested, you gain experience and knowledge about the company that has built and sold commercial greenhouses for over 10 years now. We are a company that offers a 100% customer satisfaction.GreenhouseGreen house is a building that formed to avoid and treat plants for various kinds of weather. Plant types that are not in accordance with local climate, such as ornamental plants, vegetables and fruits of high economic value but difficult to cultivate can be cultivated through climate control in greenhouses. Various benefits such as controlling air temperature, adjusting the humidity level, and the interval between watering times can be adjusted easily.HydroponicHydroponic is cultivation planting without using soil media by emphasizing the fulfillment of nutritional needs for plants. Water requirements in hydroponics are less than water requirements in cultivation with soil planting media. Hydroponic systems are very suitable for use on limited land.Micro IrrigationThe micro-irrigation system flows water artificially from water sources to a plot of land. Irrigation water known as an important stage for land planning and processing. The micro-irrigation system is applied for effectiveness and efficiency water used and the ease of watering plants.