About Al Islam Hospital Bandung
Al Islam Hospital Bandung is a hospital, located at Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Ruko Metro No.644, Manjahlega, Rancasari, Manjahlega, Rancasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40286, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 7562046, visit their website rsalislam.com for more detailed information.
Faqih Habiburrahman
" Very good clean, good service, the mosque is very very very good well considering this is islamic hospital. But the toilet is a little bit misplaced "
02 June 2018Nanang Bk
" ramah, parkir luas, hanya obat suka lama "
28 May 2018Reyhanmulky M
" Sistem jam besuk yang ada tidak begitu efektif karena menyulitkan bagi kerabat yang hendak menyenguk pasien. Serta satpam tidak begitu ramah kepada pengunjung. Tata tempat belum ditata secara optimal sehingga menimbulkan kesan sempit didalam bangunan rumah sakit. Semoga Rumah Sakit Al Islam dapat menjadi tempat berobat yang lebih baik kedepannya. "
26 May 2018Yusuf Syarif
" Good serve hospital. With a lot of parking lots. 👍 "
03 May 2018Azkila Nugraha
" Strategis..nyaman...pelayanan islami...tempat luas..parkir luas
30 December 2017yang saya tau disini menerima layanan BPJS sesuai dengan alur yg ditetapkan dr BPJS "
Yudistira Nugraha
" A good hospital, but the emergency service not quite good at all "
26 November 2017Anggy Priyandi
" Clean hospital, good place for medical check up "
18 November 2017Nikman H. Djauhari
" Good services. But, in some cases, the diagnoses of diseases were not specific/accurate. "
25 October 2017Pebriani Efendi
" Pelayanan buruk. Yg BPJS di kesampingkan, tidak ada penanganan dari dokter. Masuk dri sabtu malam sampai senin belum ada dokter yg memeriksa.
16 October 2017Ini orang sakit menyangkut nyawa, tolong dong rumah sakit besar masa tidak ada dokter yg menangani. "
" Luas, bersih, lengkap, pelayanannya bagus.
25 September 2017Menerima BPJS.
Kantinnya selalu ramai dengan makanan serba ada. "
Sukanto Suraj
" The Staff and doctors/nurses are friendly caring and helpful. "
22 July 2017Sukanto Suraj
" The Staff and doctors/nurses are friendly caring and helpful. "
22 July 2017Gilang Bhaskara
" A big hospital with big parking space.
09 July 2017After I took a picture, I notice a sign that said 'No photos allowed'. But I don't erase it, and posted here anyway. "
Agus Saptana
" Very welcomed staff.. "
29 April 2017Wanda Putra
" I heard a lot of good review about this Hospital. Until we had our own experience and found out that it was really great. My Dad had an heart attack few days ago, it was really a hard time for me and my family, Alhamdulillah we are really grateful that my Dad had the best care from Al Islam Hospital with all the team that they have. Good services and u can find all the nicest smile that you need. Thank you Al Islam, may Allah blessed in every way.... 🙏😇 "
15 April 2017Rahadian Ramdhani
" Pelayanan dan dokternya ramah, menerima pasien umum dan BPJS, fasilitasnya pun cukup lengkap. "
12 February 2017Tatung Mustari
" Islamic hospital "
20 September 2016Mimin Mulyati
" Thank you RSAI... was to became a part of my soul ... "
08 September 2016Danu Urang
" The greatest of Hospital in Bandung,,All Susters and all services is very good and has a patience. But for MRI and Others Important Hospitallity equipments must be equiped..Thank you RS-Al Islam "
31 August 2016Irlan Syah
" Ok "
24 July 2016Muhammad Alfian Rasyidin
" Bersih "
04 June 2016Eduard Simatupang
" Daftar perlatan
01 April 2016- 2 USG Toshiba Aplio 500 dan 1 USG Siemens
- 1 Toshiba Rontgen dan 1 Hitachi Rontgen
- 1 Toshiba CT-Scan 160 slices
- 3 Drypix laser imager
Secara perlengkapan cukup memadai dan update. Smoga playanan nya juga demikian "
Safira Nys
" Helpful staff but always crowded. Even the patient should wait to be hospitalized. But now they're upgrading the place, yeay!
11 December 2015You can easily find bathroom, canteen and minimarket. Parking area is quite large. "
Dini Anggraeni
" AzZ "
16 June 2014Ichsan Suhada
" Mudah2an sing dilancarkeun sagala rupina... amiin Yaa Rabb "
08 September 2012