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About Toko Buku & Busana Muslim Al-Amin

Toko Buku & Busana Muslim Al-Amin is a book store, located at Jalan Raya Pajajaran No. 9C, Baranangsiang, Bogor Timur, Baranangsiang, Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16143, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 8370442, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 28

Teh Umy

" So many Islamic books for kids or adult, herbal medicine and stationary at 1st floor.
Muslim fashion at 2nd floor,really nice "

03 January 2020

Medis Barjana

" Sell any kibds moslem stuffs, from herbal to syar'i cloths for men n , women "

21 December 2019

Siti Sarah Febrihartina

" Recomended islamic needs "

21 October 2019

Fattrias Jayaatmaja

" It's not quite big, but you can find almost all you need about muslim needs. "

18 September 2019

Muhammad Istigfarid

" Loved it. Islamic looking store front. "

07 July 2019

Istigfarid Muhammad

" Great store for Islamic knowledge needs.
Clean and sophisticated inside store looks. Just by keeping it simple I guess.
May Awlooh keep the profits for the owner of this store. Barokawlohulak "

05 July 2019

Muhammad Reza Pahlevi

" what are looking for? The Islamic Book? Al Quran? Muslim Perfume? Muslim Chlotes? Muslim Herbal? The Al Amin shop is your answer. They had all of you want. Very nice "

08 May 2019

Muhammad Reza Pahlevi

" what are looking for? The Islamic Book? Al Quran? Muslim Perfume? Muslim Chlotes? Muslim Herbal? The Al Amin shop is your answer. They had all of you want. Very nice "

08 May 2019

Kharisma Tamimi

" the store is located in strategic area, near to bus station. I thought they only sell Islamic books, yet they also provide muslim wears (clothes, scarf, accessories) with affordable price. If you have a member card, you will get 10% discount of any purchase in this store. they will close the store on praying time. so make sure you visit the store not on praying time, unless you want to wait for several minutes. "

21 April 2019

Kharisma Tamimi

" the store is located in strategic area, near to bus station. I thought they only sell Islamic books, yet they also provide muslim wears (clothes, scarf, accessories) with affordable price. If you have a member card, you will get 10% discount of any purchase in this store. they will close the store on praying time. so make sure you visit the store not on praying time, unless you want to wait for several minutes. "

21 April 2019

Barry Pramudya

" All kinds of islamic books, kids books, stationeries, herbs, honey, they have everything in orderly stacks. The price is good but the location is not, hard to park as its sits next to bus terminal. "

19 April 2019

Anggiani Melisa

" Buku2 nya lengkap.. "

05 November 2018

Ig/fb Penasunnahtour

" One of the best book store in town. "

02 September 2018

Trianto Alfarisi

" Good price "

05 August 2018

Erma Julya Sekar Arum

" The employee are so kind and the place is comfortable. This is the complete Moslem equipment store, insyaa Allah. "

29 July 2018

Mohammad Soleh

" good "

10 May 2018


" good service. barokallah "

09 February 2018

Ridha Ardhya Nastiti

" Toko bukunya lumayan lengkap nih. Selain menjual buku2 juga menjual alat tulis, kaset2 anak, herbal & busana muslim. Oh iya, yang cari2 poster untuk sekolah, disini juga ada lho..
Member bisa dapet diskon yg lumayan tiap belanja. Buku2nya menurut saya lumayan lengkaaappp.
Tokonya ada dideretan terminal baranangsiang, ngga jauh dr terminal malah 👍👍👍👍👍 "

20 January 2018

Nunik Suryati

" Buku islam yang dijual lengkap.apalagi banyak jenisnya buku paket untuk tpa dan tka.komik anak islam juga ada.klo punya kartu member bisa dapet diskon.klo belanja banyak dapet hadiah. Ada payung.gelas.tumbler.dapet gamis harga 80 bahan katun.cakep "

24 October 2017


" Lokasi strategis, menyediakan koleksi buku-buku agama dan alat tulis, pelayanan baik, tersedia tempat parkir dan harga produk terjangkau. "

31 July 2017

Heri Sapari

" Tempat nya strategis "

29 June 2017

Bambang Herlambang

" Sebagai syiar dalam ekonomi yg berbasis syariah. "

20 June 2017

Wisma Pakuan

" One of the cheapest store to buy muslim/ah clothings and abundant of books. "

13 April 2017

Toko Buku Al-Amin

" Mitra Hidup Islami "

08 February 2017

Hasbi Maulana

" ok "

04 February 2017

Fathur Rohman

" Toko Buku Islam terlengkap di Bogor "

09 December 2016

M.faridsugianto Farid

" gpp "

27 March 2016

Aisyah Iadha

" Nice place to shop muslimah cloth. I always buy long skirt in here "

22 February 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM