" The best basketball outdoor court only in Jambi city, the concrete floor is decorated with holes but that is not the point. The point is, this court is legendary for most of basketball players in Jambi. "
17 April 2018
Muhammad Ichsan RahmatDiansyah
" 👍👍 "
22 December 2017
Lsm Ipkad
" Tempat latihan basket anak muda jambi "
01 December 2017
Pitchen NusaPERSADA
" This is the place for most of the local teens to train and match their basic capability in improving the techniques of basketball playing. "
26 October 2017
Hendri Hen
" Lapangan basket puncak cocok untuk anak2 latihan "
07 September 2017
Yosua Sianipar
" great place "
01 September 2017
Dusa Okami
" One of basketball court in Jambi "
28 July 2017
Fian Fian
" tempat kumpul2 anak2 muda buat salurkan hoby olahraga terutama basket "
15 July 2017
Zbudiya Yanto
" Tempat latihan basket sangat populer di Jambi dan berdampingan dengan Yayasan rumah duka "
01 July 2017
Johan Chen
" Nyaman, tenang.cocok untuk latihan basket "
18 February 2017
Devid Harlen
" Lapangan Basket Terbuka yg sangat nyaman dengan tempat Duduk penonton yg banyak. Lapangan terbuka dengan tempat duduk penonton yg baik satu"nya di jambi. "
David Hendrik
" main basket "
25 May 2018Hardy Liga
" The best basketball outdoor court only in Jambi city, the concrete floor is decorated with holes but that is not the point. The point is, this court is legendary for most of basketball players in Jambi. "
17 April 2018Muhammad Ichsan RahmatDiansyah
" 👍👍 "
22 December 2017Lsm Ipkad
" Tempat latihan basket anak muda jambi "
01 December 2017Pitchen NusaPERSADA
" This is the place for most of the local teens to train and match their basic capability in improving the techniques of basketball playing. "
26 October 2017Hendri Hen
" Lapangan basket puncak cocok untuk anak2 latihan "
07 September 2017Yosua Sianipar
" great place "
01 September 2017Dusa Okami
" One of basketball court in Jambi "
28 July 2017Fian Fian
" tempat kumpul2 anak2 muda buat salurkan hoby olahraga terutama basket "
15 July 2017Zbudiya Yanto
" Tempat latihan basket sangat populer di Jambi dan berdampingan dengan Yayasan rumah duka "
01 July 2017Johan Chen
" Nyaman, tenang.cocok untuk latihan basket "
18 February 2017Devid Harlen
" Lapangan Basket Terbuka yg sangat nyaman dengan tempat Duduk penonton yg banyak. Lapangan terbuka dengan tempat duduk penonton yg baik satu"nya di jambi. "
27 January 2017