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About Terminal Bus Terpadu Pulo Gebang

Terminal Bus Terpadu Pulo Gebang is a bus station, located at RT.11/RW.3, Pulo Gebang, Cakung, Pulo Gebang, Cakung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13950, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 36

Jamalludin Bae

" Tiap minggu pulang kampung dari sini, nyaman rempat nya, calo nya juga kebanyakan karyawan PO bus. Aman dan toilet nya juga lumayan bersih.. "

15 April 2018

Muhammad Erward

" Clean, have seated, large, only need add free wifi here so people will feel happy "

09 March 2018

Weka99 WeKa

" Great bus terminal for many destination... "

21 January 2018

Insan Yan Mafahir

" Gedung nya bagus , pada saat saya menulis ini beberapa fasilitas sudah rusak, seperti elevator . Yang sangat mengganggu adalah calo dan asap roko , tolong pihak terkait diawasi , karena ini ruang tertutup, banyak yang bawa anak2 juga. Tertibkan dong, yang merokok diruangan kebanyakan dari kru dan personil bis di area loket . "

18 December 2017

Muhammad Riza

" Fasilitas sudah bagus. Eskalator dan lift berfungsi. Parkirnya juga bagus.

Yang cukup disayangkan adalah banyaknya calo yang berkeliaran. Beberapa penumpang yang saya temui tertipu harga tiket yang lebih mahal Rp. 100.000,00 dibandingkan harga aslinya. Harap berhati-hati. Saran saya lebih baik membeli tiket dari Redbus atau loket resmi. "

16 December 2017

Syafril Umar Rofiq

" Need more tenants for public service. Big mosque, but need improvement for cleanliness
Good service of information need from staff "

27 October 2017

Ibnu Windarta

" My favourite place when it comes to escaping flights, wkkkkkkkkk "

17 September 2017

Tom Delonge

" good bus station but need more effort to make it clean & steady "

14 September 2017

Cendera Wirawan

" Need some cleaning and services improvement, and still not impress qith it but better than the others. "

03 August 2017

Teguh Sriwidjayanto

" The largest and the best bus station of Southeast Asia "

09 July 2017

Pertam Indonesia

" I'm concerned about this place's cleanliness. Usually many public facilities in Indonesia have negative point in this aspect. I guess the management try quite hard to proof that they're different with the others "

05 July 2017

Salomo Aja

" Jika anda datang ke sini sebaiknya tidak usah mendengar kan calo calo yg dipinggir jalan atau mereka mengambil manfaat dari anda,langsung saja ke lantai 2 tempat penjualan tiket,dilantai 2 anda akan aman karena dikawal oleh satpam "

29 June 2017

Achmad Rosyid Imaduddin

" The biggest bus station in southeast Asia.. This place is huge and better than before (Pulo Gadung). With all those security guard in every corner, I feel bit safer but this place still have to more organized and people have to stop littering.
Most of AKAP busses to central and east java are available here, local (Jabotabek) public transportation also available as well. "

28 June 2017

Ahmad Musri

" Kondisi ruangan mirp di dlm mall ber msh byk yg merokok di dlm gedung...
Seperti nya blm layak d gunakan msh byk bagian bangunan yg blm selesai... "

24 June 2017

Griksa Panjialam

" new bus station "

23 June 2017

Ibnu Masud

" Ngalong. Pra online 3 bndera r2 atw. R4. Nya "

14 June 2017

Dimas Erfalano

" Terminal Bus yang sangat jempol Aku akui,Top markotop SeASEAN Coy.bener" kokoh tiada tanding sprti stadion soccer bae. "

16 May 2017

Senda Irawan Pratono

" One of the best station in east Jakarta. They have a big capacities for bus.

The building is so unique. I think they look a like Soekarno-Hatta Airport 3. "

13 May 2017

Chris Christiono

" ini baru namanya terpadu.
bisa link ke berbagai daerah & kota
(antar kota dalam provinsi, & antar kota antar provinsi) "

03 April 2017

CheFery Osteen

" Yes,this is one of the best of the bus station I've been ever seen after have long time use bus as my transportation in jakarta but I think it is still need improvement especially service for passengers to get information they need (twice already I never found the staff who incharge in information desk) "

16 March 2017

Darto To

" Sak jozzz ee.... "

13 March 2017

Halim W

" Awesome terminal bus station "

25 February 2017

Paul Mukidi

" They say this is the biggest bus station in Southeast Asia. Not so busy cos' people still feels remote. Not many public transport to and from this place. "

22 February 2017

Bosi Manurung

" One of The Biggest Bus Station In Jakarta, That Is To Far To Reach With So Many Other People Arround Jakarta, Because The Place Is Near To Bekasi, West Java. "

09 February 2017


" Joss "

15 January 2017

Syarif Hidayat

" The best from indonesia "

08 January 2017

Budhianto Anto

" Ok "

04 October 2016

Heri Cahyadi

" Not yet fully functioned. "

17 September 2016

Yales Warae

" Ok "

05 September 2016

Jek Separo

" Ok "

23 August 2016

Didik Setiawan

" Good transportation public buildings "

28 July 2016

Ai Nurhalimah

" Enakkk baru bukaa "

07 July 2016

Lucky Priambodo, SE

" semoga terminal bus terpadu yang katanya terbesar seasia tenggara bisa menjadi contoh yg baik dan pembangunan nya bisa cepat selesai :) "

21 May 2016

Cuci Mobil Motor BMJ

" Masih dalam tahap pembangunan
Semoga cepat rampung "

18 May 2016

Pratomo Harminanto

" Terminal bus terbesar di Asia Tenggara "

17 September 2015


" Terminal Nya Sangat Mewah "

19 July 2015

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