" A commuter train station in the heart of Jakarta's CBD. It has two convenience shops and a small starbucks outlet "
07 June 2018
Chandra Hidayat Prasetyo
" Nice station, great waitin place, you have to give more attention on mornin and afternoon of weekdays, its really crowded "
25 May 2018
Chandra Hidayat Prasetyo
" Nice station, great waitin place, you have to give more attention on mornin and afternoon of weekdays, its rally crowded "
15 May 2018
Radja Sitanggang
" Busiest train station, located in Central Jakarta. Very crowded place ,especially in the morning and afternoon. Very clean in all public area's, staff friendly and helpful. "
27 April 2018
Airlangga Jati Kusuma
" Salah stasiun krl paling nyaman yang ada di Jakarta menurut saya. Selain tempatnya yang cukup luas, terdapat huga minimartket dan tempat kopi yang bisa dinikmati sembari memunggu kereta datang. Oiya, pelayanan petugasnya ramah-ramah dan pintu masuknya luas, jadi bisa lega untuk masuk kedalamnya. "
22 April 2018
A Mulyadi
" One of the busiest commuters train station at Jakarta.
Location between Sudirman street and Thamrin street, the business center of Jakarta. "
22 April 2018
Achmad Saifud Thohari Nugroho
" Car Free Day even sunday at Sudirman road nwar sudirman station "
16 April 2018
Nugraheni Puji Astuti
" Cukup bersih, lengkap (ada banyak minimarket dan outlet makanan), petunjuk arah dll juga jelas.
Kalian bisa tunggu ojol datang di pasar blora, tunggu orderan ojol tiba di depan alfamart. Have a safe trip in Jakarta! "
13 April 2018
Jefri Tamba
" Great station although very busy, but that’s what you expect, with all trains leaving on time (that I went on) and was mostly litter free! "
12 April 2018
Denny Lukita
" Great train station, nice place, sometimes in the morning before 9 AM, very-very crowded, because its the main transport for people working in sudirman. the cheapest transport to go to work. love go wokring using train. It's precise on time when the train coming "
26 March 2018
" It is the railway station located in Sudirman, Jakarta, Indonesia. The station is look like an airport, modern railway station. Very nice station!! People in Jakarta can go to the airport by using Airport Train from this railway station. The ticket price are:
Sudirman to Soekarno-Hatta Airport 75k per pax
Sudirman to Batu Ceper 35k per pax "
02 March 2018
De Bo
" This very nice station. Have a coffe shop. Clean, good rest room area not too good but ok. Becareful when peak time, many people are there. "
02 November 2017
Ahmad Uzlif
" One of the best and bussiest commuter line station, there are starbuck, lawson and roti o "
31 October 2017
Suryadi Hertanto
" One of the busiest train station for commuter line.
But did not have parking space and very crowded.
Be patient if you want to go through this area, especially in the morning and evening. "
18 October 2017
Yohanes Gultom
" Nice station with plenty of stores (Lawson, Starbuck, Roti Boy, Indomaret Point), ATMs and free wifi. Just avoid going here on rush hours and trying to ride train along with office-time workers 😅 "
28 September 2017
Edhie Rahmat
" It is now becoming good and clean train station. Reachable from business area in Sudirman. "
20 September 2017
Ragil C. Larasati
" Very crowded on the weekdays since this is the nearest station to reach numerous workplaces.
You can casually buy a cup of joe at Starbucks, buy some snacks, and a quick hot bread at this station.
You can also withdraw bank notes since they provide ATM. "
17 September 2017
Emerald Makerti
" The prominent train station for the workers around Sudirman, Thamrin, and Senayan. Bustling with people constantly and packed to the brim at peak hours. The station is nice and clean, with comfy seating area. There is also a minimarket and Starbucks coffee here. "
27 August 2017
Abdillah Mauludi
" One of the busiest train station at Jakarta. Mostly on rush hour, the platform will extremely packed people, and extra ordinary crowded. But I love this station because near from my office building. They already make the mushola bigger, but still can't afford for current occupancy. "
02 August 2017
Stijn De Blauwe
" A crazy place. Packed with people. Super Busy. Should be 10 times bigger to be comfy. Not recommened for Western tourists "
23 June 2017
Zulfickar Adhitya Prakoso
" One of the busiest station in town. And beware of rush hour ! Cause you need more energy to get in to commuterline.
There are some stores for resting (such as Starbucks, Roti'o, Indomaret and Alfamart) while waiting the commuterline. And, don't forget there is free wifi in this station ! "
18 June 2017
Iman Prastyo
" one of most busiest station in Jakarta due to strategic location, will not coming to this place at the peak time of rush hour "
13 June 2017
Farraas Muhdiar
" Of of the most comfortable and modern train station in Jakarta, but it's really jam-packed with (rushing and often rude) people during busy hours. "
09 June 2017
Khais Raihan
" Tiny station for bunches of commuters.. need upgrade (for sure) .. there are roti'o, Starbucks and indomaret for quick-bite/drink "
24 May 2017
Dany Ismanu
" One of the busiest train station in Jakarta. Connected but need a little walk into TransJakarta bus shelter "
23 May 2017
Raihan Aulia
" Main commuter station in Jakarta, complete with some retails and coffee shops. Cons: small building, toilets are located far, far away on the farthest edge of the platform. "
23 May 2017
Audi Kasbara
" It is possibly the busiest commuter train station in Jakarta during business hours while it is not a transit station. "
28 April 2017
Slamet Riadi
" Good and clean stasiun. Not big but have some coffe shop and food shop "
06 April 2017
Albert Bima
" Not recommended when rush hours but everything is great, clean and helpful officer "
23 March 2017
Dzul Khairina Tamimi
" Pretty modern architecture, but I think it can not accommodate passengers anymore at peak hour (6 pm - 7 pm) "
13 March 2017
Ichlasul Affan
" Greatly furnished small station. Able to accomodate millions of people commuting at this station. "
26 February 2017
Sendy Arkida
" Its architecture, its ambience, its cleanliness. Everything! "
08 February 2017
Kuro Yamagata
" One the best station on jabodetabek with modern architecure design "
28 January 2017
Nino JakClubbers
" I should ride the train more, it's not like I imagine it would be, so clean and srsly this station has Starbucks! "
08 November 2016
" Nice station layout, Ground/Elevated entrance, strategic place for workers and city folks. One of the most crowded station during rush hour. "
20 August 2016
Suryadi Hertanto
" One of the busiest train station for commuter line.
But did not have parking space. "
23 July 2016
Arip Hidayat
" Great Commuter Line (Train) Station. Located at Jakarta central business district. have coffe shop, convenient store, bread store, etc "
12 July 2016
Todo Sibuea
" Awesome train station. Clean and modern. However, it's always crowded during rush hour. So, it won't be easy to find chairs to sit down. If you're hungry or need something quick to eat or drink, you can go to 7-11, Roti-O, Starbucks, and Indomaret which are located inside the station. Great positioning! Outside the station, there's only one convenient store; Alfamart. "
Pradono Anindito
" A commuter train station in the heart of Jakarta's CBD. It has two convenience shops and a small starbucks outlet "
07 June 2018Chandra Hidayat Prasetyo
" Nice station, great waitin place, you have to give more attention on mornin and afternoon of weekdays, its really crowded "
25 May 2018Chandra Hidayat Prasetyo
" Nice station, great waitin place, you have to give more attention on mornin and afternoon of weekdays, its rally crowded "
15 May 2018Radja Sitanggang
" Busiest train station, located in Central Jakarta. Very crowded place ,especially in the morning and afternoon. Very clean in all public area's, staff friendly and helpful. "
27 April 2018Airlangga Jati Kusuma
" Salah stasiun krl paling nyaman yang ada di Jakarta menurut saya. Selain tempatnya yang cukup luas, terdapat huga minimartket dan tempat kopi yang bisa dinikmati sembari memunggu kereta datang. Oiya, pelayanan petugasnya ramah-ramah dan pintu masuknya luas, jadi bisa lega untuk masuk kedalamnya. "
22 April 2018A Mulyadi
" One of the busiest commuters train station at Jakarta.
22 April 2018Location between Sudirman street and Thamrin street, the business center of Jakarta. "
Achmad Saifud Thohari Nugroho
" Car Free Day even sunday at Sudirman road nwar sudirman station "
16 April 2018Nugraheni Puji Astuti
" Cukup bersih, lengkap (ada banyak minimarket dan outlet makanan), petunjuk arah dll juga jelas.
Kalian bisa tunggu ojol datang di pasar blora, tunggu orderan ojol tiba di depan alfamart. Have a safe trip in Jakarta! "
Jefri Tamba
" Great station although very busy, but that’s what you expect, with all trains leaving on time (that I went on) and was mostly litter free! "
12 April 2018Denny Lukita
" Great train station, nice place, sometimes in the morning before 9 AM, very-very crowded, because its the main transport for people working in sudirman. the cheapest transport to go to work. love go wokring using train. It's precise on time when the train coming "
26 March 2018Mustikasv
" It is the railway station located in Sudirman, Jakarta, Indonesia. The station is look like an airport, modern railway station. Very nice station!! People in Jakarta can go to the airport by using Airport Train from this railway station. The ticket price are:
02 March 2018Sudirman to Soekarno-Hatta Airport 75k per pax
Sudirman to Batu Ceper 35k per pax "
De Bo
" This very nice station. Have a coffe shop. Clean, good rest room area not too good but ok. Becareful when peak time, many people are there. "
02 November 2017Ahmad Uzlif
" One of the best and bussiest commuter line station, there are starbuck, lawson and roti o "
31 October 2017Suryadi Hertanto
" One of the busiest train station for commuter line.
18 October 2017But did not have parking space and very crowded.
Be patient if you want to go through this area, especially in the morning and evening. "
Yohanes Gultom
" Nice station with plenty of stores (Lawson, Starbuck, Roti Boy, Indomaret Point), ATMs and free wifi. Just avoid going here on rush hours and trying to ride train along with office-time workers 😅 "
28 September 2017Edhie Rahmat
" It is now becoming good and clean train station. Reachable from business area in Sudirman. "
20 September 2017Ragil C. Larasati
" Very crowded on the weekdays since this is the nearest station to reach numerous workplaces.
17 September 2017You can casually buy a cup of joe at Starbucks, buy some snacks, and a quick hot bread at this station.
You can also withdraw bank notes since they provide ATM. "
Emerald Makerti
" The prominent train station for the workers around Sudirman, Thamrin, and Senayan. Bustling with people constantly and packed to the brim at peak hours. The station is nice and clean, with comfy seating area. There is also a minimarket and Starbucks coffee here. "
27 August 2017Abdillah Mauludi
" One of the busiest train station at Jakarta. Mostly on rush hour, the platform will extremely packed people, and extra ordinary crowded. But I love this station because near from my office building. They already make the mushola bigger, but still can't afford for current occupancy. "
02 August 2017Stijn De Blauwe
" A crazy place. Packed with people. Super Busy. Should be 10 times bigger to be comfy. Not recommened for Western tourists "
23 June 2017Zulfickar Adhitya Prakoso
" One of the busiest station in town. And beware of rush hour ! Cause you need more energy to get in to commuterline.
18 June 2017There are some stores for resting (such as Starbucks, Roti'o, Indomaret and Alfamart) while waiting the commuterline. And, don't forget there is free wifi in this station ! "
Iman Prastyo
" one of most busiest station in Jakarta due to strategic location, will not coming to this place at the peak time of rush hour "
13 June 2017Farraas Muhdiar
" Of of the most comfortable and modern train station in Jakarta, but it's really jam-packed with (rushing and often rude) people during busy hours. "
09 June 2017Khais Raihan
" Tiny station for bunches of commuters.. need upgrade (for sure) .. there are roti'o, Starbucks and indomaret for quick-bite/drink "
24 May 2017Dany Ismanu
" One of the busiest train station in Jakarta. Connected but need a little walk into TransJakarta bus shelter "
23 May 2017Raihan Aulia
" Main commuter station in Jakarta, complete with some retails and coffee shops. Cons: small building, toilets are located far, far away on the farthest edge of the platform. "
23 May 2017Audi Kasbara
" It is possibly the busiest commuter train station in Jakarta during business hours while it is not a transit station. "
28 April 2017Slamet Riadi
" Good and clean stasiun. Not big but have some coffe shop and food shop "
06 April 2017Albert Bima
" Not recommended when rush hours but everything is great, clean and helpful officer "
23 March 2017Dzul Khairina Tamimi
" Pretty modern architecture, but I think it can not accommodate passengers anymore at peak hour (6 pm - 7 pm) "
13 March 2017Ichlasul Affan
" Greatly furnished small station. Able to accomodate millions of people commuting at this station. "
26 February 2017Sendy Arkida
" Its architecture, its ambience, its cleanliness. Everything! "
08 February 2017Kuro Yamagata
" One the best station on jabodetabek with modern architecure design "
28 January 2017Nino JakClubbers
" I should ride the train more, it's not like I imagine it would be, so clean and srsly this station has Starbucks! "
08 November 2016Tegartsaputra
" Nice station layout, Ground/Elevated entrance, strategic place for workers and city folks. One of the most crowded station during rush hour. "
20 August 2016Suryadi Hertanto
" One of the busiest train station for commuter line.
23 July 2016But did not have parking space. "
Arip Hidayat
" Great Commuter Line (Train) Station. Located at Jakarta central business district. have coffe shop, convenient store, bread store, etc "
12 July 2016Todo Sibuea
" Awesome train station. Clean and modern. However, it's always crowded during rush hour. So, it won't be easy to find chairs to sit down. If you're hungry or need something quick to eat or drink, you can go to 7-11, Roti-O, Starbucks, and Indomaret which are located inside the station. Great positioning! Outside the station, there's only one convenient store; Alfamart. "
12 July 2016