" Just a Little Station Near Ancol Beach,I been to this station before. "
27 May 2018
Gumilang Mohamad Yani
" Quiet place "
02 May 2018
Indra Siregar
" The station is small. However it is located in strategic location. It is near Ancol, one of favorite destination in Jakarta. "
07 March 2018
Muslim AR
" Stasiun ini sepi, dan hanya ramai musim liburan saja. Lihat foto yang saya upload untuk jadwal kereta yang melintas. "
29 December 2017
Wahyu Budi Setyawan
" Stasiun ini telah beroperasi. Dilayani oleh komuter line rute sta jkt kota - sta tj priok pd waktu-waktu tertentu. Sehari enam kali pp. Dari jam 6 pg sampai jam 19.20. Kereta terakhir ke sta Kota. Sekarang peron sdg diperpanjang. "
14 September 2017
Ichlasul Affan
" Very small train station which only serves train with 4 carriages. Train arrives always on time, but less choices since there are only a few trains operated here. "
19 July 2017
Rama Ibrahim
" Msh sepi pengunjung. CL jadwal nya stgh jam sekali untuk ke St. Jakarta Kota. Terakhir jadwal ke St Jakarta Kota dr St Ancol jam 19.00 WIB.
Dr st. Ancol ke seaworld, dufan dll. Bisa naik angkot M.15. Nanti turun di gerbang barat. Lanjut byr tiket 25 rb/org (anak diatas 1th udh byr normal).
Gak jauh dr tmpt beli tiket ada halte bis wara-wiri (Jalur selatan). Naik wara-wiri gratis yaa..
Khusus ke seaworld turun dihalte terakhir.
Msk ke seaworld byr 110rb/org (buat yg bw anak dipinjamkan trolly dgn syarat dititipkan ke CS seaworld KTP nya). "
12 June 2017
Rara Yunisda Pangesti
" I just visit this place 1 hour ago. The schedule of the commuter line was precised. The service was good, too. However it doesn't has many choose of the schedule.
That's the schedule of the commuter line from Stasiun Tanjung Priok to Ancol or the other way. "
12 June 2017
Adjie Pratama
" Jadwal masih dikit "
07 May 2017
Yanna Rasidin
" So quite it closed around 5pm "
19 April 2017
Amrizal Bahari
" Hmmm "
26 March 2017
Rara Yunisda Pangesti
" I just visit this place 1 hour ago. The schedule of the commuter line was precised. The service was good, too. However the schedule is not much. "
13 March 2017
Yonatan Purba
" Tambah lagi jadwal ke Ancol "
02 February 2017
Budi Budi
" Stasiun Ancol dekat dari rumah, bersih dan dekat kepintu 3 ancol "
15 January 2017
Fauzan Happy
" Lumayan bisa ke Ancol tanpa macet "
18 December 2016
Yonatan Purba
" Best Station in Jakarta "
17 December 2016
Endra Prasetiono
" Dekat rumah "
23 October 2016
Wahyu Budi Setyawan
" Stasiun ini telah beroperasi. Dilayani oleh komuter line rute sta jkt kota - sta tj priok pd waktu-waktu tertentu. Sehari enam kali pp. Dari jam 6 pg sampai jam 18. "
10 October 2016
Aiesuminar Aie
" Kira kira stasiun ancol udah buka apa belimnya soalnya besol gw pengen ke ancol jawabnyacepet dong pihaknya "
Apiek Bachter
" Just a Little Station Near Ancol Beach,I been to this station before. "
27 May 2018Gumilang Mohamad Yani
" Quiet place "
02 May 2018Indra Siregar
" The station is small. However it is located in strategic location. It is near Ancol, one of favorite destination in Jakarta. "
07 March 2018Muslim AR
" Stasiun ini sepi, dan hanya ramai musim liburan saja. Lihat foto yang saya upload untuk jadwal kereta yang melintas. "
29 December 2017Wahyu Budi Setyawan
" Stasiun ini telah beroperasi. Dilayani oleh komuter line rute sta jkt kota - sta tj priok pd waktu-waktu tertentu. Sehari enam kali pp. Dari jam 6 pg sampai jam 19.20. Kereta terakhir ke sta Kota. Sekarang peron sdg diperpanjang. "
14 September 2017Ichlasul Affan
" Very small train station which only serves train with 4 carriages. Train arrives always on time, but less choices since there are only a few trains operated here. "
19 July 2017Rama Ibrahim
" Msh sepi pengunjung. CL jadwal nya stgh jam sekali untuk ke St. Jakarta Kota. Terakhir jadwal ke St Jakarta Kota dr St Ancol jam 19.00 WIB.
12 June 2017Dr st. Ancol ke seaworld, dufan dll. Bisa naik angkot M.15. Nanti turun di gerbang barat. Lanjut byr tiket 25 rb/org (anak diatas 1th udh byr normal).
Gak jauh dr tmpt beli tiket ada halte bis wara-wiri (Jalur selatan). Naik wara-wiri gratis yaa..
Khusus ke seaworld turun dihalte terakhir.
Msk ke seaworld byr 110rb/org (buat yg bw anak dipinjamkan trolly dgn syarat dititipkan ke CS seaworld KTP nya). "
Rara Yunisda Pangesti
" I just visit this place 1 hour ago. The schedule of the commuter line was precised. The service was good, too. However it doesn't has many choose of the schedule.
12 June 2017That's the schedule of the commuter line from Stasiun Tanjung Priok to Ancol or the other way. "
Adjie Pratama
" Jadwal masih dikit "
07 May 2017Yanna Rasidin
" So quite it closed around 5pm "
19 April 2017Amrizal Bahari
" Hmmm "
26 March 2017Rara Yunisda Pangesti
" I just visit this place 1 hour ago. The schedule of the commuter line was precised. The service was good, too. However the schedule is not much. "
13 March 2017Yonatan Purba
" Tambah lagi jadwal ke Ancol "
02 February 2017Budi Budi
" Stasiun Ancol dekat dari rumah, bersih dan dekat kepintu 3 ancol "
15 January 2017Fauzan Happy
" Lumayan bisa ke Ancol tanpa macet "
18 December 2016Yonatan Purba
" Best Station in Jakarta "
17 December 2016Endra Prasetiono
" Dekat rumah "
23 October 2016Wahyu Budi Setyawan
" Stasiun ini telah beroperasi. Dilayani oleh komuter line rute sta jkt kota - sta tj priok pd waktu-waktu tertentu. Sehari enam kali pp. Dari jam 6 pg sampai jam 18. "
10 October 2016Aiesuminar Aie
" Kira kira stasiun ancol udah buka apa belimnya soalnya besol gw pengen ke ancol jawabnyacepet dong pihaknya "
08 July 2016