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St. John Paul II Major Seminary, Arcdiocese of Jakarta


About St. John Paul II Major Seminary, Arcdiocese of Jakarta

St. John Paul II Major Seminary, Arcdiocese of Jakarta is a company, located at 7 Jalan Cempaka Putih Timur 25, Jakarta 10510, Indonesia. Visit their website, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

The Seminary of Saint John Paul II (Latin: Seminarium Maius St. Ioannis Pauli II) is an educational institution for prospective diocesan priests within the Archdiocese of Jakarta. Because it is domiciled in the Archdiocese of Jakarta, this seminary can also be abbreviated as STKAJ. The seminary's main house is on Jl. Cempaka Putih Timur XXV, no. 7-8, Cempaka Putih Timur, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. The Pastoral Orientation Year House is at Wisma Pruhita, Klender.



Item Reviews - 13

Paulina Ping

" ♡ mari misa di Kapel sini.
♡ Berkah Dalem. "

24 May 2018

Brigitta Maria

" tempat yang meneduhkan hati. "

17 February 2018

Pak Gito

" Aku setiap Kamis ke II mesti kesini, mengikuti pertemuan para devosan kerahiman yg dipimpin Romo Joko, tempat ini para calon pastur Projo digembleng. "

13 January 2018

Fajartwk Yogya

" Sejuk "

19 September 2017

Jaime F

" Muy buen trabajo de educacion religiosa "

14 August 2017

Frans Herdi

" Kawah candradimuka untuk para romo Projo, yang nantinya bertugas di struktural keuskupan, termasuk di paroki2 "

31 July 2017

Jati Nugroho

" Do this as a remembrance of me "

12 July 2017

Yuan Art Games

" Tempatnya teduh, tempatnya juga bikin ayem "

11 April 2017

Yohanes Bara

" Pusat pendidikan calon-calon Imam. "

24 March 2017

Priskila Aminah

" Sekolah calon biarawan terbesar di kota jogjakarta. "

13 March 2017

Imam Babaco

" Alami banyak pohon "

10 February 2017

Fajar Indrajaya

" Pergilah... Kau diutus "

28 May 2016

Wegig Pique

" Cita cita saya bersekolah disini "

04 November 2015

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