About RS Mitra Keluarga Kalideres
RS Mitra Keluarga Kalideres is a hospital, located at Jl. Peta Selatan No.1, RT.10/RW.01, Kalideres, RT.7/RW.11, Kalideres, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11840, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 22523700, visit their website www.mitrakeluarga.com for more detailed information.
Agung Widjaya
" Not friendly at all, u can find better hospital than this one "
02 March 2020Anisa Syp
" In terms of facilities and cleanliness is already good, but in terms of hospitality is still less, there are some officers who are not friendly and seem arrogant "
16 January 2020Chin Serng Siew
" Horrible, unfriendly and slow response for stroke that cost my mother in law's life. "
29 October 2019Emery Filemon
" The word hospitality is lost from this hospital. On the ground floor, the seats are piled up one to another, forcing visitors to stand up while waiting. What should have been a welcoming and warm lobby is nothing but a vast empty room because all the visitors are cramped up to the limited seats in front of the elevator.
01 September 2019Very disappointing. "
Annisa Gian
" its so clean its so good "
01 June 2019Lucy Sihite
" Very poor quality!
30 April 2019Desperately need improvement even for the doctors
I need to wait more than 5 hours only for lab result "
Hendry Lim
" Been here a few times and the service gets worse every time. Probably will not look for medical care from this hospital. Average time you need to expect from the moment you start to queue until you see the doctor is 2 hours+. Better look elsewhere "
20 February 2019Reni Handuweni
" The administration staffs are not friendly and the waiting is very long.
18 February 2019They have a strange way of queuing number.
They do not have separate counter to just everything done and paid fast instead they put it together with the incomjng patients.
As i need to reimburse to my office and i need specific document and asked them if they can help to print but they way one of the staff's answer is using unpleasant note that making me feel like underestimate.
Anyway I PAY FULL FOR THE HOSPITAL they should be grateful.
The doctor that handle me was nice at least "
Reni Handuweni
" The administration staffs are not friendly and the waiting is very long.
18 February 2019They have a strange way of queuing number.
They do not have separate counter to just everything done and paid fast instead they put it together with the incomjng patients.
As i need to reimburse to my office and i need specific document and asked them if they can help to print but they way one of the staff's answer is using unpleasant note that making me feel like underestimate.
Anyway I PAY FULL FOR THE HOSPITAL they should be grateful.
The doctor that handle me was nice at least "
Herry Lie
" Ok "
07 August 2018Marhali
" RS mitra good job "
20 June 2018Badaruzaman Badaruzaman
" 1. Dokter dan perawat : Baik
19 May 20182. Fasilitas : Dibedakan kamar antara BPJS dengan umum. Parkir luas.
3. Administrasi keluar kamar : lama, 6 jam baru keluar rincian biaya untuk dibayar. "
Coanks Love
" new building, very clean, IGD (ER) staffs and doctor are very friendly, good services provided by them. "
28 February 2018Fav Me
" Dokternya baik baik..teliti ..dan sabar ..
27 November 2017Menurut q sih the best deh..
Klo konsul juga santai jelasinya detail.
Bahkan klo d hub via wa pun balas ...
Tks dokter "
Herman Tan
" Rumah sakit khusus orang kaya! Anak usia 4 bulan ditelantarkan pada jumat subuh pukul 4 WIB karena tidak mampu bayar UANG JAMINAN sebesar 19,8 juta, untuk masuk ruang PICU.
20 September 2017Keluarga hanya mampu membayar 5 juta, tapi ditolak oleh petugas, dan atasannya pun tidak memberi izin!
Meski dokter nya bagus dan peralatannya lengkap, tapi jujur, MORAL rumah sakit seperti ini buruk, mendahulukan UANG ketimbang NYAWA.
Sangat tidak saya rekomendasikan bagi yang mau berobat, masih banyak rumah sakit lain yang lebih santun, lebih manusiawi dalam melayani pasiennya. "
Andika Zuhdi
" Ya allah semoga tidak terulang kembali kasus bayi debora di rumah sakit ini "
15 September 2017Angel Vitz
" Rumah sakitnya Bagus bersih nyaman... Ada kantin yg lumayan harga ny murah.. Pelayanan nya ramah dokter dan suster nya pun baik baik tidak galak.. Ada atm nya juga.. Ada cafe nya juga.. "
30 August 2017Erwin Wang
" Good services, but quite long waiting for the services. But still it's understandable since they do provide a good medical service. "
05 August 2017Andhika Kenzie Alaric
" pelayanan nya jauh bgt sama tetangga sebelah nya... dan biaya berobat jg jauh lbh murah dari tetangga... "
17 May 2017Agung Subianto
" bahagia bersama mitra keluarga kalideres.... life love laughter "
21 April 2017Siti Nurbaya
" Biarpun rumah sakit baru, tapi pelayanannya patut diacungi jempol. Dokternya muda2 tapi pintar2, cepat tanggap. Mau melakukan tindakan apa2, selalu dijelaskan. TOP pokoknya, ga minat sakit sih, tapi kalau sampe sakit saya mau kemari aja. "
05 April 2017Azzam Kusworo
" Biaya nya terlalu mahal,bukan untu kelas menengah ke bawah.kalo bisa untuk masyarakat miskin hindari di rawat di sini bisa bisa mati kurus mikirin biaya mahal.. "
05 March 2017Fadjar Nugroho
" Telepon jam 10 pagi nanya2 USG kehamilan dan jadwalnya, dilayani dan disambut dgn kejutekan CSnya, sepertinya mbanya lagi dateng bulan haha "
01 February 2017Liliana Kurniawati
" Rs yang mudah diakses dan memiliki dokter spesialis yang lengkap, terutama untuk kejadian trauma "
01 January 2017Arid Ilham Prawira
" Rumah sakit baru, bersih, rapih, pelayanan bagus, belum terlalu ramai, parkiran cukup luas, harga bicara. "
21 December 2016Muchamad Husyein
" Hanya lewat bro "
13 December 2016Teguh Febrianto Santoso
" Mantap "
26 September 2016Dedi Kurnia
" Rs baru nih "
15 July 2016Priska Tan
" Pelayanan cepat tanggap dan diagnosanya tepat "
08 June 2016Torang Panjaitan
" Keren pokoe! "
18 May 2016Dani Pedrosa Pedro
" Penanganan nya cepat tanggap "
10 March 2016Maliki Chandra
" Mantap ui "
24 August 2015Global Karya Sukses Scaffolding
" Clean "
12 August 2015