PT Phillip Asset Management
About PT Phillip Asset Management
PT Phillip Asset Management is a company, located at 33A Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10220, Indonesia. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
After its established in 2011, PT Phillip Asset Management obtained a business license as an Investment Manager from the OJK (Financial Services Authority) as stated in the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority No. KEP – 09/D.04/2014 dated on March 12nd 2014.Phillip Asset Management is a subsidiary of PT Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia which is part of the PhillipCapital Group (Singapore). Since 1975, PhillipCapital has developed as an integrated Asian financial institution and generally offers a wide range of quality and innovative services to retail, corporate and institutional customers.Currently, PhillipCapital (Headquarters in Singapore) has representatives in 16 countries which are members of stock exchanges as well.With our concern to become a trusted Investment Management company and a reliable partner in achieving customer's investment goals, PT Phillip Asset Management has released several products of Reksadana. Nowadays, we have 4 products :1. Phillip Rupiah Balanced Fund2. Phillip Money Market Fund3. Phillip Government Bond4. Phillip Money Market Syariah Bermanfaatfind out more about us hereWebsite : & Twitter : @phillipam_indoFB : Phillip Asset Management