PT. Dani Prisma Mitra
About PT. Dani Prisma Mitra
PT. Dani Prisma Mitra is a company, located at 47 Jalan Sultan Hasanudin, South Jakarta, Jakarta 12160, Indonesia. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Daniprisma was established in 1987 as family owned trading company. It was initially designed to house several business owned by the Arifin Family. The history of the company start from small dairy farm in 1966 by Mrs. Suhardani Arifin called Taurus Dairy Farm. As their four children grew and each having their own business, Mr. Bustanil Arifin thought that it was time to establish a home for the different companies the family owns.Mr. Bustanil gave the name Daniprisma, which means "Dani's Prism". Dani was taken from his wife's name Suhardani and the four children would be the four sides of the prism. A prism takes in light and transforms it into a ray of colors. Daniprisma's mission is to create value and benefit to everyone, from its staff to its customers and partners. Mr. Bustanil always says, "to prosper together."With endless challenges and rough obstacles, 30 years later Daniprisma has matured to be the solid operating holding company. Daniprisma has 29 subsidiaries including affiliate company that operate in wide range of industries from plantation, farm, manufacture, property, hospitality and theme park, dairy industries and international trading. Most distinguished companies are Yummy Food, Woodland Park Residence, Taman Bunga Nusantara, and Samawa Seaside Cottages.