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PT Cipta Sanalida Utama


About PT Cipta Sanalida Utama

PT Cipta Sanalida Utama is a company, located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

CSU is an Indonesian EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) Company founded in 1986. CSU has robust track record in completing more than 110 EPCI Infrastructure Projects delivered with high quality services and solutions for Indonesian SOEs and Public/Private Companies. Armed with broad spectrum of technical know-how, experience and proven track record of project execution across Indonesia, we are committed to bring value to our clients by delivering quality, certainty, safety and capital efficiency. Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals combine multiple aspects of technical & non-technical resources to ensure delivery of project timeline and cost target while ensuring regulatory compliance in our project deliverables.



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