MONEY CHANGER JAKARTA PLAZA PINANGSIA sebelah THE PLAZA HOTEL GLODOK is a bank, located at PLAZA PINANGSIA computercenter 2nd Floor No.23, Jakarta, Indonesia 11110. They can be contacted via phone at +62216261807 for more detailed information.
Roni Taner
" Biasa saja, pelayanan baik. Mungkin untuk kualitas di Berau sudah bagus juga. Tapi kalau di Tarakan sudah dapat lebih baik😀😀😀 "
20 May 2018Alden Krisma
" Bagus "
07 May 2018Marten Singal
" Biasa saja "
03 May 2018Nova Lahura
" Harganya terjangkau "
01 May 201872Daily
" Friendly price and clean "
28 April 2018Andrie Prima Yullio Wan.I.H
" Lumayan "
03 April 2018Dhydi Alamri
" Baik "
31 March 2018Adistya Mentari
" Booked this hotel through Airy Rooms. At the beginning kind of unsure about this hotel because I read some reviews that said this hotel might be noisy because there's a club upstairs. But fortunately our room doesn't get any noise problem. The room is clean, and spacy, totally worth the price. "
27 March 2018Rizky Amalia
" Good service & quality "
13 March 2018Steven Louis
" Just normal hotel, but cool place to stay for a night "
03 March 2018ManadoSatuNews Channel
" Great hotel "
03 March 2018Asian Trade Zone
" Cheaper hotel and and location and service nice room 3☆ "
02 March 2018Arioe Soedrajad
" Weq "
01 March 2018Alma Eveline
" Nice and clean room. Big Deluxe room. Tasty foods at the cafe. "
24 February 2018Pandu Rajasa
" Lumayan, mudah di jangkau, suasana yg sepi "
18 February 2018Heri Sundah
" Tempatnya di daerah yang bisa dijangkau "
30 January 2018Falco Flc
" Tempat dan pelaynan ny bagus.. "
30 January 2018Muhammad Ector Prasetyo
" Nothing special "
26 January 2018Uciha Dewastres
" Sangat bagus "
19 December 2017Fyan WaLnuTTree
" Murah meriah dan aman tentunya :) "
03 December 2017Abdul Gafur Gafur
" mantab "
02 November 2017Nissa Noviyasti
" Place a little bit hard to find "
24 September 2017Koba Kalengkongan
" Murah meriah dan masih banyak pelanggan. "
04 September 2017Asrul Lamarang
" Pelayanan di hotel plasa paling mantap "
30 August 2017Allan Tang
" Some of the rooms smells maybe because all the rooms has no windows. "
25 August 2017Thiess Windannar
" Belum bisa dibilang hotel, masih standar penginapan "
03 August 2017Asmara Yoga
" Tempatnya perlu pengelolaan dan penataan yang lebih baik.
27 July 2017Kerapihan dan kebersihan serta papan penunjuk arah akan sangat membantu. "
Iiam Smith
" Rooms are great, nice and clean.
13 July 2017The reason for the two stars is that there is a nightclub directly above and I remember lying in bed with my mate laughing hystericaly at how loud this music was, we could hear the room vibrating no joke. The other 18 members of my expedition team gave the same feedback. This was so bad that it was funny. Like how they can dismiss it unbelievable. Unless your absolutely smashed off of drugs or alcohol or been awake for 48 hours before hand don't plan on sleeping.
This was not just a one off as well we came back here after two weeks and it was the same. "
Lakshmimariyanto Datau
" The hotel is already closed. The building is now for sale "
03 July 2017Faisol Pito
" Pelayanannya kurang cepat merespon. Gak dapat sarapan pagi "
28 June 2017Rachmat Hidayat
" Lelah belanja kebutuhan barang Elektronik langaung nginap di the plaza lantai 3 lanjut ke Medan besoknya ...pelayanannya Ok "
09 March 2017Donny Kurniawan
" Good "
07 February 2017Bayu Damopolii
" Tempatnya lumayan asik, haya saja perlu di modernisasi "
30 January 2017Biomass 14
" Pelayanan cukup baik, pindah kamar dari tempat yg berisik /suara diskotik ke kamar yg lebih tenang mudah walaupun fasilitas sudah digunakan "
21 January 2017Yanto Mokodongan
" Karna jangkawan pusat kota "
03 January 2017Iwan Akung
" Tempat sya cari nafkah "
30 December 2016Cindy Triana
" The plaza hotel glodok tempatnya nyaman,kamarnya luas,pelayananny juga bagus,tiap hari kamar dibersihkan bahkan handuk dan sarung bantal bisa digantiin tiap hari "
10 December 2016OKE JACK Semarang
" Oke jack "
19 November 2016Theeddy O Marenteqx
" Lobi yang luas.. WIFI Gratis, terdapat pub dan massage room....
30 October 2016Harga terjangkau..dekat dengan pasar 45 Manado "
Gatot Widodo
" Kangen "
22 August 2016Riki Wardana
" Hotel murah meriah "
10 August 2016Noda Minoru
" あまり綺麗でも無いけどスタッフがみんなフレンドリー。GOLDENCROWNで遊ぶ人にはいい。夜は重低音が耐えない。 "
06 July 2016Recky Mugama
" Ada 1 discothèque dulu disini dan pada saat saya di dalam sempat kena Rasia Dari petugas.. Hahahahaha "
21 June 2016R Fahsa
" Pretty much just a love hotel, my impression this hotel is created just by putting a wall in a parking lot "
16 May 2016