About Local Coffee Koplo
Local Coffee Koplo is a cafe, located at Jalan Kebantenan III No. 9, Semper Timur, Cilincing, RT.7/RW.4, Semper Tim., Cilincing, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14130, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 838-1857-4101 for more detailed information.
Shintia Qiu
" Good place for kongkow 👋
17 May 2018Good taste for the coffee & food 👍
Price very friendly 🤑🤝 "
Neneng Jahidin
" It's a good place to hang out with yo friends it's cozy but there was many ppl who smoking. So for u that dont like to smell the smooke i dont recommend this place since it's outdoor only it's very good for coffee lover too it's opened in the evening "
01 December 2017Marsekal Bintang
" Fresh cup of coffee everytime! "
19 October 2017Marsekal Bintang
" This place is the authentically sell fresh cup of coffee, and the food was excellence.You'll find a cozyness inside their shop. This place is good to doing work with laptops "
14 October 2017Arief Budiman
" Kopi tuh digiling bukan digunting. Jadi buat lu pada yang pengen ngerasain kopi bener dan nyobain jenis kopi dari daerah di indonesia ditempat ini bisa jadi rekomendasi. Dijamin lu pada nikmatin secangkir kopi yg enak deh. "
08 October 2017Ahmad Chikareba
" Tempat asik untuk minum kopi kopi lokal cocok untuk nonton big match sepak bola bersama teman teman harga ekonomis "
07 September 2017Henri Purnomo Sinaga
" Perlu diupgrade lagilah tempatnya, kelihatan sempit banget soalnya. Multimedia buat nonton bareng lebih diperhatikan. Saya jamin pasti makin rame tempatnya. Thanks "
27 August 2017Ahsan Nabil
" Bagus lah buat ngopi...tp ada juga klo lapar ada sediakan makanan juga lh "
17 August 2017Syamsul Arifin
" Tempat luas & nyaman,harga terjangkau "
25 May 2017Ricky Novan
" Nice coffee "
17 April 2017Dens EL Hazard
" nice place 4 hangout "
03 April 2017Akmal Fauzan
" The best, tongkrong yg asik suka ngadain nobar "
11 October 2016KopLo Coffee
" Tempat NGOPI di Cilincing dengan konsep Outdoor yg nyaman.
11 May 2016Soal Harga tidak perlu di takutkan. "