Kawasan Arboretum Mangrove is a park, located at Jalan Garden Marble VII, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, RT.3/RW.2, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14470, Indonesia
" You may spend your time to take a new fresh & green sight here. Unfortunately, it is very hot and some of the bridges are broken. Over all, Kawasan Aeboretum Mangrove is a good place to visit (and fish):-) "
27 April 2018
Sigit Dwihartono
" Sea side place, good to relax "
09 April 2018
Bowok Biasa
" Nice place "
26 March 2018
Hernata Rio Cahyo Bawono
" together we can! "
17 March 2018
AmYu Sulistyo
" Sebenarnya mau aku kasih bintang 1, tapi karena I go with someone I love, so I add a star. It have the area has minimal facilities, the signal is also minimal, garbage inundating some spot swamps are very disturbing scenery. canteen is not support and standby from the morning, so that new visitors can enjoy with food and drinks at 2 noon. other than that many tracks that have weathered, the horror inn because it may be cleanliness doubt, the track route is not clear, the attractions are a little rides. and the most severe is, should not carry SLR, Mirrorless, and pocket camera. very hate because if my HP is ugly, my photos will be very ugly. In addition, the weak signal makes me so can not update. "
03 January 2018
Bella Rezza Munthe
" Good view in some point "
06 December 2017
Deki Sudarmanto
" Destinasi wisata "
03 November 2017
Tante Q Unyu
" Tempat indah dgn pesona alam yg khas kawasan muara laut kapuk bisa utk skalian refresing dan mancing utk mnghilangkan kpenatan ..... "
09 August 2017
Yudono Aino
" Expensive "
01 August 2017
Franz Rocky Lee
" Insect bites. Long pants is a must for comfort. Long sleeves recommended. How much do you trust your insect repellent? "
" You may spend your time to take a new fresh & green sight here. Unfortunately, it is very hot and some of the bridges are broken. Over all, Kawasan Aeboretum Mangrove is a good place to visit (and fish):-) "
27 April 2018Sigit Dwihartono
" Sea side place, good to relax "
09 April 2018Bowok Biasa
" Nice place "
26 March 2018Hernata Rio Cahyo Bawono
" together we can! "
17 March 2018AmYu Sulistyo
" Sebenarnya mau aku kasih bintang 1, tapi karena I go with someone I love, so I add a star. It have the area has minimal facilities, the signal is also minimal, garbage inundating some spot swamps are very disturbing scenery. canteen is not support and standby from the morning, so that new visitors can enjoy with food and drinks at 2 noon. other than that many tracks that have weathered, the horror inn because it may be cleanliness doubt, the track route is not clear, the attractions are a little rides. and the most severe is, should not carry SLR, Mirrorless, and pocket camera. very hate because if my HP is ugly, my photos will be very ugly. In addition, the weak signal makes me so can not update. "
03 January 2018Bella Rezza Munthe
" Good view in some point "
06 December 2017Deki Sudarmanto
" Destinasi wisata "
03 November 2017Tante Q Unyu
" Tempat indah dgn pesona alam yg khas kawasan muara laut kapuk bisa utk skalian refresing dan mancing utk mnghilangkan kpenatan ..... "
09 August 2017Yudono Aino
" Expensive "
01 August 2017Franz Rocky Lee
" Insect bites. Long pants is a must for comfort. Long sleeves recommended. How much do you trust your insect repellent? "
06 July 2017Epeng Anaknya Pak Murni Muryadi
" Gersang "
28 June 2017Hendriyanto Hong
" Suasana pada malam hari sangat rindang "
16 June 2017Dhino 46
" Murah cuma sepuluh ribu bisa mancing seharian,bisa sewa perahu "
12 June 2017Paramitha Putri Indraswari
" Soothing mangrove garden in the north of Jakarta. "
22 May 2017Nining Iswaty
" Masih penasaran sihh,, belom nyoba ke situ "
04 April 2017Rohili Prahara
" Kawasan pemandangan indah "
30 March 2017Irvan Sm
" Enak buat jalan2 sore dan belajar pengetahuan alam "
24 March 2017Muhamad Yasin
" Tempat berlibur dan mancing "
19 August 2016Supriyanto77 Yanto
" Jl.garden marbel 5, lumayan nampol panasnya..... "
13 July 2016Mery Lee
" Kawasaan pantai indah kapuk cukup menyegarkan udaranya "
03 June 2016Lukman Harijanto
" Kawasan pantai Indah kapuk dekat sekolahan zhu chiu residense garden marble. "
24 May 2016