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KTM XXI is a movie theater, located at Koja Trade Mall Lt. 2, Jl. Kramat Jaya Raya No.84, Tugu Utara, Koja, RT.2/RW.17, Tugu Utara, Koja, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14260, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 43938021, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 17

Ree Young Ho - Johnny

" 3 stars for this one, I would give this place 5 stars, but the problem was just if they wouldn't allowed underage come to the theater, most people come here are from villages, and seeing how they were in the theater was just 👎 I have once seeing a group of kids watching horror movie, I remember they seated in front of me, maybe 3 seats difference, I CAN NOT BELIEVE.THEY.PLAYING.MOBILE.LEGENDS. When the movie is playing, how can a group of kids, with their bright phone screen playing phone?!?! They were like lined up! It was hilarious but pretty annoying to see :( "

12 June 2018

Rie Game

" It such a good place to watch movie because it's pretty cheap, but the viewers are mostly came from village, it may get loud when watching something, and the worst part when the movie is suppose to be 17+ but children are in there, DEFINITELY SO ANNOYING, its much more annoying when they play together, I spotted once, they were playing Mobile legends, its really annoying seeing their phone light been turned on right in front of me. "

07 June 2018

Ahmad Abdullah Firdaus

" Kerens "

04 June 2018

Operator Warnet

" Gooooodddd "

31 May 2018

Aldy Raenaldy

" Good place for movie time "

18 May 2018

Henry Chen

" First time trying to watch movie here because all others theater almost full booked only first row left. The theater is still very clean eventhough it is a little small compared to the big mall theater, but still xxi concept so nothing wrong. The ticket also cheaper here. Hope nothing will change. "

29 April 2018

Cut Dewi Fatitah

" If I wanna watch a movie, I'll go to this place "

18 April 2018

Aldi Awarahoon

" Studio 4 "

13 March 2018

Joy's T

" Nice movie theater "

08 March 2018

Koni Rosyala

" Hari ini sy dan suami nonton, duduk di loby, ditawari menu oleh waiter dg wajah cemberut, plus ekspresi wajah menyepelekan seolah kita pengunjung yang ga mampu beli disana, ketika memberikan uang pembayaran, dg setengah memaksa dy meminta nominal uang yang lebih kecil, lalu setelah menunggu lebih dr 15 menit datanglah pesanan kami yg salah satunya adalah popcorn, dan begitu kami makan haduhhh.. ternyata popcornya dingin dan melempeeeemmm.. sangat tidak layak disajikan. Sebagai saran saja tolong tingkatkan pelayanan, waiter yg cemberut2 itu di sortir satu2 kapan indonesia mau maju kalo SDMnya JUDES2, KTM XXI memang baru berdiri secara interior memang bagus dan memang ini tempatnya di lingkungan yg menengah ke bawah tapi ya tolong pelayanan tetap maksimal krn kita semua ga taukan siapa yg datang kesana dg berbagai latar belakang sosial, jangan sampai kalah performa dg Suntermall XXI secara interior memang kalah tapi pelayanan numero uno😊 "

24 February 2018

Azie Syaiful Hakim

" Mall efficient budget... "

24 December 2017

Wkis 123 Chanel

" Seru...tapu banyak anak alay sama cabe cabeannya "

16 October 2017


" Harganya murah. 25ribu hari biasa.
Tidak besar, tapi sudah cukup bagus...
Desainnya sama seperti XXI lainnya "

29 September 2017

Yudha Prayoga

" same quality.. "

09 September 2017

Junny Ratnasari

" Tempatnya lumayan la, walau beberapa studio kecil, tolong banget untuk security atau pihak xxi supaya di pantau peraturan agar di dalam bioskop tidak ada yg berisik atau memainkan hape, itu benar2 sangat mengganggu, coba nonton bbrp kali di sini, isinya kebanyakan bocah2, mereka berisik dg obrolan mereka,bahkan bunyi bbm dan layar hp mereka sangat menggangu sepanjang film berlangsung. Lebih parahnya lagi kemarin sempat debat dg anak abg 5 orang krn mereka menduduki tempat saya. Dan saya di suruh cari tempat lain dikarenakan byk yg kosong katanya WTF!! Akhirnya mereka pindah tetapi tetap tidak di kursi mereka krn setelah mereka duduk ada org lain yg sampai kebingung an krn tempatnya di duduki oleh mereka , kampungan banget ! Mending di gading lah g ad org kampungnya😂 "

29 August 2017

Hilkia HD

" senang nya bisa tambahkan tempat ini... ( salam google local guide :)) ) "

16 August 2017


" Harganya murah. 25ribu hari biasa.
Tidak besar, tapi sudah cukup bagus...
Desainnya sama seperti XXI lainnya "

11 August 2017

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