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About Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi

Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi is located at Jalan Niaga Hijau Raya No.10, Pondok Pinang. Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia 12310. They can be contacted via phone at +6281282076489, visit their website for more detailed information.




Jakarta, Indonesia - February 6th, 2012 - The Lingkar Studi Bedah Plastik (Plastic Surgery Study Circle), a small group of Indonesian plastic surgeon who dedicated themselves in the field of research and education has conceived a new peer-reviewed scientific journal, called Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi® (Plastic Reconstruction Journal).

The journal itself has launched their first volume and first edition in January 2012, and now the circulation office is busy shipping journal exemplars to more than 250 available Indonesian plastic surgeons and residents, and several hundreds more to those profession closely-related to plastic and reconstructive surgery, likes dermatologist, oncologic surgeon, he-ad and neck surgeon, ENT surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, hand surgeon, eye surgeon, genital reconstructive surgeon and so on.

This peer-reviewed journal has the largest circulation in plastic surgery and the journal reaches every board-certified pla-stic surgeon and plastic surgery residents in Indonesia. Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi® is a consistent reference for every In-donesian specialist called upon to use plastic surgery techniques or to work in conjunction with a plastic surgeon.

“We all need to be paying attention to the researches of our very own national colleagues. For they may be the ones most applicable to our patients” said The Editor-In-Chief, dr. Gentur Sudjatmiko, SpB, SpBP (K). “It seems unfair when we keep regarding only the opinions of fellow plastic surgeons from the far developed countries, a place vastly different than ours. The things that our patients need may not be the same, the simplest way maybe the best for them” he adds.

Not only became a scientific media for all those professional plastic surgeon, the journal also will be the only printed me-dia in Indonesia who supports the emerging business of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Connecting the professional with products providers in this journal, companies will have enormous chances to market their products, will it be the drugs, surgical instrument or any possible goods related to plastic and reconstructive surgery.

“Together, let us establish a solid media of communication by sharing our professional expertise, clinical experience, and point of views through this journal. We can start doing this in the most simple fashion, yet setting a humble footsteps which may be followed by others. Hand-in-hand we will overcome any ‘test’ in the future, may it be national or interna-tional.” dr. Gentur concluded.


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