About Jakarta Tower
Jakarta Tower is located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Visit their website www.jakartatower.com for more detailed information.
The Jakarta Tower is a partly built tower in Jakarta, Indonesia. If completed, it will stand tall up to the antenna and would be the tallest freestanding tower in the Southern Hemisphere. Located in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, work was initially started in 1997, but was halted by the Asian economic crisis. As of 2015, the project is still on hold.HistoryThe Suharto regime intended Jakarta Tower to be the tallest structure in the world. International architecture design firms were invited to propose designs for the structure. The design itself should represent Trilogi Pembangunan (government's national development philosophy), Pancasila (the national philosophy, which consists of five factors), and August 17 (Indonesia's independence day). The winning design was created by Murphi/Iohn from the United States. However, since the design was too costly to develop, the government opted the runner-up design by East China Architecture Design & Research Institute (ECADI), who created the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower in China.The development of the tower was initially developed by Sudwikatmono, Prajogo Pangestu and Henry Pribadi, operated by the company, PT Indocitra Graha Bawana. Its cost was estimated around 400 million US dollars (at that time, still around Rp 900 billion).Originally, the Jakarta Tower was to be built in the Kuningan area, but Soerjadi Soedirdja, the Governor of Special Capital District of Jakarta at that time, did not agree, and proposed to build it in the Kemayoran area that was still under-developed.