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About Institute Gemology Paramita and Adamas Gemological Laboratory

Institute Gemology Paramita and Adamas Gemological Laboratory is located at Apartemen istana harmoni lt 1 / Unit 2-S kompleks harmoni plaza jl suryopranoto, Jakarta, Indonesia 10130. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 6305547, visit their website for more detailed information.

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A.G.L is the first and independent Gemological Laboratory in Indonesia. and was first set up in 1983 by Mr K. Mahardi Paramita to assist clients in figuring out the quality and authenticity of diamonds and other type of colored stones (e.g. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, etc).

IGP was established in 1989 by Mr K. Mahardi Paramita. Being the first independent gemological institution in Indonesia. I.G.P focuses on professional gemological training that provides various short training programs, with complete learning facilities.

Sistem pengajaran diberikan dalam kelas-kelas IGP mencakup 80% praktek - 20% teori, sehingga para murid dapat berlatih dengan koleksi contoh-contoh batu secara langsung. Sistem pengajaran yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan standard internasional. Kursus-kursus yang ada dirancang agar para murid dapat memperoleh pengetahuan dan kemampuan praktikal yang mendalam mengenai berlian dan batu-batu permata lainnya.


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