I-ta Go By I-ta Suki Restaurant
About I-ta Go By I-ta Suki Restaurant
I-ta Go By I-ta Suki Restaurant is a restaurant, located at Mall La Codefin, Jl. Kemang Raya No.3, Rt:011/001, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta,, Jakarta, Indonesia 12730. They can be contacted via phone at 085776501275 for more detailed information.
Takim Putra
" Mantap "
20 May 2018Alfian Alesandro
" Loving it.. "
17 May 2018Vivi Lee
" Tempat yang cocok untuk pembeli yang sedang tidak ingin memakan makanan siap saji. Menu utama yang disajikan oleh itasuki adalah suki/oden, makanan rebus. Tempat yang bagus untuk mengajak keluarga makan disini.
02 May 2018Pelayanan pun tidak terlalu lama. "
Angela Cahyanti
" Good place "
28 April 2018Jan Kapitan
" Tempat makan dan tempat bersantai. Makanannya enak. "
10 April 2018Hardiono Iskandar
" Very poor service. Won't come back for sure. "
25 March 2018Ricky Wijaya
" Pelayanannya jelek , pelayannya ga ramah bahkan sering dicuekin pelangganya , bad service banget disini, mau bayar pake kartu aja ga bisa ... "
18 March 2018Ivit DJ
" Enak. Harga terjangkau "
10 March 2018Susi Malinda
" Nice with boiling vegetables my fav "
18 February 2018Aditya Halim
" It has the great itasuki taste with all the side dish and all.
14 January 2018But... if dont mind with the service then its should be okay for you...
Because it has the slowest services among other outlets. The servants are really forgetfull, you need to ask twice or three times.
And when its full.. you will find out this place dirty, they are really short of staff even just to clean up.
The space between seating is to narrow, if you get near kids or big group you will find it not that comfortable.
There are option for smoking area outside. Never try because its too windy. "
Reagan Iwadha
" Lama keluarnya "
31 December 2017Irene Chan
" I used to come here,but now its permanent closed "
29 December 2017Hartono
" I think they used to be pioneer of Suki restaurant concept in Jakarta, quality was good with some unique menus such as venison (deer meat) black paper, banana-honey dessert etc. However in last visit the quality was poor, nothing really special in thr menu, but the price is reasonable. In my opinion they should redefine the concept completely to survive "
04 October 2017Erick Budhiman
" Good food.... fair price "
23 July 2017Gas Engine
" 👍👍👍👍👍👍 "
12 May 2017Keegan Bryan
" One of I-ta Suki with lowest service quality compared other Jakarta branches, slow in preparing the table, serving beverages, cleaning the table, ect. Fortunately its food quality was acceptable and a-okay fried chicken. "
16 April 2017Glans Eleazar
" Thank you "
27 March 2017Samuel Liputra
" Mantap... Puas makannya dan harganya cukup bersaing dan cukup lumayan tinggi. Pelayanannya baik.. untuk makanan kisaran 23.000 - 35.000/ box "
28 January 2017Tony Hahn
" Good food with wider range of foods compared to other i-ta suki outlets.
10 December 2016But most of the waitress are newbies, don't expect professional answer or information from them. They'll just spit out answer randomly rather than ask the seniors. Thumbs down for the service. "
Mayang Irsan
" Salah informasi ketika ditanya ttg bahan-bahan makanan - yang katanya nggak mengandung seafood ternyata ada. Ketika dicoba dan ditanya lagi baru menjawab ada.
21 October 2016Servis lamban. Dan kurang bisa menjaga lalat dari makanan.
Poin bagusnya, buncis telur asinnya enak. "
Dwi Puspita Rini
" tempat suki yang affordable. saran: jangan duduk di ayunan, bisa pusing dan malah ga nafsu makan. hahaha. "
10 October 2016Marvin Jonathan
" Tahu sandwich sudah agak bau...
18 September 2016Lumpia kulit tahu asam... harap diperhatikan kualitas makanannya... "
Benito Daniel
" 👍👍👍 "
27 August 2016Dewi Prasasti
" Suka makanannya... "
26 August 2016Erick DC
" Biasa aja, masih banyak yang lebih enak "
25 July 2016Rita Yeti Marlina
" Pelayanannya bagus dan makananya enak "
15 June 2016Nurulyuli Annisa
" Murah, tempatnya asik, makanannya juga enak. Recomended dech. "
13 November 2015Ramzi Aulia
" tempat yang paling seru :) "
20 February 2015Dedek Apriono
" Enak dan asik "
24 January 2013Erick DC
" Makanannya lumayan mantap "
15 July 2012Wina Maliwa
" The real food... "
30 June 2012