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About GEPI - Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia

GEPI - Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia is located at DBS Tower 9th Floor, Ciputra World I Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta, Indonesia 12980. Visit their website for more detailed information.

We aim to foster entrepreneurship in Indonesia - part of a wider global initiative (GEP) started by U.S.A.'s President Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.



The Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia (GEPI) aims to catalyze Indonesia's entrepreneurship strategies by working in partnership with existing programs and linking aspiring Indonesian entrepreneurs to global developments and investment prospects. GEPI formally started in January 2011 by a group of 13 prominent business leaders in Indonesia who now comprise the Board of Founders.

GEPI is also part of wider global initiative called the Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP), which grew from an initiative of President Obama and it is now a core program at the US State Department guided by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, to promote entrepreneurship as a key pillar of economic development among developing countries.
Global Entrepreneurship Program - Indonesia (GEPI) Founders:

Honorary Chairmen
* Ciputra, Ciputra Group
* Jakob Oetama, Kompas Gramedia Group

* Chris Kanter, Sigma Sembada Group Vice

* Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, Sintesa Group
* Giuseppe Nicolosi, Ernst & Young Indonesia

Board Members
* Ananda Siregar, PT. Graha Layar Prima (Blitz Megaplex)
* Eddy Sariaatmadja, PT. Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV)
* Erwin Aksa, Bosowa Group
* Jaka A. Singgih, Bumi Laut Group
* Rachmat Gobel, PT. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia
* Setyono Djuandi Darmono, TP Jababeka, Tbk
* Sudhamek WS, Garudafood Group
* Theodore Permadi Rachmat, Tri Putra Group

For information about events, opportunities, and more details about GEPI, please visit:


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Working Hours :

  • Monday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 18:00
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