Bunda Mulia University
About Bunda Mulia University
Bunda Mulia University is a company, located at 2 Jalan Lodan Raya, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14430, Indonesia. Visit their website www.ubm.ac.id, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Also known as University of Bunda Mulia / Universitas Bunda Mulia or simply as "UBM" is one of the major Indonesian private universities, located in North Jakarta, Indonesia.
Jingga Unggu
" Nice place to hang out!. Cheap food and good campus. They had large parking lot and they also had sudent's dormitory "
02 May 2018Hendra Kusumawi
" It has a great hall. "
11 April 2018Aharianzah Arliando
" A good campus not to small there's ez to find a food "
09 March 2018Vincent Lumiu
" I Love It "
25 August 2017Hendra Kusumawijaya
" It has a great hall. "
24 April 2017Samuel Melchizedek
" Well managed University with friendly prices... "
14 March 2017Edwin Yudistira
" Good campus, easy access, great lecture, and the best quality. To access ubm, from jakarta kota station can use angkot m15 "
15 January 2017Heng Key
" Many facility and great design "
14 January 2017Hendrik A.
" This is my ex campus. Not to bug not to small. When I study here so many shooting film activity here. Good food. And facility here. And teacher learn so great "
05 July 2016Andre Chandra
" Great campus. There is a dormy for the student. "
14 June 2016Imam Setiyono
" Thanks UBM ,next mampir lagi kita... "
10 May 2016Markus D Utama
" Great Campus with Nice Academic Atmosphere "
16 April 2016Teguh Sriwidjayanto
" Auditorium nya keren "
16 April 2016Dony Layardi
" Good "
28 November 2015Fendy LoveFaith
" From outlook design, everything is very good however I still think a university can not just be looked from building design only "
24 November 2015