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About Taman Nusa Indah

Taman Nusa Indah is a park, located at Nusa Indah, Ratu Agung, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu 38223, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 60

Iit Pranata

" Belum pernah singgah kesana... tapu hanya lewat saja... dari lihat dari jauh tempat nya nyaman dan terdapat lapangan basket. "

04 May 2018

Lance Ong

" Great place to learn more about Indonesia. This location has built up housing from different parts of Indonesia illustrating their differences. A country they are but culturally different. On site, you can learn a fair bit on how life is conducted in their own culture.

What i did was roam on my own but it would have been more fruitful if i had a guide to explain from the start. They do have staff stationed at different location.

Recommended if you want to learn more about Indonesia. "

03 May 2018

Kadek Swastika

" Mantap "

28 April 2018

Adi Shalut

" Tempat yang positif, biar ada kgiatan bagi anak anak remaja untuk berolahraga, kalo malam lampu nya di hidupin biar bisa main basket nya malam, biar ngak di salah gunakan untuk malam hari "

20 April 2018

Seftina Qurnia

" Tempatnya luas dan bersih .. disini kita bisa melihat rumah adat semua provinsi di Indonesia.. ada pula pertunjukan adat dari provinsi tersebut.. ada tarian nyanyian bahkan cenderamata .. selain itu kita bisa langsung wawancara dengan orang dari provinsi tersebut tentang adat dan budaya nya pokoknya ini tempat edukatif banget deh .. cocok untuk wisata anak .. "

08 April 2018

Fatonah Rahmadani

" Ada lapangan basket. Uhuy. Pertama di bengklu nih taman yg ada sarana olahraga basket. Sekarang jadi tongkrongan anak2 muda. Kalo sore banyak yg jualan juga di sini. Eh udah ada spot foto juga lohhh "

30 March 2018

Andre Rumbajan

" Wonderful Indonesia "

27 March 2018

Niko Demus

" Menyenangkan "

25 March 2018

Mhaady Haqq

" Tempatnya bagus, tapi sayangnya kebersihan kurang terjaga karena tidak disediakan tempat sampah, jadi banyak sampah berserakan "

23 March 2018

Dhimas Baskoro

" Great place, they have a very interesting collections. But seems lack of maintenance. Could be improved for sure. "

08 March 2018

Ahmad Ghozi

" Good Education "

04 March 2018

Gede Suyasa

" nice place "

27 February 2018

Ida Bagus Gde Wisnu

" Asri "

19 February 2018

Gus Man

" Indonesia dalam 1 tempat "

19 February 2018

Christopher Ryalino

" Good place to know your way all around Indonesia. All unique houses from each tribe and region and Indonesia are displayed in style. Very educational to the youths, they can learn the diversity of Indonesia. "

19 February 2018

Iskandar Bkl

" Taman ini baru saja di renovasi oleh pemerintah kota ,ada fasilitas olah raga dan taman bermain anak2 "

18 February 2018

Made Gita Mardika

" Large place, with lot of traditional house of Indonesia. Equipped with 4 traditional activities. Minus: far from other tourism spot. Far from food market or mini market. Not all spot has wheelchair access. "

18 February 2018

Song Lyrics Song Lyrics

" A good place to know about type of houses in Indonesia in one place "

14 February 2018

I Gede Indra Supriadi

" Senang bisa mengenal budaya daerah lain di Indonesia dengan berkunjung ke taman nusa "

06 February 2018

Santosh Vasan

" As a pilot I have had the wonderful opportunity to travel Indonesia and experience it’s diversity. This place allowed me to share some of that beauty with my family. "

05 February 2018

Yuli Cristin

" the experience of exploring this Taman Nusa is fascinating, to learn and pose, and dance. the natural beauty of Indonesia and all its traditions can be seen here. spot photos are also many interesting and unusual "

29 January 2018

Beta Lorena

" Coba dipasangin Wi-Fi id dsna trus accessorise nya jg dtmbah Pasti lebih bkin rame Dan pastinya nyaman. "

19 January 2018

Pamela Ramali

" We heard about Taman Nusa, did a bit of research, and decided to check it out. We are so glad we did! This is one of the best attractions Bali has to offer.

The tag line, “See Indonesia in One Afternoon”, is apt; however, it just doesn’t do justice to the level of thought, attention, and detail that has gone into making this attraction worthy of any “top 5” lists for Bali.

From the authentic traditional houses (some shipped by boats from remote corners of Indonesia for Taman Nusa) to the local ethnic folks displaying their crafts, dance, and music, everything they do at Taman Nusa is of the highest authenticity, quality, and educational value. This is no cheap tourist attraction; if you truly would like to learn about Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage, this is probably the best place to do so.

If you have 2-3 hours in Bali - just go, you won’t regret it, and you honestly won’t find a better use of your time in Bali. Bring your DSLR - this is no selfie destination - and mosquito repellent, as the leafy surroundings do lend themselves to bugs. "

16 January 2018

Adi Yunadi

" Please info phone number "

12 December 2017


" A very good place to know Indonesia culture, history and provinces . Place are huge and all staff are well educated.
Ticket starting from Rp.350.000 , you need at least one hour to explore all the place "

13 October 2017

Melisa Chyntia

" Attractive!! It's sooo Indonesia.. Full of historical and cultural knowledge.. Good experience!! Definitely will go there again... "

07 October 2017

Afif Afandi

" bagus semakin banyak ruang terbuka hijau "

30 September 2017


" You can learn a lot of Indonesian culture and history here, it's a really big area where you see many different houses, at some of them they play traditional music. A guide will always be at your side and explain you everything. "

24 September 2017

Chacha Suardi

" Perlu rehap "

05 September 2017

Thimothy Shelli

" Good place with kids, miniature of traditional house all around Indonesia were here...

Recommend place to visit with your family and friends.. "

27 August 2017

Dyah Wahyu

" This park show Indonesian traditional house.
Some of them is original ones and hundreds of years old. There's an attraction in every house represent of regional culture. Such as traditional dance, music, children game and etc. "

05 August 2017

Ayu Pradnyana

" Taman Nusa is much better than Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in my opinion. It is a miniature of Indonesia with a very clean n fresh weather. Good for kids to know all province houses and cultural of Indonesia. Is a must place to visit while you are in Bali.
It is not expensive for all the experiences you got inside "

14 July 2017

Purwati Khanza Fakhira

" Tmpt kmi bermain wktu msih kanak kanak "

08 July 2017

Atica Sholikha

" Taman belum jadi. Masih renovasi mungkin nanti kalau sudah selesai lebih baik "

07 July 2017

Nabila Carissa

" Ruang hijau terbuka "

04 July 2017

Diego Akbar234

" Deket tempat sampah...:(😒😑😐 "

19 June 2017

Hellen Eki

" Sayang, dibongkar saat pelebaran jalan "

31 May 2017

Lars Huber

" i visited the first time. there where not many other tourist. so we had kind of a private tour. it was awesome "

09 May 2017

Anima Terasu

" It's all in the detail. Personal guide speaks very good English. Expect delving into the tour of architecture of Indonesia intermingled with displaying of various handicraft techniques, dolls, music, dances etc. Very educating if you are curious. "

02 May 2017

Rizki Irawan

" Enak tamannya tp sayang Deket tempat sampah "

01 May 2017

Weda Sanjaya

" Good place for educate children about our nation and culture from each island. "

27 April 2017

Herry Sucahya

" The best showcase of Indonesian culture & history in Bali. Here you can see a various Indonesian iconic cultural pieces; unique traditional houses, traditional Indonesian tribes clothes, replicas of ancient statues and buildings, traditional music instruments, and a lot more of original traditional work of art. A recommended place if you want to see the richness of Indonesian culture. "

18 April 2017

Romualds Ivanovs

" The staff should be more advanced in foreign languages if this is considered to be a touristic place. Ordering food in the small cafes along the way is not reliable as the personnel fails to deliver a meal within a reasonable time from the main kitchen that is at the entrance. Ethnic Papua guy is fantastic in his welcoming and kindness. "

21 March 2017

Mardhiyah Diah

" Asik untuk bersantai bersama keluarga... "

21 March 2017

Destania Ika Putri

" A perfect place to see and study briefly yet closely about Indonesia, from West to East ! Totally great for taking photos and stuff. Totally recommended!!! "

16 March 2017

Arief Syamsul

" We love this,we don't have to spend more money to visit each places.... You discover Indonesia in one day only "

20 February 2017

Go Ona Bus 17

" Great display of Indonesian history. Loved it "

08 February 2017

Ivan Bhaskara Angga Premana

" All landmark and indonesian authentic culture in one place. Nice for historical and cultural education. "

15 January 2017

Eko Wahyudi

" Dibuat tapi tidak ada perawatan dan pengawasan "

10 January 2017

Anthony Raffael Tanski

" This place is contains about indonesian culture like houses, musical instrument, batik, and this place have a nice view "

02 January 2017

Deny Hentyanto

" All kind of indonesian traditional houses from each island and province can be found. It was magnificent. "

21 December 2016

Budi Mulia

" Perlu penataan lebih lanjut, misalnya soal faktor keamanan dan kenyamanan. Malam hari tidak ada penerangan sehingga rawan tindak kriminal. Selain itu alokasi sampah yang berdampingan di taman itu membuat kontra produktif dengan tujuan awal dibuatnya taman itu sendiri. "

06 December 2016


" Jln plg "

01 December 2016

Novindra Seno Aji

" Agak bau karena dekat pembuangan sampah "

20 October 2016

Lierre Ceva

" Very nice staff and beautiful performance. "

03 July 2016

Benny Herlanda

" Absolutely a great visit while you are holiday in Bali. Why? This place offer you all kind of traditional Indonesia's houses. Start from Sumatera to Irian Jaya. Have discover also beautiful dances and local music or handicrafts of Indonesia. "

29 March 2016

Kurniawan Adi Prasetyo

" Me and my family visited this place several months ago. It's a good new experienced for me to see many of indonesian culture all over the archipelago thru their traditional houses here. "

02 March 2016

Ardian Asfar

" Gini ya...It was a great introduction to observe the different cultures of Indonesia. A pleasant way to spend the afternoon. "

15 February 2016

Rina Nazrina

" I visit this place three times, and never get bored. I love seeing traditional houses made by woods, and all the sculptures and the performances. Traditional musics and dances. Very cool!

But the ticket price is a bit expensive, though, especially for locals. But the last time i visit, i got the holiday discount. Well, thank you. "

26 November 2015

Johannes P Kusumo

" Great place to know indonesia in a day. my daughter love it! we met the manager and i salute that the favilities built by private businessman to celebrate his love of indonesia traditional houses. "

26 February 2015

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