" So far, Lesehan Pak Nardi has been my favorite budget local restaurant in hill-town of Kepahiang. It serves a variety of inexpensive greasy foods (mostly Javanese dishes) and few vegetarian meals. It is clean and convenient. It provides both conventional seating and lesehan seating (sitting on the floor mat). It can be busy during lunchtime.
Note: it might be not a good choice for those who have high bad cholesterol and for those who try to avoid trans fats. "
23 November 2017
Mebel Satria
" Menunya bervariatif sangat enak dan nikmat "
02 October 2017
Freddy Nuriansyah
" Enak bebek nya "
24 July 2017
Ali Sasron
" Makanan nya enak "
13 July 2017
Suryadi Abott
" Disinilah tmptku "
04 July 2017
Wanto Robusta
" cukup ramai apalagi pas berbuka puasa. "
11 June 2017
Bay Haqqi
" Paling Top disini "
06 June 2017
Nuli Jiwo Wicaksono
" Makanannya enak sekali "
24 May 2017
Rheny Afriani
" Semua masakannya enak enak banget karena dimasak langsung oleh pendirinya dengan cita rasa yg top 🖒👍 "
Ijul Jasminasta
" Tongsengnya the best "
08 April 2018Rezeki Saidi
" Nice good "
24 March 2018Ijul Jasmin
" Ok "
29 January 2018Relly Komaruzaman
" Emen is the boss. "
27 November 2017Adriansyah Putera
" So far, Lesehan Pak Nardi has been my favorite budget local restaurant in hill-town of Kepahiang. It serves a variety of inexpensive greasy foods (mostly Javanese dishes) and few vegetarian meals. It is clean and convenient. It provides both conventional seating and lesehan seating (sitting on the floor mat). It can be busy during lunchtime.
23 November 2017Note: it might be not a good choice for those who have high bad cholesterol and for those who try to avoid trans fats. "
Mebel Satria
" Menunya bervariatif sangat enak dan nikmat "
02 October 2017Freddy Nuriansyah
" Enak bebek nya "
24 July 2017Ali Sasron
" Makanan nya enak "
13 July 2017Suryadi Abott
" Disinilah tmptku "
04 July 2017Wanto Robusta
" cukup ramai apalagi pas berbuka puasa. "
11 June 2017Bay Haqqi
" Paling Top disini "
06 June 2017Nuli Jiwo Wicaksono
" Makanannya enak sekali "
24 May 2017Rheny Afriani
" Semua masakannya enak enak banget karena dimasak langsung oleh pendirinya dengan cita rasa yg top 🖒👍 "
04 May 2017Tala Tala
" Enak bangat masakan nya "
29 January 2017Rosnawati Luspita
" Ayam penyet dan tongsengnya enak lho "
24 January 2017