About Waroeng Bamboe ORA KAPOK
Waroeng Bamboe ORA KAPOK is a cafe, located at Jalan Pinang Raya No.123, Pamulang Timur, Pamulang, Pamulang Tim., Tangerang Selatan, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 818-0832-6244 for more detailed information.
Anisa Setiorini
" Feed the fish, get to know about turtles, iguanas, and parrots.. nice place to bring your kids.. Kinda difficult to see from the main road, yet you still can use ur maps/ask local.. the price is so-so woth a good taste of food.. 7/10 There's usually a wait/queque a bit in holidays.. "
29 May 2018Darmanto
" Nice place and good food "
27 May 2018Amarullah Grafis
" Lumayan "
25 May 2018Kartika Sheva
" Tempatnya nyaman, ada tempat bermain anak. Makanannya enak. Bumbu ikan bakar nya meresap sampai ke daging ikannya. Harganya sangat terjangkau. Sayang kolam ikannya tdk difungsikan. "
05 May 2018Herman Pratikto
" Islamic centre - At Tabi'in "
04 May 2018Puguhydeto
" Enak banget mie'nya pas buat penggemar mie..so coba deh MiE OBONG WAROENG BAMBOE jl. Sadewo 3 Wonokarto gayesel rekomendet bingiit... "
02 May 2018Reza Siregar
" Nice resto with fish pond underneath the place. They even sell fish meal for visitor who wants to feed the fish. Children loves it "
29 April 2018Fuad Ariyanto
" It used to one of our favorite. Warung lesehan equipped with fish pond. Children likes to feed the fishes. Grilled and fried fish, chicken, and empal gepuk (smashed fried beef) always in their menu list. Unfortunately, lately delicacy of cook decreased and empal gepuk missing from the menu list. "
23 April 2018Samsung Indo
" Just love mie hotplate pedasss "
16 April 2018EDI SANTOSA
" Sip "
08 April 2018Muhamad Zein
" Cozy place, beside brilliant camp 4. The taste is just so so but the price is cheap. "
05 April 2018Retno Tripalupi
" Food are okay for us who celebrate my aunty from Holand who spend their holiday in Malang "
29 March 2018Dessy Nailla
" Mienya enak,, murah "
21 March 2018Rahma Permata
" Eating while u see fish around u and the fish are many and being good view. Feel relaxe "
11 March 2018Muhammad Bahrani
" Enak "
01 March 2018Agus Sunaryo
" Masakan enak dan pernah juara lomba dlm rangka hari pangan sedunia di alun2 giri krida bakti wng. "
25 February 2018Paijo701 Paijo
" Bagus,enak, bisa di nikmati "
17 February 2018Bakhtiar Hasan
" Tempat untuk makan...santai dan romantis "
10 February 2018Sri Ayu Lesmonowati
" Good view...we have sweet memory there..good taste and good price "
07 February 2018Sinta Fazilla
" Makannya enak tempatnya nyaman "
05 February 2018Ronny Prakosa
" Nice place & view for eat but the foods taste r ordinary & nothing special "
01 February 2018Dewi Sahala
" Tempat nyaman untuk keluarga karena ada tempat bermain anak "
13 January 2018Mahendrawan Nap
" Delicious food with achievable price. Very recommended for family or group "
07 December 2017Arie Rahmadi
" Salah satu tempat makan yang terletak di Jalan Banda Aceh, tersedia banyak menu makan dan minum, harga cukup terjangkau, cita rasa enak dan cocok di lidah, dekorasi, meja dan kursi warung unik menggunakan bambu "
04 December 2017Mada Darmawan
" Mie Obonk & Mie Cekernya recomended "
29 November 2017Nina Luthfianthi
" Nice and cool places in here, before meal comes we can enjoy with animal around this places. "
25 November 2017Charlotte Blackburn
" Absolutely one of my favorite places. Big, healthy koi to watch and enjoy in a spring-fed pond, delicious food, friendly staff, and very comfortable lesehan seating "
13 November 2017Andrianus F. Wijaya
" Speaial mi obonk yang juara "
11 November 2017Yanu Ardiyanto
" Its nice and cozy place. We can eat and relax enjoy the view. The food also delicious. "
22 September 2017Amatoamat Amat
" Menu n rasa makanan y...mantaplah terasa d lidah.....apa lagi jus nya kental terasa sari buah deh.....maknyos "
06 September 2017Samuel Aditya
" The cozy place for dining with your family.. play with koi fish on the pond.. "
08 August 2017Alvian Bayu
" Delicious food, cozy place, family like a lot 👍 "
31 July 2017Bernardus Wardoyo
" Everage lah "
19 July 2017Yanuar M
" Suasana ok. Harga minuman murah tapi untuk makanan untuk area wonogiri relatif agak mahal "
12 July 2017Budi Kusworo
" Taste one of the reason to come and enjoy... "
28 June 2017Jimmy Toge
" Good atmosphere and the kids are having fun feeding the fishes there. Nothing really special for the food, they offer local food with local taste. "
17 April 2017Nantan Yogi Permadi
" Cozy Place, variatif menu, can interaction with fish & feeding fish "
06 April 2017Ladeyo Ladeyo
" Good traditional food, specially fish. "
11 March 2017FAMUJI RF
" enak banget buat nongkrong "
05 February 2017Efendi Yulianto
" Sip "
17 December 2016Koh Handoyo
" Good place, I love it. Good scenery. Good food. Price is not that expensive. "
04 November 2016Indra Isworo
" Love bandeng crispy,, their hot tea is really good. Great place to spend your time with family "
16 October 2016Caecilia Caecilia
" very nice circum, you can eat while your feet play in the water under the table "
23 August 2016Andri Wijaya
" Tempatnya nyaman.. cuma parkirnya agak sedikit.. "
11 August 2016Irsa Palevi
" Nice place
29 July 2016for lunch ....😊 "
Lynee Zhang
" Nice place..all bout nature! Fish swimming.. Water flowing.... Affordable food, casual restaurant for family & friends "
22 July 2016Dardiri Dardak
" Good place for culinary "
12 July 2016Ipank Syahbana
" Tempatnya nyaman... "
23 June 2016