" Ini destinasi yang bagus buat adventure. Telaganya keren banget ada telaga warna biru muda jernih dan warna hijau daun pekat. Banyak yang jadiin sebagai tempat foto pre wedding. Viewnya keren sih, cocok buat IG hunting. Bisa juga naik perahu buat mengelilingi telaganya, harganya lumayan .. "
23 March 2018
Elieta Duatnofa
" Wonderful, 3 lakes with different colors. But rubbish are everywhere. "
15 March 2018
Patricia Tanjaya
" I came in the wrong time. It was raining and the road kinda uneven. We have to pay for 10k ticket and another 10k for park. Yet you get no facility for what you paid. But the rice field was nice. Thanks but no thanks, not going there anymore. "
Budi Setiawan
" Good "
17 April 2018Wesley Nazara
" Ini destinasi yang bagus buat adventure. Telaganya keren banget ada telaga warna biru muda jernih dan warna hijau daun pekat. Banyak yang jadiin sebagai tempat foto pre wedding. Viewnya keren sih, cocok buat IG hunting. Bisa juga naik perahu buat mengelilingi telaganya, harganya lumayan .. "
23 March 2018Elieta Duatnofa
" Wonderful, 3 lakes with different colors. But rubbish are everywhere. "
15 March 2018Patricia Tanjaya
" I came in the wrong time. It was raining and the road kinda uneven. We have to pay for 10k ticket and another 10k for park. Yet you get no facility for what you paid. But the rice field was nice. Thanks but no thanks, not going there anymore. "
15 February 2018Reni Kamilwisata
" Beautiful place👍 "
11 February 2018Syifa Fauziyah
" Beatifuul "
15 December 2017Muhammad Kahfi
" Pemandangn Bagus banget "
28 November 2017Muadi Choerawa
" Recomend untuk wisata. "
22 November 2017Rezpector Ringgo
" Gx nyesel pokonya "
20 November 2017Randi Aje
" ok "
16 October 2017