About Shop & Drive - Cipondoh Baru
Shop & Drive - Cipondoh Baru is a car repair, located at Jl. Kh. Hasim Ashari No.28 AB, Cipondoh, Poris Plawad Utara, Cipondoh, Poris Plawad Utara, Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-9635-219, visit their website www.shopanddrive.com for more detailed information.
Septanus Astono
" Great service and full of help. The engineer ready to answer every questions I ask. "
29 October 2018Hiipo 1259
" Low batt.....hadeeuhhh... "
18 October 2018Ediloa
" Good service. "
22 August 2018Jhon Riesse
" the service is good and satisfying, the waiting room is also comfortable and the mechanics are also fast working so that it can be said to be maximum service "
10 August 2018Asep Awaludin
" Good "
19 April 2018Agus Hamzah
" Bisa minta pasangin di rumah, gratis. Makasih. "
04 April 2018Andri Mulyadi
" Good service "
18 February 2018Andry Surya
" Good Service "
03 February 2018Wahyuadi Baskara
" Good service and fast "
24 January 2018Lies Bambang
" fast response, mech had proper training "
11 November 2017Azis Saputro
" Good servis and people "
22 August 2017Eko Trisnanto
" Good place for general check of your car. "
17 June 2017Agung Hari
" Kalo ganti Oli jangan pernah di Shop and Drive... Mobil saya jadi Rusak.... "
12 June 2017Herri Suriana
" good "
18 April 2017SirAlex Ferguson
" pagi2 mau berangkat kerja mobil pkae mogok, untung ada Shop&Drive Cipondoh, cari2di google map akhirnya ketemu no teleponnya, langsung aja deh minta dianterin aki, cuman nunggu sebentar mobil saya bisa nyala lagi, makasih atas Pak David dan Team atas pelayanan yang sangat memuaskan ,,, "
24 March 2017Dapit Adam
" Pelayanannya sangat memuaskan "
24 February 2017Aris Nugroho Pranoto
" Fast and reliable. National SOP "
16 January 2017Pangestu Banu
" Pelayanan nya ramahh "
05 January 2017Wawan Sutrisna
" Beli oli di shop & drive bisa sekalian cek yang lainya... "
04 July 2016