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About Rumah Sakit Sari Asih Serang

Rumah Sakit Sari Asih Serang is a hospital, located at Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 38, Penancangan, Cipocok Jaya, Panancangan, Cipocok Jaya, Panancangan, Cipocok Jaya, Serang, Banten 42124, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 254 220022, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 22

Hilyani Elsa

" Best hospital in serang, the place are clean and so healthy. "

14 May 2018

D. Deeje

" Good.. "

02 May 2018

Indhira Putri Pamungkas

" Good service "

04 December 2017

Aldi Gozali

" After visiting this hospital, now I know that having a good looking building doesn't mean the hospital has a good care and services too. Even just for serving a drug test, they are not able to serve. And someone has to tell one of their laboratory woman staff how to smile. "

01 December 2017

Ade Surifah

" Petugasnya ramah, dokternya profesional. pelayanannya cepat dan tepat. Saya percaya Sari Asih Serang. Saya, anak, suami, orang tua, kalau berobat pasti ke Sari Asih Serang "

23 November 2017

Guruh Darmawan

" "Saya merasa puas MCU di rs sari asih serang, pelayanannya oke, jadi kalau mau mcu saya tingal hubungi pa agus marketing nya...." "

23 November 2017

Rohmatulloh M

" bismillahirrohmanirrohiim
assalamua'laikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Alhamdulilah, RS Sari Asih Serang selalu memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi terhadap setiap karyawannya yang tentunya tidak lain untuk memberikan motivasi dan semangat agar selalu memberikan yang terbaik dan kali ini alhamdulillah saya mendapatkan apresiasi sebagai "Karyawan Terbaik di unit instalasi gizi". Semoga ini bisa memotivasi rekan-rekan yang lainnya juga dan semoga sari asih makin jaya selama-lamanya..
aamiiiiiin.. "

21 November 2017

Bayu Akbar

" Quite big hospital and still developing the facility of medical equipment... "

31 October 2017

Cece Saputra

" Healty care "

18 July 2017

Cholis Abdullah

" The rooms are good and well maintained, the service quite good.
Another better option for people who need health care or to be hospitalised​ .
For Moslems, they are also provide a spacious and beautiful Mosque.
Unfortunately during my last visit yesterday evening (May 17th 2017),
I was experienced inconvenience because of the parking place was dark or insufficient light (the pictures of parking place attached) "

18 May 2017

Cholis Abdullah

" The rooms are good and well maintained, the service quite good.
Another better option for people who need health care or to be hospitalised​ .
For Moslems, they are also provide a spacious and beautiful Mosque. "

11 February 2017

Vicky Bee

" Modern hospital "

23 January 2017

Irma Yulianti

" Ke rumah sakit sari asih ini kalau mau telp gak pernah diangkat...susah sekali. "

08 November 2016

Oman Rohman

" Terletak di depan gerbang tol serang timur, menghadap ke Mall Of Serang. "

14 October 2016

Agus Setiana

" Pelayanan lengkap dan ramah "

24 September 2016

Zahru Jarwo

" Lumayan sih pelayanannya "

04 August 2016

Muhamad Murodin

" Amazing Public Server "

21 December 2015

Afifah Muminah

" This is the best hospital in Serang so far. The building is clean and the interior is good. But, the service is not. If i were a patient and need a fast care to handle my disease. I would not come alone.

They have several procedures, especially when you use BPJS "

26 October 2015

Yudi Dian Putra

" pelayanannya ok "

28 August 2015

Ive Bhae

" Krenz.. Sbrang nya .. Mall off serang "

10 April 2015

Sari Sofa

" Sip "

10 April 2015

Hasan Ali

" Yes. That great! It's give me right direction. "

21 March 2015

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