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About Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Bintaro Jaya

Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Bintaro Jaya is a hospital, located at Parigi, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City, Banten 15227, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 80828888, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 14

Rahman Santalia

" The building is bigger than RSPI HQ, service more faster since not much patient yet "

19 September 2019

Sukerim Waryan

" My 3rd son was delivered in this hospital few months ago... experienced doctors, helpful staffs, great facilities, and super clean. "

13 September 2019

Regina Paat

" I would like to give 100 stars to obgyn ward because they literally give the BEST service while on contrary, big fat zero to other divisions because they are all SUCKS, BIG TIME. My nephew was on high fever and ended up having seizure but all they gave was TEMPRA. Fyi, we did tell them that we were giving him tempra at home but his fever was getting higher then he got seizure afterward. That was why we brought him there. So it was obv that there was something wrong with it, and needed extra treatment, not only to received Tempra. If that the case, we didnt have to brought him to the hospital. The service was also SUCKS, they changed the blanket and forgot to sent the substitute. We did ask for it, they just ignore it.
It was not even the worst part. My nephew already on the hospital for almost a day, but the doctor didnt come to check on the condition. My family needed to push them to the max first, it was very horrible because it didnt supposed to work like that. Oh yes, forgot to mention that we were actually staying at VVIP room where the best service was expected. It seemed that we are ripped off by paying more but received less.

It is such a big disappointment, knowing that I was given the best treatment as patient for my cyst operation in obgyn division. All are professionally done, the service was THE BEST.

Please please consider this as input to improve your service because My family and I have been a loyal customer to RSPI - Pondok Indah since forever. And we are thrilled to have RSPI branch here in Bintaro. But with service like this? oh girl, bye!

Thank you so much "

17 July 2019


" Unhelpful, unprofessional english service on
the phone. Could not make an appointment, I was told to go to the emergency unit without even being asked what the issue was. The operator sounded completely uninterested and ended the call by saying ok, ok, ok. As if the case was handled to complete satisfaction. Not what you are waiting for when you are in need of medical assistance.
I called RS premier which was slightly better. At least they managed to refer me to a GP. Going there now.
. "

07 July 2019

Vari The Traveling Cow

" I prefer to go here now rather than their sister HQ in Pondok Indah where it's more crowded and more queues. Food at their Cafe is same as delicious as in Pondok Indah. Everything run faster here as not many patients as neighbouring RS Premier too. I love how they put water dispensers at their waiting areas, very thoughtful. "

02 June 2019

Raihan Banyu

" Gedungnya besar sekali, dan lengkap sekali rumah sakit ini, pelayanannya bintang lima. Memang RSPI never disappoints. "

11 May 2018

Andra Samoen

" Di peta ada dua RSPI Bintaro? "

07 April 2018

Ben Sam

" The brand new hospital, very clean and tidy. Not to busy during my visit. Very friendly staff. "

05 April 2018

Hadi Saputra

" Rumah sakit nya kaya Hotel "

01 March 2018

Edward Aryana

" Facilities are great, staff are well trained.

However CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION. Be extra careful if you are paying on your own. We caught the administration DOUBLED the fee INTENTIONALLY from the original quotation. Be sure to ask for an estimate before proceeding.

Before I only hear rumours about this yet it still occured to me in 2018. The administration will try to rip you off if you are not carefully read and understand what they are charging.

Too bad such as nice hospital is under a corrupt management. "

23 February 2018

Hendra Kusuma Wardhana

" Clean and nice hospital "

22 February 2018

Hara Siregar

" Lousy service. Not even serving prescription from Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah their own sister hospital!! "

12 February 2018

Prabowo Yudha Kusuma

" Either you love it or hate it "

29 January 2018

Stanley Adrianto

" High grade hospital. "

31 December 2017

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