" It's familiar cousion for local food, for your order fish gurame bakar really good "
09 March 2020
Oky Shandy
" It's familiar cousion for local food, for your order fish gurame bakar really good "
09 March 2020
" Place was nice with many "saung" inside. Menu are common and parking slot so plenty don't worry.
Place situated on main road, you can find easily,
Toilets are small for place that can accommodate more than 100 peoples. And maybe they can pay attention more for instagramable spot cleanliness wheter its water or grass or plants "
02 February 2020
" Place was nice with many "saung" inside. Menu are common and parking slot so plenty don't worry.
Place situated on main road, you can find easily,
Toilets are small for place that can accommodate more than 100 peoples. And maybe they can pay attention more for instagramable spot cleanliness wheter its water or grass or plants "
02 February 2020
Yuni Masduki
" Nice place, delicious food, yummyy..... "
10 December 2019
Yuni Mamasyifa
" Nice place, delicious food, yummyy..... "
10 December 2019
Tien Fatimah
" Good food.. nice place "
13 October 2019
Jaenal Septian
" What a wonderful place! "
12 June 2019
Wildan Danis
" The recomended place to lunch, dinner with the big family. There are many Sundanese food like gurame cobek, grilled chicken, and many more. The best choice restaurant in Kuningan-Jawa Barat with lovely nature view. Also available for party with hundreds persons in the big room.. "
09 June 2019
Abdiel Justin Iman
" Mantip "
18 May 2019
Harry Sunarsa
" I had family lunch there. gurame soup and karedok are the best! Cozy place, and worth the price. Highly recommended!! "
23 April 2019
Harry Sunarsa
" I had family lunch there. gurame soup and karedok are the best! Cozy place, and worth the price. Highly recommended!! "
23 April 2019
Ima Rahmawati
" Lunch ... 😎😯 "
25 January 2019
Arif Firmansah
" Cozy "
12 January 2019
Ralf BlueLily
" Renewal saung Ema restaurant, for gurame lover the paradise place. Since the Restaurant ???? is renovated the view is more nice and you can choose your places to lunch or dinner from several nice locations, also there is a garden now where is beautiful locations for photo shoots or selfies. In back you have a beautiful view on part of kuningan nature. For family or group lunch is ideal. Parking ???? is on own ground and in good condition "
02 December 2018
Purnomo Adi
" Suasana Nyaman Banget, Menu Yang Ditawarkan n Disajikan Ok, Harga Kompetitif, Intinya "PUAS" n sangat Rekomendasi,, "
25 November 2018
Husny Tjuanda
" Tempat makan luas, ada area foto, rasa makanan oke, ga pake nunggu lama walau sedang jam makan, pelayanannya pun oke "
07 November 2018
Diki Zulkarnaen
" No caption "
10 June 2018
Roheni Lampard
" Awalnya gak niat kesini, tapi dengan paksaan jadi saya mampir, kesan pertama service sih ok, tapi tempatnya agak kotor, atau banyak debu ditempat lesehan, sayurannya gak seger , yg jadi prihatin saya adalah TOILET nya pintunya gak bisa ditutup otomatis harus diangkat dan kumuh. "
23 May 2018
Cucu Sukmana R
" Tempatnya nyaman..bisa bawa keluarga besar..bisa makan sambil mancing..sayang pas dtng itu abis hujan dan tirai bambunya diturunin.. "
23 May 2018
Fitri Wijayanti
" Tempat makan favorite dari dulu kalau mampir liburan ke kuningan..
Tempatnya cozy banget dan pas untuk bawa keluarga besar. "
09 May 2018
Ming Aming
" Enak "
05 May 2018
Imeyyyzzz Imeyyyzzz
" Rumah makan yg menyuguhkan nuansa yg berbeda, dilengkapi dg pemancingan, dan pemandangan yg indah. Makanannya lezat, seafoodnya fresh, dan banyak spot2 yg menarik utk berfoto, disediakan juga kebun binatang mini.. Menyegarkan pikiran stlh makan disini ❤ "
29 April 2018
Titis Yuliayani
" Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, ada mushollanya.
Menu banyak pilihan. Tapi saya recommend jika makan sendiri pilih menu yg paket, jika rame2 / sekeluarga pilih yg a la carte. "
15 April 2018
Selamet Khan
" masakanya enak. cuma ikan bakarnya harus minta yang mateng.. "
08 February 2018
Dera Fitriyani
" Tempat nya nyaman .harganya terjangkau "
25 January 2018
Esa Putri Azzahra
" It's not that good, but it's not that bad. "
19 August 2017
" Masakan khas sunda, harga ga masalah msh standard , pepes belutnya kemanisan tuch ...
Enak tempatnya pggr jln bisa makan sambil lht" pemandangan, sawah padi menguning, cuma tempat parkirnya supaya lbh di perkeras lg , sama itu lks toiletnya seharusnya agak kblkg gt jgn trll klhtn gitu..kan jd klhtn bingit kl hbs dr toilet he he he "
Oky Shandy
" It's familiar cousion for local food, for your order fish gurame bakar really good "
09 March 2020Oky Shandy
" It's familiar cousion for local food, for your order fish gurame bakar really good "
09 March 2020Ivan
" Place was nice with many "saung" inside. Menu are common and parking slot so plenty don't worry.
02 February 2020Place situated on main road, you can find easily,
Toilets are small for place that can accommodate more than 100 peoples. And maybe they can pay attention more for instagramable spot cleanliness wheter its water or grass or plants "
" Place was nice with many "saung" inside. Menu are common and parking slot so plenty don't worry.
02 February 2020Place situated on main road, you can find easily,
Toilets are small for place that can accommodate more than 100 peoples. And maybe they can pay attention more for instagramable spot cleanliness wheter its water or grass or plants "
Yuni Masduki
" Nice place, delicious food, yummyy..... "
10 December 2019Yuni Mamasyifa
" Nice place, delicious food, yummyy..... "
10 December 2019Tien Fatimah
" Good food.. nice place "
13 October 2019Jaenal Septian
" What a wonderful place! "
12 June 2019Wildan Danis
" The recomended place to lunch, dinner with the big family. There are many Sundanese food like gurame cobek, grilled chicken, and many more. The best choice restaurant in Kuningan-Jawa Barat with lovely nature view. Also available for party with hundreds persons in the big room.. "
09 June 2019Abdiel Justin Iman
" Mantip "
18 May 2019Harry Sunarsa
" I had family lunch there. gurame soup and karedok are the best! Cozy place, and worth the price. Highly recommended!! "
23 April 2019Harry Sunarsa
" I had family lunch there. gurame soup and karedok are the best! Cozy place, and worth the price. Highly recommended!! "
23 April 2019Ima Rahmawati
" Lunch ... 😎😯 "
25 January 2019Arif Firmansah
" Cozy "
12 January 2019Ralf BlueLily
" Renewal saung Ema restaurant, for gurame lover the paradise place. Since the Restaurant ???? is renovated the view is more nice and you can choose your places to lunch or dinner from several nice locations, also there is a garden now where is beautiful locations for photo shoots or selfies. In back you have a beautiful view on part of kuningan nature. For family or group lunch is ideal. Parking ???? is on own ground and in good condition "
02 December 2018Purnomo Adi
" Suasana Nyaman Banget, Menu Yang Ditawarkan n Disajikan Ok, Harga Kompetitif, Intinya "PUAS" n sangat Rekomendasi,, "
25 November 2018Husny Tjuanda
" Tempat makan luas, ada area foto, rasa makanan oke, ga pake nunggu lama walau sedang jam makan, pelayanannya pun oke "
07 November 2018Diki Zulkarnaen
" No caption "
10 June 2018Roheni Lampard
" Awalnya gak niat kesini, tapi dengan paksaan jadi saya mampir, kesan pertama service sih ok, tapi tempatnya agak kotor, atau banyak debu ditempat lesehan, sayurannya gak seger , yg jadi prihatin saya adalah TOILET nya pintunya gak bisa ditutup otomatis harus diangkat dan kumuh. "
23 May 2018Cucu Sukmana R
" Tempatnya nyaman..bisa bawa keluarga besar..bisa makan sambil mancing..sayang pas dtng itu abis hujan dan tirai bambunya diturunin.. "
23 May 2018Fitri Wijayanti
" Tempat makan favorite dari dulu kalau mampir liburan ke kuningan..
09 May 2018Tempatnya cozy banget dan pas untuk bawa keluarga besar. "
Ming Aming
" Enak "
05 May 2018Imeyyyzzz Imeyyyzzz
" Rumah makan yg menyuguhkan nuansa yg berbeda, dilengkapi dg pemancingan, dan pemandangan yg indah. Makanannya lezat, seafoodnya fresh, dan banyak spot2 yg menarik utk berfoto, disediakan juga kebun binatang mini.. Menyegarkan pikiran stlh makan disini ❤ "
29 April 2018Titis Yuliayani
" Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, ada mushollanya.
15 April 2018Menu banyak pilihan. Tapi saya recommend jika makan sendiri pilih menu yg paket, jika rame2 / sekeluarga pilih yg a la carte. "
Selamet Khan
" masakanya enak. cuma ikan bakarnya harus minta yang mateng.. "
08 February 2018Dera Fitriyani
" Tempat nya nyaman .harganya terjangkau "
25 January 2018Esa Putri Azzahra
" It's not that good, but it's not that bad. "
19 August 2017D CAS Wp. D CAS Wp
" Masakan khas sunda, harga ga masalah msh standard , pepes belutnya kemanisan tuch ...
23 March 2017Enak tempatnya pggr jln bisa makan sambil lht" pemandangan, sawah padi menguning, cuma tempat parkirnya supaya lbh di perkeras lg , sama itu lks toiletnya seharusnya agak kblkg gt jgn trll klhtn gitu..kan jd klhtn bingit kl hbs dr toilet he he he "