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About Ramayana Ciputat

Ramayana Ciputat is a department store, located at Plaza Ciputat Raya, Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pamulang, Cipayung, Ciputat, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15412, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 44

Andre Hilman

" I wasn't inside ramayana. Its always traffic jam outside store "

26 November 2020

SapiderMin BoeyoLali

" Awsome "

03 November 2020

Bagus Kaito

" Nice place to catch a fish... "

20 August 2020

Daya Tiga Nusa

" Inconvenient. Airconds are off, bad smell, lights are minimum. "

22 June 2020

Tyo Setianto

" finally its open after closed down pandemic covid19 "

17 June 2020

Aisyah Qur'an Nur A.

" 😊😊😊 i bought some souvenir here and the price is good "

11 January 2020

Faiq Nur Andrian

" friendly waiter, usually crowded on Eid holidays, a small parking lot, lots of public transportation in front of him which makes traffic jam, the price is affordable "

02 January 2020

Beif Injection

" Its big place almost can find local staff price afordable "

01 December 2019

Ierfhan Surya

" great dept. store with amusing game, Zone 2000 "

12 October 2019

Vina Wulandari

" Discount products on the weekends!

Ramayana ciputat has an affordable price for any products. On the ground floor, it's got a lot of men's clothes. Usually, lots of discounts are here. The 1st floor is full of women's clothes, also accessories, and sport station. On the 2nd floor, it's full of kids' stuff. From clothes to shoes. In the basement, it's got Robinson, a grocery store. Also, there's a kid's play. "

27 July 2019

Gambar Arsitek

" Located on Jl Dewi Sartika Ciputat  and can be reach by Transjakarta bus (S21 and S22). Unfortunately, right in front of the Ramayana entrance, there are many angkot that is public transportation vehicles that are waiting for passengger it can be annoying for the traffic , sometime they  leave only after the seat are full so if you dont want to waste your time just walk a little bit and get in the vehicle that dont wait after they are full . The blue (29) goes to Parung and the white (D13) to Pamulang. "

14 July 2019

Juni Indira

" Ramayana is local mall that sells local garment. Some clothes can be found in good quality and moderate price "

03 June 2019

Kailani Gech

" good place to shop and in strategic place too 😊 "

22 May 2019

Muhamad Ridwan

" Historical Dept.Store in ciputat, u can have an affordable clothes, shoes, and grocery is also provide here "

08 May 2019

Hans Gulö

" Its so noisy. They shout through the loudspeakers to promote the products. Its very annoying. Generally, the products are available at low price, affordable. "

31 March 2018

Mutiara Citra Mahmuda

" The entrance of the vehicle is higher than the road, and so is the exit. It's quite difficult to park our car in it or go out due to the traffic jam, it's located nearby the end of the fly over. There are 4 floors, the underground one is for food, drinks, fruit, accecories and play ground. On the first floor we can find KFC, shoes, men cloth and snack such pop corn, bread and etc. Next to the second floor we can go upstair by escalator, we find the cloth for girls and kids, make up and accesories such bag, purse and etc. On the third floor we'll find shoes and others. For the moslem one, musholla is available here out of ramayana building but still in ramayana area, it's a very small musholla so we need to wait if the place is already filled by the other prayers. The price fare of the goods here are not expensive, because they often provide discount. "

12 February 2018

Rossy Candrawati

" This is may not a very comfortable place to shopping because the gap between rack or shelf is too narrow and not comfortable if you want to stick at one place for a long time to see the dress or things you need. The product is good enough but the price is just a bit too much for the standard quality. There's so many sale here and usually placed on the front mall. But the models are too old or not good so you have to be more strict to choose what you going to buy "

11 February 2018

Dino Sandia

" Clothes supermarket with affordable price and good quality, nice place for shopping "

28 December 2017

Mochamad Nazmy

" If you want to buy relative lower price shirt etc, this is the place. But it's located at very crowd traffic, car and motor cycle park are available. Many discounts on middle branded clothing "

23 November 2017

Irfan Fun

" An Attractive and Often (seems Aggresive) Discount offering from this Place.. If you like Shopping you couldn't missed to visit this Place (fashion, books store, toys, and mini market).. and when you're hungry you could come to KFC store at the right corner of main floor "

26 October 2017

Faruk Muhamad

" Banyak diskonan "

24 September 2017

Habibi Meshal

" It's a clothing department store located after Ciputat flyover. It's a three floor building and *Ramayana is in the entrance occupied most of the building including first and second floor. It also has a *Giant market at the ground floor and KFC. It's a busy place mostly during the day. The boulevard in front of the store is one of the vital intra city route connecting Jakarta and Bogor; which obviously always busy and mostly stuck with traffic jam. It has no Zebra cross or anything to for walking traveller, so if you want to cross to this store you had tp cross manually which highly risky. You can easily notice this place by the sound of SP girls or boys shouting out the discount quiet loud. It provides all type of clothing from head to toe. Jeans, denim, suit, shirt, polo, socks, underwear, or even slipper are displayed at the store. "

13 September 2017

Dimas Aninditya

" Quite pricey. You can get half the price on stores across the road. "

21 August 2017

Elsa Nur Alipah

" The place is not as big as ramayana depok and to get there we must fight in a crowded street because of angkot that sembarangan ngetem ahahaha
And the parking lot for motorcycle (because i got there by motorcycle) is not in a building but in a field beside the ramayana building itself. And i thougth it is the same for the parking lot for cars. "

14 August 2017

Moehammad Faoezy

" Great price but not so spacious place "

15 July 2017

Langkar Nanda

" Good place to shop, but sometimes too many people here "

14 July 2017

Agus Sufyan

" Good stuffs are here. Find everything you need. Clothes, Jeans, Jackets, Shoes. "

02 July 2017

Panji Aria

" pro : affordable price

cons : parking lot "

31 May 2017

I Hardiyanto

" Great deal woth doscount "

29 May 2017

Handi Ilfat

" Best place cheaper clothes. "

22 May 2017

Budi Prasetyono

" Cheap price with expensive quality clothing "

16 April 2017

Mahmuddin Nurul Fajri

" You can get discount if you make member card and Its free to make.. "

30 March 2017

Clarissa Iero

" Too bad they don't have nursing room, food court, or anyplace to eat except for KFC which is neglected, dirty, and always full of people. "

19 March 2017

Yung Gunawan

" Dirty and hot. "

15 March 2017

Eanalysha Aja

" Nio's Playground "

14 March 2017

Puryomi Bocah Bagus

" Mall "

24 January 2017

Fadhil Fhais

" Banyak yg mesin ojek online "

16 January 2017

Wahyu Priambodo

" Not sure about disc "

16 January 2017

Rois Fathony

" Sip "

07 January 2017

Nesa Aqila

" Susah sumpah "

13 December 2016

Muchamad Husyein

" Hanya lewat bro "

06 December 2016

Wati Rah

" Ok "

08 November 2016

Rizal Masyhur

" the best place for buying clothes "

28 July 2016

Andi Syah

" Penempatan Kerja..... So work hard or Go home. :D "

26 June 2016

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