About Plaza Telkom STO Telkom
Plaza Telkom STO Telkom is located at Ciputat
Office:CompanyAn office of a private companyName En:Plaza Telkom STO Telkom
Plaza Telkom STO Telkom is located at Ciputat
Office:CompanyAn office of a private companyName En:Plaza Telkom STO Telkom
Yeho Timisela
" Setelah direnovasi tmpntnya sangat nyaman,plyaan jg cpat "
13 May 2018Haris Munandar
" Good "
13 May 2018Ivon Christando
" Ada wifi.id corner. Terletak di pusat kota Lembang "
11 May 2018Adek Sahril
" Nice place "
27 April 2018Putra Rachman
" Cukupkan bagus "
24 April 2018Sfb Jabodetabek
" Good a view "
18 April 2018Madiyanto вin шasmin
" cukup ramah "
12 April 2018Masrul Erlif
" Bagus "
09 April 2018Ungki Ariono
" If you are having problem with your phone then you have to go there "
29 March 2018Adny Nizomi
" Masuk, ambil nomor antrian. Tunggu dipanggil. Agak lama nunggu, karena antri kalau siang jam 1an agak lama. Pelayanan ramah. Karena memang keramahan dinilai. Siapa yang paling ramah fotonya terpampang di dinding plasa nya. Untuk halaman parkir cukup luas, namun tidak teduh untuk sepeda motor yang terparkir. "
25 March 2018Netralizer Walah
" Indie Home "
18 March 2018Arrizki Agus Rifan
" Best place for online and gather with Friends, doing some projects or duty's from school "
09 March 2018Rafi Ahnaf Firdaus
" Masih berantakan "
10 February 2018Vendraditya Vdr
" Fiber Optik Mantap Rugi Kalo Gak pake fiber optik "
09 February 2018Eko Evan Sihite
" Goooood "
22 January 2018Yophi Wejasu
" Bagus "
20 January 2018Ilham Utomo
" Good place "
25 November 2017Sargio Saldino
" Usefull "
" Nothing to know "
10 November 2017Abdel Haq Firdausy
" Futuristic system, shady policy "
22 October 2017Febriyana Sapta Pratama
" izin nya sulit "
09 October 2017Ricky Pratama
" Exiting "
09 October 2017Faisal Aziz
" Tempat nya lumayan bagus, walaupun gedung lama "
16 September 2017Ahmad Marzuki
" Joined service of Indihome and Telkomsel. With brand new concept and place. There are so much interesting things inside to look while you are waiting the queues. "
08 September 2017Angga Permana
" Tempat nongkrong yang enak dan nyaman, pernah nongkrong sampe subuh dan suasanya aman. "
01 July 2017Sonny Sutanto
" Tempatnya bersih pelayanannya bagus semoga lebih ditingkatkan lagi "
30 June 2017Ukha Martha
" Tempat bayar billing telkom....pelayanan just so so "
28 June 2017Menurut Alif
" masih menerima prakerin gak ya??thanks "
23 June 2017Nis-7h
" If you have a problem with ur lokal home internet(indihome) or land line, and you are in the tanggerang area. Then thisnis the place ro complain and to get the costumers service "
20 June 2017Alfadilla Suandii
" krna asli dri blangpidie. you brst are to. "
17 June 2017Heru Onggodinata
" Telkom's office is accessible through here "
16 June 2017Takashi Adrian Syukur
" Useful, Ramah, Gratis "
26 May 2017Muhammad Mujahid
" Free wifi kuencang.... "
27 March 2017Fakhrurizal Linuxciano
" sepi "
21 March 2017Mohammad Setiawan
" Masjid bagus "
05 March 2017Sep Mayori
" Good "
04 March 2017Rafki Nasuha Ismail
" Not bad "
16 February 2017YASON WARUWU
" Lumayan "
31 January 2017John Jh
" Deket dr kantor....cuma lemot antriannya. "
28 January 2017Jeli Anto
" Agak panas tempatnya "
04 January 2017Rudy Chandra, ST. MT
" Good "
02 January 2017Suci Byt
" Good place good service "
29 November 2016Awaluddin Herkules
" Kantor pelayanan Telkom di Mamuju "
17 November 2016Fadli Mohammad
" Pembayaran rekening telpon dan speedy di tempat ini cepat dilayani, karena pelanggan sedikit yang datang kesini "
27 January 2016