Peak Point Coffee Roasters
About Peak Point Coffee Roasters
Peak Point Coffee Roasters is located at Jl. Diklat Pemda No. 10, Tangerang. Visit their website for more detailed information.
An adventurous coffee roaster that aims for the best taste preferences
Andika Tobing
" Delicious baverages "
25 February 2020Yoz Calvin
" Ok service.. ok places "
09 February 2020Andi Rachman
" Best services.. "
24 January 2020Willianto Wayl
" You can get quick serve "
15 January 2020Arif Rizaldi
" Good service "
02 December 2019Hidayat HS
" Ok "
23 October 2019Homar Rubert Distajo
" Good place for atop over and have a cup of coffee "
08 October 2019DELogos Coffee House
" The place is nice but the drinks are so so "
28 July 2019Lasben Sitinjak
" Nice place inside indomaret "
22 July 2019Rifai Idris
" ok "
01 July 2019What The Fun
" It's cool place "
14 June 2019Riko Gultom
" Ok "
27 May 2019Raito Ikhsan
" Huge place to buy house stuff, and nice place to hang around with coffee point there.
16 May 2019There is a foodcourt beside the store as well.
don't forget to clean up your table after using it "
Raito Ikhsan
" Huge place to buy house stuff, and nice place to hang around with coffee point there.
16 May 2019There is a foodcourt beside the store as well.
don't forget to clean up your table after using it "
Sanjiv Medan
" Nice drink milk "
11 March 2019Elina Damanik
" Love it so much "
09 March 2019Paian Chandra
" Cozy Caffe "
18 February 2019Steven Wijaya
" Nice place "
20 November 2018Darius Shimura
" Good "
25 October 2018Hans Ferel
" Ok "
22 October 2018Arman Pramono
" Like this indomaret place. Large and spacious parking lots available. Strategic location because located near busy manufacturing areas. Outdoor seating available for smoking and having coffee. Crowds mostly young people and adults that having quick bites "
28 September 2018Erwan Suryadi
" Nice place "
05 September 2018Dedisusanto Saragih
" 👍 "
08 July 2018Gojekjkarta Driver
" Ok "
17 May 2018Dwi Indra
" Ok "
12 May 2018Budi Sinaga
" Good "
26 April 2018EKO BAYU
" Good store "
21 April 2018Alfredo Saragih
" More intersting "
06 April 2018Nanang Sandi
" Quick shopping for rest a while drink coffe and light food "
30 March 2018Ayiee Kevin Mitnick
" Better place to enjoying a cup of coffee "
30 March 2018Rudy Sartana Saragih
" Ok "
08 March 2018Jeremia Oliver
" Good selection of product, near highway. Have big parking area "
05 March 2018Toni Handoko
" Good place for wasting time. "
19 January 2018Budy Soleman
" Good for rest a while, large parking area "
08 January 2018Rudi Wahyu Setiaji
" Quick service, easy to access location. "
31 December 2017Icel Naiborhu
" Not bad "
03 December 2017Hasudungan Sinaga
" More complete than other "
21 November 2017Mamia Syafirltri
" Sya perna belanja disini "
15 November 2017INspiRide
" Minimarket yg sangat nyaman karena menyediakan mini cafe di depannya, sangat bermanfaat bagi pengguna kendaraan yang melintas untuk istirahat sejenak sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan. "
25 October 2017'Yunita Dinni Setiawati
" Nice place but less breakfast menu "
12 October 2017Anggito Abimanyu
" Nice place, easy to notice from the street "
18 September 2017Dimas Sanjaya03
" Tmpt nyaman, ada tmpt duduk dan menyediakan colokan untuk carger handphone. Buka 24 jam. Bagus "
17 September 2017Kurrotun Ainunnisa
" Good place and good attitude "
24 August 2017Fathianadhirah Nasution
" deket bgt sama rumah. gampang deh belanja cepat disini "
22 August 2017Asep Saepuloh
" Office idm tgr 2 "
06 August 2017Witha Syaqueena
" Banyak yg suka dtg ksini Krn ada pojok nyantai nya "
26 July 2017Wahyu Situmeang
" Nice place to spend your time "
24 July 2017Zul Siantar
" Yok kerja "
08 July 2017Jonggi Juan Martinus Panjaitan
" Pilihan cukup lengkap, ada tempat duduk santai, bisa ngopi, sambil wifi "
30 June 2017Santo Tobing
" Okelah.. "
28 June 2017Yusak Jauharin
" Completely service vehicle, sales, service, spare part and body repair "
20 June 2017Walter Edward
" Pelayanan ramah, responsif dan cepat..👌👍😇 "
19 June 2017Meylanthiecha Jelita
" Minimarket "
29 April 2017Hery Susanto
" Tempat yang ramai dan lengkap "
08 March 2017Whendy Siallagan
" Bisa jadi tempat rest area "
03 February 2017Rizkya Ananda
" Muanteb "
28 January 2017Adittia Rulliandi
" Tmpt nyaman, free wifi.. "
26 November 2016Rian Sinaga
" Ok "
15 October 2016