About PO. Rosalia Indah Business
PO. Rosalia Indah Business is located at Jalan Raya Serang KM.12,5, Bitung Jaya, Cikupa, Bitung Jaya, Cikupa, Tangerang, Banten 15710, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 5961634, visit their website www.rosalia-indah.com for more detailed information.
Rosid Chisty
" love me like you do "
08 October 2020Noven TP
" Joosss "
18 July 2020Adityo Soetanto
" Good serve and save Drive personil bus "
15 March 2020Moeh Subekti
" A complete bus pool with restaurant and big waiting room. "
28 February 2020Khiem Sjien
" Tidy and clean. Kind staff. Easy and simple to buy bus ticket. Comfort place and condition to wait check in. Luxury bus. "
20 February 2020Raja Satria
" All is good
15 January 2020The food still worse
Drivers good, but the last time using this bus i saw them smoking in the bus. "
Ardi Ferdiansyah Saleh
" Intercity night bus shelter owned & special for PO Rosalia Indah. Most buses from this shelter depart to Cental & East Java and would pick up passager in Poris & Kali Deres Bus Terminal as well as Bekasi Timur Shelter.
29 December 2019I visites this shelter on my route to Surabaya with its new Volvo BR11R 430 HP Jetbus 3 UHD (Bus no. 142).
Both buses and shelter are recomended. "
Tiara Septi
" Buy tickets for executive class but get vip class bus "
17 October 2019Rudye Ban
" Joss "
31 July 2019Sofyan Imaduddin
" Good public transportation "
29 June 2019Hengky Chris
" Bus ny bagus2 "
21 March 2019Imron Rosidi
" Wasting time at the unproper waiting room "
24 February 2019Aka Wahid
" Nicee "
23 September 2018Hengky Chris
" Bus ny bagus2 "
01 August 2018Budi Santoso
" Tranafort alternatif klu ke Jawa... "
24 May 2018Rully Pradana
" Like every other Rosalia Indah's agent office, it has a quite large waiting room. Other facilities such as praying room and toilets are clean and tidy. It is one of a few that has a restaurant which is a part of Rosalia Indah's group. The food is good and the restaurant itself is a nice place to have a meal before departing with Rosin's bus. "
05 April 2018Supri Bpkhakim
" Good "
02 February 2018Alvaro Rangga
" Nice "
26 January 2018Marlen Tampubolon
" ok "
04 January 2018Linda Indriyani
" Ok "
28 December 2017Agus Setiyono
" top "
03 September 2017Darwis Penukal
" Ok "
28 June 2017Eko Setiawan
" top "
12 June 2017Irwan Koes
" Good trNsportation "
24 February 2017Cecep Yahya
" Good "
18 February 2017ALi And SoLikhiN
" Yang jurusan jawa timur sering di oper-oper ke bis yang lain jadinya susah ngangkut barang yang dibawa karena pindah ke bis yang lain "
26 January 2017Edi Gun
" Top "
05 October 2016Adisantoso Adi
" Ok..mantabbb "
21 September 2016Dwi Kurnianto
" Good...!😊 "
16 September 2016Yoga Naomy
" Simple "
02 September 2016Helmi Sutanto
" They have A great BUS "
25 August 2016Helmi Sutanto
" Fans berat "
25 August 2016Muhamad Randy
" Bagus bis nya "
27 July 2016Miftahul Khaer
" Mantap "
20 July 2016Nugroho Atmanto
" mau mudik ke rosalia aja "
02 July 2016Yoga Naomy
" Depo ni mah istimewa.. anjaaai ruang tunggu ada tempat buat ngecas HP walopun jauh gpp. Ada tv nya ada AC nya juga. Mantab g broohhh haaha "
12 June 2016Valentino Satio
" Bagus sekali "
11 June 2016Fransiskus Manullang
" Ada loker gak pak om tante ? "
21 May 2016