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About Narasastra

Narasastra is a company, located at 36 Jalan Jalak, South Tangerang, Banten 15422, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

The Narasastra Project was found in 2015 by co-founders Indraswari Pangestu & Agung M. Fatwa. It is built to raise our awareness in the urgency of reading and writing culture (literacy).According to PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), Indonesia is stuck on the 60th place (out of 61 countries) in terms of citizen's interest in reading and writing. The number is expanding to UNESCO's statistic in 2012. Indonesia's interest-in-reading index only reached as far as 0,001. That means, in every 1,000 inhabitants, there's only one person who has interest in reading. Moreover, illiteracy rate in Indonesia is directly proportional to its level of poverty. We have to stop the increasing rate of poverty, by decreasing the illiteracy rate.In order to overcome that vision, Narasastra offers its three programmes; Book Donation, Literature Entertainment, and Event Promotion. We hope those programmes could raise the literacy rate, and we will not take knowledge for granted. That's why we use rocket pencil as our logo. So we can launch the movement.



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