" not a good place anymore for hangout. but nice place for shopping groceries "
24 May 2018
Nurul Ikhsan Justicia
" Nearest superstore from my house. Great for groceries "
05 May 2018
Kay Bee
" This place used to be bustling with life but ever since the bigger mall Tang City Mall opened, a lot of its customers have stopped coming. Shoppers can have a relaxed time here. "
02 May 2018
Emirza Sini
" This mall is so old actually and it seems like there's no maintenance at all. The aircon isn't working, there is floor crack and there is a lot of empty store. The only place I love about this mall is the Smart Club hypermarket. "
02 May 2018
B3N Afendi
" Uda mulai sepi "
30 April 2018
Liu Jenny
" mall yang kotor dan usang. semoga pengelola mall ada itikad baik utk memperbaikinya. orang bisa merokok di dalam gedung, wah ngak banget ni mall "
07 April 2018
Stan Marsh
" Rundown. Floor cracks, A/C that is not cold. Looks like it's almost out of business. "
06 April 2018
Johnny Hadryanto
" Once iconic, lake-facing and the only mall at the old city of Tangerang, the mall descend to become irrelevant. There are some stores that stayed unoccupied for more than 15 years. There are still some old time charms like the bird sing competition held every weekends. "
01 April 2018
Muhamad Afiif
" mantaaapppssss "
11 March 2018
Ign Aris Munandar
" Good place, the goods is various, cheap to expensive. But I don't like to go there because it's route is rather complicated. "
03 March 2018
Cincin Sugiarto
" The mall was teribbly dirty, look shabby and old. The parking space was dark and dirty. The food there was also really bad. "
08 February 2018
Suryadi Suryadi
" Mantap "
07 January 2018
Vladiuz Dionzious
" We can say this one is a neglected mall. The only things that keep this mall quite alive is the grocery store and maybe the cinema. "
02 November 2017
MJ Oxtaverdi
" Kind of mall on an urban area of Tangerang. However it's rather a deserted shopping place. Want to see a movie? Yes, they have it on the upper floor. If you want to have a more complex shopping town then the choice would be on Alam Sutera area. They have a lifestyle shopping mall and the visitors are rather a lot more than any other malls in Tangerang. "
01 November 2017
Oktada R. Ikhwan
" Only for watching Thor Ragnarok cause i know i'll still got the ticket with a good seat, but the 3D in Cinemaxx was the worst, mark my words. "
27 October 2017
Via Wijaya
" So far so good to have lunch or dinner. Enjoy to watched movie in Cinemaxx "
05 October 2017
Imam Khoiri
" Mantap "
21 September 2017
Rhapsody Karnovinanda
" My childhood mall 😁 nowadays, it's not as crowded as it used to be.. but still be functioned for shopping of daily needs, and there's cinemaxx too here! Cheap but good theatre! Wkwk "
07 August 2017
Asih Widada
" Metropolis Town Square "
30 July 2017
Yanni Karina
" Since they have Tangerang City accross the street, they lose, now it's a nearly died shopping center. It still have a lot of cheap salons, electronic shops, and clothes shops. It also have a cheap bookstore named Salemba that I can't find anywhere else, and Savemaxx, a department store also cannot be found elsewhere. "
17 July 2017
Imam Renaldi
" Sayang "
11 July 2017
Lina Rachmatia
" Its ok and helpful to looking cheap price "
09 July 2017
Avan Qmoel
" Some time unresoneable prize.. "
29 June 2017
Waskita Adi
" Not as crowded as other malls. Nearest mall I have "
24 June 2017
Muhamad Riqsa
" Maybe this mall has seen better days, but that's what I like. My go to place to groom my cats. "
19 June 2017
Rizky, B.A BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
" Bad cinemax path sign,the elevator sign will bring you to the service elevator, this elevator so far from the cinemax.Bad parking management, they dont have any change for parking place bill "
13 April 2017
" The mall quite empty..not so many interest things... only SMARTCLUB , the cheap and afforadable Wholesaler Supermaket that worth to visit. Much cheaper compare to Hy***M**t or Ca****our. "
11 April 2017
Adrie Suot
" Cinema here is cheaper and good place.. Plenty of car parking space "
21 March 2017
Antonius Risdriyanto
" Standard shoping mall but need more innovations to attract more people to come. "
19 March 2017
" This good but more likely to modernize the marketplace, most restaurant closed because they failed in market analysis, people who come not coming to eat, they just sightseeing. "
04 February 2017
" Near my house in modernland "
28 January 2017
Bakhtiar Ahadin
" It has Cinemaxx at 3rd floor. And also Smart Club which has pretty complete groceries. Other than that, nothing is interesting in this place. "
17 January 2017
Happy Valentino
" kereeeen dan mewah "
01 January 2017
Joshua Halim
" Confusing and littlebit dirty for mw "
04 December 2016
Aboel Darus
" learning.. training.. "
24 August 2016
Wieok Susanto
" Mal murah meriah "
07 July 2016
Dina Armya
" Nama Grup Tahun Baru
Arkhalif Djohar
Cindy Olivia Wijaya
Enrico Julian Akbar
Ghisna Nur Fadhilla
Harimurti Kridalaksana
Haydar Dhiratama
Mikail Akbar Adnan
Raesa Sebayangdari
Rafii Imam Shafiudin
Sami Novel Syeban
Afifah Salsabila
Hafiz Barundin Syah
Ahlina Setiawan
Abdul Novianty
Rezky Dwi Rahmadika
Emily Sammsudin
5 Siswa SD Kristen Pelita Harapan
5 Siswa SMP Kristen Pelita Harapan
5 Siswa SD Kristen Ketapang "
21 June 2016
Bagus Tumblefold
" A mall for medium class. You can hunt a cheap fashion in here. "
16 June 2016
Andre Prabowo
" Not a good place to vvisit it only provides you with supermarket and cinema. The food court doesn't offer you nice quality of foods. The items sold here are mostly low class products. "
Kevin Farel
" not a good place anymore for hangout. but nice place for shopping groceries "
24 May 2018Nurul Ikhsan Justicia
" Nearest superstore from my house. Great for groceries "
05 May 2018Kay Bee
" This place used to be bustling with life but ever since the bigger mall Tang City Mall opened, a lot of its customers have stopped coming. Shoppers can have a relaxed time here. "
02 May 2018Emirza Sini
" This mall is so old actually and it seems like there's no maintenance at all. The aircon isn't working, there is floor crack and there is a lot of empty store. The only place I love about this mall is the Smart Club hypermarket. "
02 May 2018B3N Afendi
" Uda mulai sepi "
30 April 2018Liu Jenny
" mall yang kotor dan usang. semoga pengelola mall ada itikad baik utk memperbaikinya. orang bisa merokok di dalam gedung, wah ngak banget ni mall "
07 April 2018Stan Marsh
" Rundown. Floor cracks, A/C that is not cold. Looks like it's almost out of business. "
06 April 2018Johnny Hadryanto
" Once iconic, lake-facing and the only mall at the old city of Tangerang, the mall descend to become irrelevant. There are some stores that stayed unoccupied for more than 15 years. There are still some old time charms like the bird sing competition held every weekends. "
01 April 2018Muhamad Afiif
" mantaaapppssss "
11 March 2018Ign Aris Munandar
" Good place, the goods is various, cheap to expensive. But I don't like to go there because it's route is rather complicated. "
03 March 2018Cincin Sugiarto
" The mall was teribbly dirty, look shabby and old. The parking space was dark and dirty. The food there was also really bad. "
08 February 2018Suryadi Suryadi
" Mantap "
07 January 2018Vladiuz Dionzious
" We can say this one is a neglected mall. The only things that keep this mall quite alive is the grocery store and maybe the cinema. "
02 November 2017MJ Oxtaverdi
" Kind of mall on an urban area of Tangerang. However it's rather a deserted shopping place. Want to see a movie? Yes, they have it on the upper floor. If you want to have a more complex shopping town then the choice would be on Alam Sutera area. They have a lifestyle shopping mall and the visitors are rather a lot more than any other malls in Tangerang. "
01 November 2017Oktada R. Ikhwan
" Only for watching Thor Ragnarok cause i know i'll still got the ticket with a good seat, but the 3D in Cinemaxx was the worst, mark my words. "
27 October 2017Via Wijaya
" So far so good to have lunch or dinner. Enjoy to watched movie in Cinemaxx "
05 October 2017Imam Khoiri
" Mantap "
21 September 2017Rhapsody Karnovinanda
" My childhood mall 😁 nowadays, it's not as crowded as it used to be.. but still be functioned for shopping of daily needs, and there's cinemaxx too here! Cheap but good theatre! Wkwk "
07 August 2017Asih Widada
" Metropolis Town Square "
30 July 2017Yanni Karina
" Since they have Tangerang City accross the street, they lose, now it's a nearly died shopping center. It still have a lot of cheap salons, electronic shops, and clothes shops. It also have a cheap bookstore named Salemba that I can't find anywhere else, and Savemaxx, a department store also cannot be found elsewhere. "
17 July 2017Imam Renaldi
" Sayang "
11 July 2017Lina Rachmatia
" Its ok and helpful to looking cheap price "
09 July 2017Avan Qmoel
" Some time unresoneable prize.. "
29 June 2017Waskita Adi
" Not as crowded as other malls. Nearest mall I have "
24 June 2017Muhamad Riqsa
" Maybe this mall has seen better days, but that's what I like. My go to place to groom my cats. "
19 June 2017Rizky, B.A BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
" Bad cinemax path sign,the elevator sign will bring you to the service elevator, this elevator so far from the cinemax.Bad parking management, they dont have any change for parking place bill "
13 April 2017Sienway15
" The mall quite empty..not so many interest things... only SMARTCLUB , the cheap and afforadable Wholesaler Supermaket that worth to visit. Much cheaper compare to Hy***M**t or Ca****our. "
11 April 2017Adrie Suot
" Cinema here is cheaper and good place.. Plenty of car parking space "
21 March 2017Antonius Risdriyanto
" Standard shoping mall but need more innovations to attract more people to come. "
19 March 2017Rizki
" This good but more likely to modernize the marketplace, most restaurant closed because they failed in market analysis, people who come not coming to eat, they just sightseeing. "
04 February 2017Hartono
" Near my house in modernland "
28 January 2017Bakhtiar Ahadin
" It has Cinemaxx at 3rd floor. And also Smart Club which has pretty complete groceries. Other than that, nothing is interesting in this place. "
17 January 2017Happy Valentino
" kereeeen dan mewah "
01 January 2017Joshua Halim
" Confusing and littlebit dirty for mw "
04 December 2016Aboel Darus
" learning.. training.. "
24 August 2016Wieok Susanto
" Mal murah meriah "
07 July 2016Dina Armya
" Nama Grup Tahun Baru
21 June 2016Arkhalif Djohar
Cindy Olivia Wijaya
Enrico Julian Akbar
Ghisna Nur Fadhilla
Harimurti Kridalaksana
Haydar Dhiratama
Mikail Akbar Adnan
Raesa Sebayangdari
Rafii Imam Shafiudin
Sami Novel Syeban
Afifah Salsabila
Hafiz Barundin Syah
Ahlina Setiawan
Abdul Novianty
Rezky Dwi Rahmadika
Emily Sammsudin
5 Siswa SD Kristen Pelita Harapan
5 Siswa SMP Kristen Pelita Harapan
5 Siswa SD Kristen Ketapang "
Bagus Tumblefold
" A mall for medium class. You can hunt a cheap fashion in here. "
16 June 2016Andre Prabowo
" Not a good place to vvisit it only provides you with supermarket and cinema. The food court doesn't offer you nice quality of foods. The items sold here are mostly low class products. "
31 May 2016Indra Sjuriah
" Great place to purchase wholesale groceries. "
15 January 2016Koji Goey
" Depot surabaya jalan sudilo "
21 July 2013Rifolburunaung Rifol
" Gak ada apa2 "
04 May 2013