About Lotte Chemical Titan Nusantara
Lotte Chemical Titan Nusantara is located at Jl. Raya Merak Km. 116, Desa Rawa Arum, Pulomerak, Gerem, Cilegon, Kota Cilegon, Banten 42436, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 254 571333, visit their website www.lottechem.co.id for more detailed information.
Kids LPG
" Nice "
19 August 2020Denny Ruchiat
" Meet up with para mantan... "
07 February 2020Aryanto Nugroho
" A lot of memory. A good place with a good people. I miss that time "
28 January 2020Heri Suderajat
" Primary production chemical "
01 December 2019Charles Pierre Joe Hendrico
" Great chemical plant, loved it... "
26 November 2019Diska Arum
" the best place for learning "
21 November 2019Syafril Zainuddin
" We got a job in this area ... "
17 November 2019노영태
" Chemical plant. "
07 August 2019Dodon R
" Good place "
07 June 2019Dian Andiyani
" Easy to reach easy to find "
16 March 2019Dian Andiyani
" Easy to reach easy to find "
16 March 2019Adi Hendrawan
" Memories of 2004-2014,
08 March 2019Good place for learning, practicing and improving not just our skill of work but whole things more than that.
Proud tobe part of it. "
Adi Hendrawan
" Memories of 2004-2014,
08 March 2019Good place for learning, practicing and improving not just our skill of work but whole things more than that.
Proud tobe part of it. "
Hanymbon Mimi Jafra
" 1 minggu sekali masukin invoice kl gak ikut kirim barang kesini, ramah" karyawan ny "
15 October 2018Suminta 280867
" Tempat bersandar "
03 October 2018Nanda Zulya Gustina
" Tempat gue pkl nih "
22 February 2018Septya Irfansyah
" Perusahaan Polyethylen pertama di Cilegon "
01 February 2018Deni Mulyana
" Tempat mencari nafkah "
01 December 2017Eri Sutiono
" Like "
19 November 2017Sumitro Wardoyo
" Good and good "
03 November 2017Idrus Abduh
" Top 10 Asia "
27 August 2017Fauzan Saifuddin
" Good place for work "
22 June 2017Heri Susyanto
" This plant is my history. I worked 16 years ago "
28 April 2017Franky Soit
" Anter makanan "
06 April 2017Frengky Hutasoit
" Lotte group chemical pabrik "
06 April 2017Faris Labib Fi'ilmi
" Pabrik nya keliatan jadul, peralatan nya kelihatan sudah berumur banyak, dan kebersihan nya kurang dijaga "
24 March 2017Rahadian Bayu
" Pabrik Polyethylene terbesar di Indonésia, tidak cukup memenuhi pasar dalam negeri "
20 March 2017Muhamad Naser
" Rapih, bersih "
27 February 2017Krisnan Hidayat
" Tmpat ku mencari uang buat kluargaku saat ini "
04 December 2016Hendra Victoria
" Mall ya. "
13 July 2016