" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
The facilities in this station are well maintained and clean. "
07 June 2018
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
The facilities in this station are well kept and clean. "
30 May 2018
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
The facilities in this station are well kept and clean. "
24 May 2018
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
The facilities in this station is well kept and clean. "
20 May 2018
Marlisa Kurniaty
" I love this station. Small but very effective. We can reach Bintaro Xchange by walking. Also to UPJ campus by walking... clean and provide many bench. "
19 May 2018
James Ridwan
" The access station from the Bintaro Xchange has been renovated well, there was canopy, so when the rain comes, you haven't got wet. "
14 May 2018
Fajar Fajar
" Not so big station but serving Bintaro sektor 7,9 area..cleanliness is good, there is a minimart, bakeryshop, and little vending machine, service management is nice, parking space is bad, there is a lot parking space but some area (down area) very wet and full of mud if it rain season and dust if it dry season, the station is having 2 access, one is (zebra cross what the local used to say it) is drop off and pick up only is nice and have a roof, comfy for pedestrians located next to Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall, and shelter for shuttle bus. One another is (stasiun atas) this is a small access road and if you want to park your car/moped this is your access, there is a unofficial moped parking outside the station area "
27 April 2018
Nando Fernando
" The stasion is quite clean and pretty close to biggest mall in area,, women would love it much more,, "
22 April 2018
Jefri Tamba
" Traveling as a disabled senior the extra care they took to get me from the train to my transfer was timely and done with great care which I so appreciated. "
12 April 2018
Hari L.Y
" Cheap public transportation, clean and easy to access.
It is a solution for jakarta crowded traffic "
16 March 2018
Danny Rama Chandra
" I revise my review re. tapping your ticket for changing platform 1 to 2 as now they fix it but other things remain the same. Its an improvement & my rating also improve from 2stars to 3stars :)
Access could be better, the street is too small, parking area need to be more spacious & clean, it's too small & too many wet area for cars since this station becoming a busy station. But there's a few nice things about this station, yes they have a clean toilet, mini shop & a coffee shop & it's very close to BXC with a nice access to walk by "
07 March 2018
Khairul Habib Muttaqien
" Its not a big commuter station. No elevator yet, so we have to climb up stairs sometime. No ticket machine available yet. But luckily we can find coffee shop and convenient store inside. Seating are abundant. "
14 February 2018
Nathan A
" Access from and to BXc mall is nice, but only small road and sidewalk provided from Jl. Cendrawasih road. Car parking is also very limited, especially between office hours. Otherwise, facilities inside the station is sufficient and service by personnel is good. "
28 January 2018
Salahuddin Muhammad
" A train station serving people live around Kanpung Sawah area and Bintaro area. This is a pretty small but busy train station. Although it is considered a small train station, they have some tenant that provide baked bun, coffee, and even a convenience store. Parking area available but quite limited capacity "
10 December 2017
Muhamad Yudistira Muria
" This train station has made some improvements on some facilities and it is good! So close to Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall and it takes less than 5 mins to walk. "
03 November 2017
Himayatus Shalihah
" Good public service, clean with security guard, BNI BCA tap cash and small shop inside and outside the gate. "
14 October 2017
Kelvin Wijaya
" Good, my girlfriend's neighborhood. It's clean and got a lot of cute cats. "
13 October 2017
Danny Rama Chandra
" You have to tap (pay) to change plarform 1 & 2. Access could be better, the street is too small, parking area need to be more spacious & clean, it's too small & too many wet area for cars since this station becoming a busy station. But there's a few nice things about this station, yes they have a clean toilet, mini shop & a coffee shop & it's very close to BXC with a nice access to walk by "
02 October 2017
Annisa Ulrahmah
" Nearest station from house. Make it easier to go anywhere around Jabodetabek. "
27 September 2017
Harry Kurniawan
" Next to Bintaro Xchange. The service is getting better year to year "
10 September 2017
Trieko Yananto
" Clean and green, best path for pedestrian "
31 July 2017
Dharma Syukri
" Southern Entrance needs improvement. Exit corridor towards BxC Mall is on improvement mode. Keep up the good work! "
26 July 2017
Maoer Channel
" Good public transportation "
18 June 2017
Ardnas Dewi
" This station is close to the Bintaro Jaya Exchange Mall.. "
17 June 2017
Soni Drestiana
" Its a clean station. I have no bad experience by traffic to in and out this station "
19 May 2017
Okvita Dewi
" Good station "
17 May 2017
Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurang Mangu people, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is not far from Bintaro Xchange Mall "
11 May 2017
Ade Sudiatna
" Lokasi nya fake "
14 April 2017
Chocho 2000
" Tempatnya salah, bukan di sini. Stasiun Juramangu harusnya sebelah Bintaro Xchange. "
06 April 2017
Athallah Arsyaf
" Considering that this is located in one of Bintaro's highlighted areas and not to mention the only train access near to the Central CBD, this station does not flare the same confidence as the city its serving. The station is in walking proximity to the Bintaro Xchange Mall (BXc Mall) and only a 5 minute drive to many other areas in Bintaro. Access with car to the station is terrible and quite frankly should be avoided. The station by itself is nothing special, there are lots of exit and entry gates and I believe this is a less visited station so its empty most of the time (excluding special occasions like holidays and such). I believe the last time I went Tactile blocks were not yet to be seen yet and the signs are still greatly lacking. Considering that this is the station residents of Jaya is using, this should be equipped with PSDs and such. I believe there's also a mini market in the station for passengers and there's also toilets and prayer room available OUTSIDE of the paid area. Generally satisfactory but I have seen better stations. There is no wheelchair accessible pathway from the station to the pedestrian sidewalk to BXc. "
28 March 2017
Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurangmangu area, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is very close to Bintaro Xchange Mall. "
18 March 2017
Tito Sigilipoe
" Lokasi dekat dengan Mal Bintaro Exchange. Keluar dari stasiun ada sungai kecil dan melewati terowongan. Beda dari yang lain. "
16 March 2017
Iman Prastyo
" Public transport to bintaro xchange mall. Clean and not to crowded but be careful when it's rain "
22 February 2017
Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurangmangu area, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is very close to Bintaro Xchange Mall "
19 February 2017
M Ashar Dasril
" Best option of public transportaion for people live in this area.
The train station is clean and provide pedestrian access toward Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall, which is great.
But parking lot of the station still need to be improve. "
13 February 2017
Ruston.nawawi Almustofa Mustofa
" Good "
01 February 2017
Tya Desrian
" Ok "
17 January 2017
Sakiyo Ubay Dilah
" Bikin nyasar aja "
14 January 2017
Nur Bhara
" Ok "
11 January 2017
Martin Hardiono
" Most convenience way to go to Bintaro Xchange on public transportation. Unfortunately there is no access for the disable "
07 January 2017
Chandra Wahyudi
" Sangat strategis "
20 December 2016
Danny Rama Chandra
" The good thing about this station it's located next to Bintaro Jaya XChange shopping mall "
20 December 2016
" W jga ga tau siapa yg mindahin titik coy Sialan nih yg bikin orang Nyasar..... "
07 December 2016
Aarief Khan
" Tolong pihak Google di cek lagi. .setiap ada pembuatan titik. "
01 November 2016
PutuDediAr 2277
" Nice & clean train station just a view step from Bintaro Exchange Mall. Stasiun Jurang Mangu is one of commuter fovorite choice for their base. Easy access and good facilities definetelly are the cause. "
28 October 2016
Djunaidi Rinin
" Up "
13 September 2016
Nina Sari
" Hemm "
03 September 2016
Junaidishalat Shalat
" cepat efisien.. ok bgt "
03 September 2016
Nina Sari
" Gampang cepat "
02 September 2016
Putri Cantika
" Mudah "
29 August 2016
Festiaji Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurangmangu area, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is very close to Bintaro Xchange Mall. "
07 August 2016
Putri Cantika
" Nice "
06 August 2016
GBJKT18066 Mnurdin
" Ini rumput bxc bukan stasiun Jurangmangu "
02 August 2016
Merpati Humairah
" Sangat membantu sekali "
25 July 2016
Aming Aming Nurdiansyah
" Top "
25 July 2016
Andri Setiawan
" sangat menarik "
17 June 2016
Nazar Criit
" Sangat membantu saya "
17 June 2016
Gigin Ginanjar
" Small neighborhood station serving bintaro and ciputat resident to commute quickly to central jakarta. Only two lanes available and changing lanes require you to go up and down many flight of stairs. "
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
07 June 2018The facilities in this station are well maintained and clean. "
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
30 May 2018The facilities in this station are well kept and clean. "
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
24 May 2018The facilities in this station are well kept and clean. "
Rafy Sugiri
" This station can be accessed from Bintaro Exchange Mall, makes it quite convenient for commuters from and to Bintaro. For those who drives to the station, very limited parking space available. There is an option to park at Bintaro Exchange Mall but this option is very expensive.
20 May 2018The facilities in this station is well kept and clean. "
Marlisa Kurniaty
" I love this station. Small but very effective. We can reach Bintaro Xchange by walking. Also to UPJ campus by walking... clean and provide many bench. "
19 May 2018James Ridwan
" The access station from the Bintaro Xchange has been renovated well, there was canopy, so when the rain comes, you haven't got wet. "
14 May 2018Fajar Fajar
" Not so big station but serving Bintaro sektor 7,9 area..cleanliness is good, there is a minimart, bakeryshop, and little vending machine, service management is nice, parking space is bad, there is a lot parking space but some area (down area) very wet and full of mud if it rain season and dust if it dry season, the station is having 2 access, one is (zebra cross what the local used to say it) is drop off and pick up only is nice and have a roof, comfy for pedestrians located next to Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall, and shelter for shuttle bus. One another is (stasiun atas) this is a small access road and if you want to park your car/moped this is your access, there is a unofficial moped parking outside the station area "
27 April 2018Nando Fernando
" The stasion is quite clean and pretty close to biggest mall in area,, women would love it much more,, "
22 April 2018Jefri Tamba
" Traveling as a disabled senior the extra care they took to get me from the train to my transfer was timely and done with great care which I so appreciated. "
12 April 2018Hari L.Y
" Cheap public transportation, clean and easy to access.
16 March 2018It is a solution for jakarta crowded traffic "
Danny Rama Chandra
" I revise my review re. tapping your ticket for changing platform 1 to 2 as now they fix it but other things remain the same. Its an improvement & my rating also improve from 2stars to 3stars :)
07 March 2018Access could be better, the street is too small, parking area need to be more spacious & clean, it's too small & too many wet area for cars since this station becoming a busy station. But there's a few nice things about this station, yes they have a clean toilet, mini shop & a coffee shop & it's very close to BXC with a nice access to walk by "
Khairul Habib Muttaqien
" Its not a big commuter station. No elevator yet, so we have to climb up stairs sometime. No ticket machine available yet. But luckily we can find coffee shop and convenient store inside. Seating are abundant. "
14 February 2018Nathan A
" Access from and to BXc mall is nice, but only small road and sidewalk provided from Jl. Cendrawasih road. Car parking is also very limited, especially between office hours. Otherwise, facilities inside the station is sufficient and service by personnel is good. "
28 January 2018Salahuddin Muhammad
" A train station serving people live around Kanpung Sawah area and Bintaro area. This is a pretty small but busy train station. Although it is considered a small train station, they have some tenant that provide baked bun, coffee, and even a convenience store. Parking area available but quite limited capacity "
10 December 2017Muhamad Yudistira Muria
" This train station has made some improvements on some facilities and it is good! So close to Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall and it takes less than 5 mins to walk. "
03 November 2017Himayatus Shalihah
" Good public service, clean with security guard, BNI BCA tap cash and small shop inside and outside the gate. "
14 October 2017Kelvin Wijaya
" Good, my girlfriend's neighborhood. It's clean and got a lot of cute cats. "
13 October 2017Danny Rama Chandra
" You have to tap (pay) to change plarform 1 & 2. Access could be better, the street is too small, parking area need to be more spacious & clean, it's too small & too many wet area for cars since this station becoming a busy station. But there's a few nice things about this station, yes they have a clean toilet, mini shop & a coffee shop & it's very close to BXC with a nice access to walk by "
02 October 2017Annisa Ulrahmah
" Nearest station from house. Make it easier to go anywhere around Jabodetabek. "
27 September 2017Harry Kurniawan
" Next to Bintaro Xchange. The service is getting better year to year "
10 September 2017Trieko Yananto
" Clean and green, best path for pedestrian "
31 July 2017Dharma Syukri
" Southern Entrance needs improvement. Exit corridor towards BxC Mall is on improvement mode. Keep up the good work! "
26 July 2017Maoer Channel
" Good public transportation "
18 June 2017Ardnas Dewi
" This station is close to the Bintaro Jaya Exchange Mall.. "
17 June 2017Soni Drestiana
" Its a clean station. I have no bad experience by traffic to in and out this station "
19 May 2017Okvita Dewi
" Good station "
17 May 2017Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurang Mangu people, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is not far from Bintaro Xchange Mall "
11 May 2017Ade Sudiatna
" Lokasi nya fake "
14 April 2017Chocho 2000
" Tempatnya salah, bukan di sini. Stasiun Juramangu harusnya sebelah Bintaro Xchange. "
06 April 2017Athallah Arsyaf
" Considering that this is located in one of Bintaro's highlighted areas and not to mention the only train access near to the Central CBD, this station does not flare the same confidence as the city its serving. The station is in walking proximity to the Bintaro Xchange Mall (BXc Mall) and only a 5 minute drive to many other areas in Bintaro. Access with car to the station is terrible and quite frankly should be avoided. The station by itself is nothing special, there are lots of exit and entry gates and I believe this is a less visited station so its empty most of the time (excluding special occasions like holidays and such). I believe the last time I went Tactile blocks were not yet to be seen yet and the signs are still greatly lacking. Considering that this is the station residents of Jaya is using, this should be equipped with PSDs and such. I believe there's also a mini market in the station for passengers and there's also toilets and prayer room available OUTSIDE of the paid area. Generally satisfactory but I have seen better stations. There is no wheelchair accessible pathway from the station to the pedestrian sidewalk to BXc. "
28 March 2017Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurangmangu area, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is very close to Bintaro Xchange Mall. "
18 March 2017Tito Sigilipoe
" Lokasi dekat dengan Mal Bintaro Exchange. Keluar dari stasiun ada sungai kecil dan melewati terowongan. Beda dari yang lain. "
16 March 2017Iman Prastyo
" Public transport to bintaro xchange mall. Clean and not to crowded but be careful when it's rain "
22 February 2017Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurangmangu area, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is very close to Bintaro Xchange Mall "
19 February 2017M Ashar Dasril
" Best option of public transportaion for people live in this area.
13 February 2017The train station is clean and provide pedestrian access toward Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall, which is great.
But parking lot of the station still need to be improve. "
Ruston.nawawi Almustofa Mustofa
" Good "
01 February 2017Tya Desrian
" Ok "
17 January 2017Sakiyo Ubay Dilah
" Bikin nyasar aja "
14 January 2017Nur Bhara
" Ok "
11 January 2017Martin Hardiono
" Most convenience way to go to Bintaro Xchange on public transportation. Unfortunately there is no access for the disable "
07 January 2017Chandra Wahyudi
" Sangat strategis "
20 December 2016Danny Rama Chandra
" The good thing about this station it's located next to Bintaro Jaya XChange shopping mall "
20 December 2016Alawiyah
" W jga ga tau siapa yg mindahin titik coy Sialan nih yg bikin orang Nyasar..... "
07 December 2016Aarief Khan
" Tolong pihak Google di cek lagi. .setiap ada pembuatan titik. "
01 November 2016PutuDediAr 2277
" Nice & clean train station just a view step from Bintaro Exchange Mall. Stasiun Jurang Mangu is one of commuter fovorite choice for their base. Easy access and good facilities definetelly are the cause. "
28 October 2016Djunaidi Rinin
" Up "
13 September 2016Nina Sari
" Hemm "
03 September 2016Junaidishalat Shalat
" cepat efisien.. ok bgt "
03 September 2016Nina Sari
" Gampang cepat "
02 September 2016Putri Cantika
" Mudah "
29 August 2016Festiaji Irawanto
" Favorite public transportation for Jurangmangu area, excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. The Location is very close to Bintaro Xchange Mall. "
07 August 2016Putri Cantika
" Nice "
06 August 2016GBJKT18066 Mnurdin
" Ini rumput bxc bukan stasiun Jurangmangu "
02 August 2016Merpati Humairah
" Sangat membantu sekali "
25 July 2016Aming Aming Nurdiansyah
" Top "
25 July 2016Andri Setiawan
" sangat menarik "
17 June 2016Nazar Criit
" Sangat membantu saya "
17 June 2016Gigin Ginanjar
" Small neighborhood station serving bintaro and ciputat resident to commute quickly to central jakarta. Only two lanes available and changing lanes require you to go up and down many flight of stairs. "
29 November 2015Sugiono Hadi Santoso
" Better than Sudimara "
25 November 2015Anwar Wank
" site stasiun juramangu "
06 November 2014