About D' Cost BSD
D' Cost BSD is a restaurant, located at Gedung Ocean Park Blok K No. 1-9, Jl. Pahlawan Seribu, Bumi Serpong Damai, Lengkong Gudang, Serpong, Lengkong Gudang, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15157, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 5389709, visit their website dcostseafood.com for more detailed information.
Vini Octaviani Puspita
" Kemarin sempet bukber disini. Mesti booking tempat di hari-H max. jam 3, gabisa via telpon. Makanan dateng agak lama, meja yg lain malah lebih telat dibuatnya (mungkin book tempatnya belakangan). Makanannya dikit bgt sih, terus berasa ga fresh karena amis banget. Kepitingnya gede di cangkang doang, dan rasanya absurd kalo bisa dibilang. Sayur kombinasi banyak sawinya doang. Kerangnya lumayan. Udang gaada rasanya, hambar. Lemon teanya paling aneh, terlalu asem dan terlalu manis. Dan yan paling bikin kecewa, tempat segede gitu, musholanya segede toilet. Kecil banget. Akhirnya sholat di musholla Ocean Park. Dan pas cuci tangan, wastafelnya bau amis. Harusnya rajin2 disemprot pewangi atau apa biar gabau gitu. Bikin ga nyaman. Kecewa sih dengan harga yang agak mahal tapi kualitasnya jelek. Ga lagi deh bukber disini.
30 May 2018(Gaada foto karena hectic bgt pas kemarin, makanannya juga dateng misah2 jadi keburu dimakan makanan yg udah dateng duluan.) "
Rafki Ridwan
" Sometimes went here on my niece's or nephew's birthdays. Spacious and free refills for water and tea. Nice food, but too much spicy stuffs. "
28 May 2018Agung Yudha
" Lovely place to eat with friends and family "
20 May 2018Raihan Banyu
" Decent place for a seafood restaurant, makanannya lumayan "
11 May 2018Jajat Supriatna91
" Good food for sea food "
04 May 2018Haykal Show
" The food taste delicious and its having a good service. 👌 "
30 April 2018Rini Susanti
" Good food, good price "
05 December 2017Fraka Dawa
" Great af!!! Love this place so much❤️❤️ "
13 October 2017Jasa Tes Kepribadian
" Yummy.. "
03 July 2017Antonius Hermawan
" great cheap seafood restaurant, the taste is good enough "
26 February 2017Immanuel Ginting
" Located in the waterboom theme park area sometime make consumer little bit difficult to find parking and table
04 February 2017The menu is the same as other D'Cost resto "
Didit Putra
" Located inside Ocean Park BSD so this place is for you if you have finished playing in there. A lot of good points come from this place such as spacious parking space, a lot of chairs that can serve visitors in huge numbers.
10 September 2016And don't forget they serve great menus. "
R Fahsa
" + : fast serving
29 May 2016- : bad service and uncomfortable place "
Intan Savitri
" Low price, good taste, bad service.. "
28 January 2013