About Batavia Splash Water Adventure
Batavia Splash Water Adventure is an amusement park, located at Perumahan, Grand Batavi, Jalan Raya Cadas Kukun, Sindangsari, PasarKemis, Sindangsari, PasarKemis, Tangerang, Banten 15560, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-1212-4665, visit their website purijaya.com for more detailed information.
Cahya Santika
" Family time at Batavia Spalsh Water Adventure it's a right place for weekend around Sepatan area... "
21 January 2020Ari Van Java
" The location is quite far from downtown Tangerang, but the place is quite comfortable, as long as it doesn't come during peak season. The facilities are also quite adequate, you may also bring food and drinks from home, which is very suitable for a family for little picnic. Even if you don't bring your own food, the price at the food court is also not too expensive, although in terms of taste, it is not too special "
18 January 2020Mulyadi Yadi
" Ok bngtzzz "
03 January 2020Asli Palsu
" Not bad...but it's too far away "
18 November 2019Darwin Nursamsur
" Nice place, cheap price.
14 October 2019Good for children but not for adult person :) "
Dzakwan Fachri
" come and holiday with family and friend . best place "
20 August 2019M Hendri
" Amazing waterpark. Fabulous facility. A recomended place for bringing your family here "
22 July 2019Novrian Abdillah
" best place, the security is kind and fun. All of there r the best for me "
13 June 2019Alvin Yusup
" Good place nice and clean..but need more challenge attraction "
10 June 2019Piter Yohanes Tindangen
" Fun place, but so hot at sunny day, need more trees "
02 April 2019Jehan
" Nice place and need maintenance more detail,, now dirty and some spot need re painting and replace floor,, "
17 March 2019Mohammad Zamroni
" The pool is great..the water is fresh and the floor is not slippery..good place for family picnic. "
06 November 2018Anru Arifin Fikih
" Good place for spending time with family "
28 October 2018DISPA HANUM
" Good place for refreshing with ur family or ur friends.. "
05 August 2018Mala Sihombing
" Good swimming pool here and the play's splas water. Safety for kids "
05 June 2018Dyah Ayu
" Waterpark for children and family at Cikupa, Tangsel, Banten. you can enjoy wave pool, children pool and also adult pool. Be carefull because at some floor is slippery. "
14 May 2018Rhizka Pay Deniz
" Pohon agar di perbanyak biar rindang sejuk, tdk terkesan gersang. Renang 1 jam sdh gosong bdn.. pilih pohon yg daunnya tdk nyampah semacam akasia dll.
14 May 2018Promo diperbanyak agar hari biasa tetap ramai dikunjungi.
Kerjasama dg sekolah2 dan sbg ajang aneka lomba. Kreatif sedikit lah biar maju pesat sindangsari dan sekitarnya.. "
Erick Ryu
" - the ticket so cheap
12 March 2018- developed by Jaya group
- the people around friendly faces
- come & swimming, you gone a fill like it... "
Mulyana Yusuf
" Ini lokasi/stand penukaran kupon free/welcome drinks(milo/capucino) "
06 February 2018Seni Kurnia
" Good place to take your kids. The place is outside the city so the acces is bit dfficult "
28 January 2018Nur Yadi
" Nice place to swim but too crowd..come earlier if not u can only find a little happiness in here "
05 January 2018Iwan Webdeveloper
" Good place for quality time with our family. My son so happy play water in here. Different pricing for weekday or weekend. Weekend more expensive. "
12 December 2017Mahesa Faturahman
" Good place but too hot here "
05 November 2017Ridho Tri Amana
" Good water adventure for family "
22 October 2017Priema Rush
" It's too hot in here.., not enough tend for customer (if you compare with area size).. and for the gazebo you have to rent it.. 100 IDR for 2 hours... "
15 October 2017Edwin Wongkaren
" Great place to play with water "
28 September 2017Oktada R. Ikhwan
" One fine day "
27 September 2017Tizar Hartawan
" still need more chair for people's drop their bags, & need more free gazebo, because now there if need a gazebo have to rent and pay Rp.100k for 2hour duration (over expensive). I think the management hv to think other source of income for their revenue and start to give more free public facilities on the site "
28 August 2017Sofian Saleh
" Nice place To hangout with Your family "
04 August 2017Robby Myzanul Haq
" Good place for family days "
13 July 2017Ruang Hati Band And Traumatic Sound
" It's too hot "
11 July 2017Oemar Saputra
" Area luas, kebersihan masih terjaga.safty guard nya selalu pantau.untuk kabupaten udah termasuk bagus deh,ga kalah sama yg dikota.semoga tambah banyak lagi pilihan didaerah sini.... "
25 May 2017Ajeng Dewi Fortuna
" Good places👍 "
28 April 2017Cen Fensun
" Ok "
24 April 2017Aish Suhendar
" Tempatnya enak bangett pokonyaa...gak nyesell dech berkunjung ke batavia splash..harga tiketnya pun sangat terjangkau "
27 March 2017Obby Obara
" Tempatnya luas...permainanya banyak. Akses gampang ada di jln. Raya cadas-kukun kel.Sindang sari ps.kemis. "
25 March 2017Ketut Wiyasa
" Very very Hot, under construction, no trees, less gazebo, small "
19 March 2017Vadil Chi_kebo
" Tempat yaa asyik euy..
26 February 2017Pokonya nyesel banget klo blm ke batavia splash water adventure...👍👍👍👍 "
Ramlys Sapista
" Beautiful "
25 February 2017Ganisfega Setiaputra
" Sudah hampir selesai pembangunannya. Gak sabar bisa main kesana bulan Februari nanti "
03 January 2017