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About Asus Service Center / Asus Repair Center

Asus Service Center / Asus Repair Center is located at Jalan Muhammad Husni Thamrin No.12E, Cikokol, Tangerang, Cikokol, Kec. Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 1500128, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 129

Ferdinal Agus

" Good service but please fix on working hours.... Went there 09 am but still not open yet "

11 September 2020

Ikhsan Eka Wismaya (SecretEvent)

" Best service "

04 September 2020

??????? ?????????

" Very fast and efiicient services "

21 May 2020

Gung Willi

" Good service, my laptop problem already solved they give an information to us if yours already done "

26 January 2020

Deny Gunawan

" I just dropped off my newly purchased VivoBook that keeps going into BIOS state every time when powered ON. The female front desk staff is accommodating and seems to know what she is doing. She will let me know the problem in 5 working days. We'll see if ASUS Service Center worth to receive 4* ;). I guess NOT although...

Vivobook is working normal again - just need to replace the SSD Sata with SSD M.2 then reimaging and that's it.

What ticks me off is that my Office program is now a trial version :(

And I have to go through trouble to install back myself. "

07 January 2020

Deny Gunawan

" I just dropped off my newly purchased VivoBook that keeps going into BIOS state every time when powered ON. The female front desk staff is accommodating and seems to know what she is doing. She will let me know the problem in 5 working days. We'll see if ASUS Service Center worth to receive 4* ;). I guess NOT although...

Vivobook is working normal again - just need to replace the SSD Sata with SSD M.2 then reimaging and that's it.

What ticks me off is that my Office program is now a trial version :(

And I have to go through trouble to install back myself. "

07 January 2020

Sunny Angelous. R

" Dont waste your time. "

23 October 2019

Budi Joyo

" The best service center for Asus only.
This place very recommended for officially Asus product service from PC, NB and Smartphones.
They also available for officially spareparts.
We can tracking our service by online and also inform by mobile message as well.
So far good job for them. "

03 October 2019

Erina Calista

" Bad service. My PC's problem isn't solved after a week. Not recommended at all. "

27 July 2019

Erina Calista

" Bad service. My PC's problem isn't solved after a week. Not recommended at all. "

27 July 2019

Henrico Aldy Ferdian

" I've been here 4 times. And my overall experience is good. A lot of people does not know that when they came to Asus SC and get an repair information paper, they can check their device's repair status in ASUS Service Center site or ASUS Service Center app by using the RMA or Serial Number of their device.

I've been using the Asus SC app quite a lot, to check the repair status of my device and estimated time to complete. You can check whether your device need to wait for a sparepart, under repair, warranty void because of the user so you need to pay some money for it, and when it's ready to be picked up.

There is only two front desk personnel. To avoid long waiting time in queue, you need to came earlier. Here's my experience.

The first and the second one was to install a brand new RAM and SSD for my notebook PC. They provide the installation service for free (because it's still under warranty), and I only need to wait for about 10-15 mins.

The third time, I came to replace my notebook PC's faulty hard drive. They replaced my hard drive with a brand new one. Need to wait for a week to get it fully fixed. (Took a long time because I need to wait for the sparepart shipped from Jakarta).

The fourth time, I came to fix the mechanical hinge, and they replaced the broken back LED cover and fixed the hinge. Need to wait for about 9 days for this. (Again, long waiting time because of sparepart).

I got all of the service and replacement for free because it's still under warranty. "

05 July 2019


" Fast service, cool enough. Got what I need as fast they can do. Good job. Inside of denpasar area, easy to find. Communicative
Anyway they'll contact you when your order finished.

Other :
- need to take a line
- waiting area is comfy enough
- big enough for parking area
- price is depend to what you asked for "

03 July 2019

YUU KUU Taiyou11

" Fast service, cool enough. Got what I need as fast they can do. Good job. Inside of denpasar area, easy to find. Communicative
Anyway they'll contact you when your order finished.

Other :
- need to take a line
- waiting area is comfy enough
- big enough for parking area
- price is depend to what you asked for "

03 July 2019

Rambu Dhey

" Fast respond but only 2 persons in charge in customer service queued "

22 June 2019

Watch And Learn

" Great service from their FO, with professional worker , but sometimes we need to wait the spare parts for fixing mobile or laptop "

17 May 2019

Kadek Ade

" Serviced my ROG but my original windows was taken and change with the fake one.. "

06 May 2019

Philip Yusenda

" The service was swift and efficient. We need to wait a week for the battery, but after that is a breeze. "

30 March 2019

Stephanus Kevin

" Slow service wont give information status at all (they told me they will give info) i consider this place as the perfect place if u want to get mad quick "

20 March 2019

Yuu Kuu

" Fast service, cool enough. Got what I need as fast they can do. Good job. In side of denpasar area, easy to find. Communicative "

02 February 2019

Rian Zee

" Great services, there are mineral water that free to drink. "

23 January 2019

Rendi Setiadi

" Servis Center apaan lu sinting? Lokasi masuk perumahan.. lokasi rumah warga biasa.. jauh-jauh gua ikutin peta ga taunya nipu, setan!!! "

18 November 2018

Made Arjana

" Ruang tunggu nyaman,ada yang ambilkan nomor antrian,servisan diproses cukup cepat "

15 October 2018

Hajarudin Bafadal

" Pelayanannya baik walau agak lama dalam waktu servicenya "

09 June 2018

Ryanto Wijaya

" bad service... long queuing... not recommended at all, for Asus public relation officer please do something to improve the operational, thank you "

06 June 2018

Andi Nurwakia. S

" Apakah bisa mmbrsihkan lcd nb asus yg terkena air? "

01 June 2018

S Triani

" Bagi yang ingin service laptop atau hp silahkan kesini karena disinilah tempat service terpercaya asus. Harga lumayan pricy karena sparepart nya asli. Waktu pelayanan sangat terbatas dari jam 10 sampai jam 5 sore jadi yang mau kesini saya sarankan agal cepat karena kalau malam dan hari libur tutup. "

30 May 2018

Mukroni Warteg

" Toko komputer "

28 May 2018

Muhammad Sarwani

" Pelayanan memuaskan "

24 May 2018

Bayu Akbar

" Crowded place, but service is quiet good. I suggest you to come early (before the place is open) and fill the queue list to get slot that day. "

21 May 2018

Hirzi Zulkarnain

" The techs gladly replaced my ram for free on my first visit! "

08 May 2018

Rama Linardi

" Went here to service my partner's laptop. Service by the desk officer and the staff was pleasant, the duration it took for the technicians to fix the laptop was fairly quick, and we were notified on time when the service had been finished. Overall a good service centre. "

05 May 2018

Muhammad Juliansyah

" Sip "

21 April 2018

Audy Fernando

" Not giving the real solution, nive service and fast respond, has good room little bit small has ac, easy spot from street and has big sign "

20 April 2018

Rama Linardi

" Went here to service my partner's laptop. Service by the desk officer and the staff was pleasant, the duration it took for the technicians to fix the laptop was fairly quick, and we were notified on time when the service has been finished. Overall a good service centre. "

18 April 2018

Sylvia Candra

" My first experienced with ASUS, not happy with after sales service. My LCD is broke, brought it to Asus service center in STC. CS girls said took a week (7days) for reparation and she asked my permition for Software and Hardware checking and notified me that they'll erase all the data. REALLY?? I just want to change new LCD , my software are just fine, what the heck they reset my phone!! I have no option and forced to agree. Today I picked up my phone, and yes ALL DATA ARE GONE! So FRUSTATING! My sister owned SA****G , experienced same case. But She just need 3 hours to get her new LCD replaced and get her phone back perfectly fine, all her data were Saved. Lesson learned... AFTER SALES SERVICE is THE MOST IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION "

18 April 2018

Erkan Yildiz

" Long time service, Long time waiting at least 2 hour to catch customer service and very annoying music. No purchase Asus ever again. "

17 April 2018

Michella Angeline

" Tidak dpt ditemukan lokasi tokonya, tanya pedagang ga ada yg tau.
Tolong di perbaiki lagi lokasi tepatnya agar tdk menjerumuskan konsumen utk mencari lokasi yg salah.
Lokasi yg tepet dan pelayanan yg baik akan menambah rating anda dalam penjualan dan pelayanan tentunya !
Terima kasih. "

14 April 2018

Eka Iswara

" i had broken lcd screen that causing screen flicker and broken pixelated, so i decided to bring my lptop for fixing in this service center. their services are good and reliable, i have my laptop full recovery after waiting for about 1 weeks but its just okay, i know they serve many customer not only me. but then i check my laptop lcd with no error and none of scratch and marks leaving in my laptop during the repairing! good job asus "

11 April 2018

Marius Yunior

" Fast service and quick solving the problem. and its not crowded best place asus center for you if you hate waiting "

11 April 2018


" Petugasnya sangat ramah. Parkirnya tidak ada atapnya. Petugas parkirnya sangat tidak ramah "

05 April 2018

Hamidan Z. Wijasena

" to crowded and to small for asus service center. find bigger place please "

01 April 2018

Pedro ToMCat

" Ada papan nama di jalan utama "

31 March 2018

Andreski 0211

" Mau tanya kantor TAM dmn yh ? "

15 March 2018

Sara Septiana

" Tempat bersih dan pelayan baik "

09 March 2018

Has Midwan

" Tempat service elektronik merek ASUS "

03 March 2018

Top John Wu

" jual notebook asus e203nah ram 4gb gak? "

28 February 2018

Rheindy Maheswara

" The place is quite small, but it's ok as long as the service quality is good "

19 February 2018

Carissa Irene

" I should wait too long to get the information that they couldn't help me. "

18 February 2018

Jamal Baraba

" Ok "

16 February 2018

Arman Armin

" Apakah hp asus yg di jual.......? "

09 February 2018

Krisna Manggala

" This asus service center is better than before in bali. But there are only 2 cs. I won't talk about those cs. What i want to review about is the technicians. I think they're inexperienced people. My memory on my laptop has a problem. But i went there and repaired it wait for 7 days and then when i got my laptop back, you know what? The problem not fixed, and then the next day i went there again to repair it and wair for 14 days and my laptop getting worse (my memory AND ALSO MY DISK getting an error). For 7 years I've trust this brand. But this time, you disappointed me.

Edit: for now my laptop is fine. You know what? I have 12 gigs of RAM (4gb and 8gb) so i remove the 8gb and viola! My laptop healthy again! Isn't that a simple problem? You (asus sc) sucks! For 2nd times i got there and the first problem you said the problem is on windows 10 and the second one is on the motherboard. Shame on you asus technical support! "

28 January 2018

Virgiyana Mitra

" Good customer service. There's only 1 or 2 customer services. They handled the product very well and safety wrapped in bubble wrap. "

28 January 2018

Mas Boret

" Bagus "

25 January 2018

Nandang Sofyan

" Beli laptop "

23 January 2018

Sena Ajix

" Need 1 week only for retight the laptop cover. Disapointed. "

19 January 2018

Herdina Primasanti

" This one's not good enough. I was once put my notebook here to clean up my notebook fan. A week after, I took my notebook. Turned out that they did not really clean my notebook's fan. "

07 January 2018

Hendrik Hutasoit

" Tempat jual beli barang elektronik baru "

27 December 2017

Stevanus Taslim

" Pelayanan buruk sekali. Ketika saya menunggu antrian service yang panjang, orang lain yang datang untuk ambil barang yang telah diservice didahulukan.
Ketika saya mau ambil barang yang telah diservice, saya harus menunggu antrian service yang super panjang. Double standard!!! "

18 December 2017


" Best merk laptop ever "

14 December 2017

Galang Manacika

" bener2 nyesel beli asus,leptop belum beli sebulan udh rusak, pelayanan buruk, leptop malah tambah rusak pula. nyesel bener beli leptop asus. saya jadikan ini sebagai pengalaman dan saya iklaskan uang 8jt saya buat anda "

14 December 2017

Cahyana Wiyana

" Datang kesini mengantar kawan dari negeri bambu, membawa laptop yang bermasalah dengan connector nya. Setelah mengambil nomer urut, duduk menunggu sekitar 30 menit. Waduh... tidak ada toilet ?? 😯 Terpaksa kawan keluar, menyeberang jalan, menumpang toilet. Sebaiknya, service center seperti ini mempunyai ruang toilet, untuk kenyamanan pelanggan. Setelah nomer urut kami dipanggil, maka petugas menanyakan barang elektronik apa yang kami bawa dan apa keluhannya. Kerusakannya sederhana tetapi fatal, power dari batere charge tidak masuk ke laptop. Untuk perbaikan diperlukan 7 hari kerja 😢 . "

13 December 2017

Citra Indraswari

" Asus service centre in surabaya.. For all Asus product, dont forget to bring your guarantee cards "

09 December 2017

Mark In Bali

" Friendly staff, good service but very annoying music that loops every 2 minutes "

05 December 2017

Sudrajat Hadi

" I bring my friend laptop Asus A43S (pentium) , i think the problem of the laptop just in the main board. Ive come to harco mangga dua service center before, and the technician say the problem is in the main board.

Then i tried to bring it to stc senayan, he say the problem is in the mainboard, display, power unit. And the cost i must pay is 25% higher than the new one. My friend buy the laptop is 5.500.000 IDR, but i must pay 7.400.000 for the service haha

Not a recommend service center ive ever come "

23 November 2017

Muhamad Ridwan Fauzi

" Apakah untuk hp juga? Atau hanya laptop? "

22 November 2017

Ahmad Khanani

" tempat service sekaligus menyediakan aksesoris hp asus dikota pekalongan "

16 November 2017

Labqi Roro

" Fast respond and quite place "

15 November 2017

Ilham Juntiwa

" Not good repaire "

02 November 2017

Remilton Gerardus

" Apa bisa servis hp asus..?? "

02 November 2017


" produk asli - garansinya manteb!. "

01 November 2017

Muhammad Aldhiansyah

" asus give you the ebst expperience in electronic service centre "

17 October 2017

Hendi 1985

" Barang lumana lengkap "

14 October 2017

Asdin Adit

" Tuntas "

12 October 2017

Suciadi Nugroho

" helpfull and fast responding. only need 5 days fixed my phone and free "

05 October 2017

Medim Wewe

" Mau servis bisa y "

28 September 2017

Achmad Al-Chasni

" Petugasnya tidak ramah "

28 September 2017

Marsha Annabelle

" Disini jual baterai ori buat hp asus nggak ya?? "

25 September 2017

Muhammad Husni

" serpis konektor charger aja kudu seminggu ditinggal sama data ilang. ga good lah "

23 September 2017

Sulaksmana Sandhi

" Good service, its better than before "

16 September 2017


" Apakah sya bsa servis laptop acer "

10 September 2017

Rafly Ridha

" Bisa service make kartu asuransi gk?1 "

31 August 2017

Hermando Firgus

" Considered as newly opened ASUS service center. The queue is not that long compared to one in Senayan. "

21 August 2017

Stephen Han

" Charging repair cost higher than the price of a new one is not good marketing policy. "

16 August 2017

Teguh Suyodono

" mau tanya,,,ini ASUS center yang dulu di gunung agung bukan ya? thanks "

14 August 2017

Chairul Anwar

" Ok "

07 August 2017

Andry Tiraska

" Sulit ditemukan "

05 August 2017

Azis Rahma Muraegi

" Service good, I thought the service will take long time but in 1week is already done. Also the claim warranty is not so hard in here. "

02 August 2017

Dek Indra

" Servisnya cepat sekarang. Sudah ada kemajuan pesat. "

01 August 2017

Giorby Miranda

" A decent service center with decent customer care. It's pretty cramped with unclear directions what new customers should do upon first visit. The ticket machine was not properly placed, room was pretty dark the farther you sit away from the doors, not to mention it is unfortunate they close during Friday praying. Should have rotated their staff and have a couple on standby. Now I have to come back again to get my laptop. "

28 July 2017

Fathur Rozi

" Kalau service kerusakannya screen Dan speaker brp ya harganya? "

24 July 2017

Saeed Ali

" اجهزتهم اي كلام "

20 July 2017

Budiono Sukses

" Good place to fix ASUS problem in Surabaya. Located in Klampis area, in East Surabaya. "

28 June 2017

Eka Tresna

" Quick and direct "

24 June 2017

Iman Khalil

" WORST SERVICE CENTER EVER! I've got my ASUS X550D notebook with broken battery to be serviced here. It takes about 2 weeks for ONLY diagnosing the problem, in which they've told me that this kind of battery problem is quite common, while takes JUST 3 days for the repair itself.

The reason is, why it takes soooo long just diagnosing the so-called-common problem? Dude, please be concerned to any of your brand's product, regardless whom owning it.

Anyway, after months of usage, the battery (AGAIN) suffer the same battery problem. DAMN. "

21 June 2017

Ernie Artha

" Very recomended for after sales product of Asus "

21 June 2017

Donny Setiawan

" Sudah tutup di SDC.. "

19 June 2017

Bee Bee

" If you have no idea what's going on with your gadgets it's better to find another services place. You only spend money with no result! "

14 June 2017

Stephen Ananda

" Poor customer service standards, will not buy Asus anymore "

13 June 2017

Andy Irawan

" It's just little for service center, just 3 customer services, 2 for receiving the complaints and one clerk for return your phone. Rp 50.000 for checking the damage of your phone. "

27 May 2017

Fahrudin Muhammad

" Jangan beli ASUS. Service Center parah, cuma ganti keyboard masak harus format hard disk.. Produk jelek baru 1 tahun rusak mother board dan keyboard. Untung garansi. "

13 May 2017

Naimos Kendari

" Mantap azuz servis centernya sdh ada. "

08 May 2017

Ido Genesio

" No spare part available "

19 April 2017

Faried Azhari

" Good service "

10 April 2017

Edy Wijaya - ICS


22 March 2017

Subejo Bejo

" Siiiip "

18 March 2017

Toto Sunarto

" Good "

17 March 2017

Wharmad Suka-suka

" lohh kok pas di tinjau ke TKP kagak ada??? "

11 March 2017

Vecky Tanasal

" For servis about phone, notebook or laptop this place can repair that use guarantine "

19 February 2017

Charles Stephen Tjahjono

" Quick and solutive "

15 February 2017

Aris Nugroho Pranoto

" Good after sales service warranty of all types of ASUS devices including Free Prolonged Warranty "

07 February 2017

Samuel Wijaya

" Mahal banget. Nyesel beli disini harganya jauh dari harga rekomendasi asus "

22 January 2017

Bejo Sutrisno Petrug

" Asus makin oke aja. "

07 January 2017

Wonk Edhan

" Service ASUS (y) "

05 January 2017

Rudi Thejack

" Good services, thank you asus crew.
I was returing my mainboard and i satisfy with their guarantee "

05 January 2017

Adi Putra

" service center asus buka di sukabumi dong.. "

02 January 2017

Alfons Ferari

" Good service center "

28 December 2016

Atunk A

" Asus Service Care at Tangerang.. "

11 December 2016

Sobar Taopik

" Mantap...asus lah "

07 December 2016

Atunk A

" Nice service.. "

22 November 2016

Edy Wijaya - ICS


20 November 2016

Ridwan Gosal

" The waiting area is small and cramped. But luckily the service was pretty quick and efficient. "

26 September 2016

Nurul Kurniawan

" Selamat pagi, saya memiliki masalah dengan notebook dengan tipe G752. Saat saya start, kipas pendingin notebook berbunyi cukup keras dan keyboard tidak berfungsi, tapi system masih berjalan normal dan saya telah mencoba merestart notebook, tapi masih belum ada hasil. Mohon solusinya "

06 September 2016

Ridho Ibrahim

" Jumlah CS ama yang antri gak sebanding. Ngantri bisa 1 jam. Servis LCD Nexus 7, eh balik2 sinyal seluler jadi jelek and sim tray juga pecah 😑😑😑 "

05 September 2016

Inne Setiawan

" Great support great people! "

29 July 2016

Gábor Varga

" Little shop with so many things. Very nice employees! "

14 July 2016

Bieng Soecahya

" pelayanannya bagus "

07 July 2016

Ridho Isya

" Baterai Asus x550ze masih ada gak trus kira-kira buat gantinya butuh brapa lama sma klo garansi masih dikenai biaya buat pergantian atau enggak "

04 July 2016

Erwin Gunawan

" Good service "

22 June 2016

Imi Ilham

" Tambah rusak . Bayar 450 rb tetep aja sakit "

13 May 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Sunday Closed