" Holy water to clearer mind.... Really nice place "
04 May 2018
Putu Widiarsa
" Hari yg baik purnama dan tmpk landep umut penuh antusias ntk melukat bersama kerabat. "
04 April 2018
" The water temple of Hindi "
21 March 2018
The Paradise Hunters
" A place to get holy water balinese people come here to purify them self. It is called as melukat. "
27 February 2018
Agus Oka
" This is a holy place where you can purifying your soul, absorbing energy and harmony in life. Feel water splash, water falls on head and river flows teasing your body balance. The temple on top will end your journey with God bless. "
20 January 2018
Made Panter
" Banyak dikunjungi oleh umat hindu seluruh bali jg wisman manca negara.tempat ini sebelumnya bernama sudamala atau tirta sudamala,setelah di renovasi dan di bangun pura diberi nama pura tirta sudamala dan di kelola oleh desa adat pakraman banyuasri.sarana utk melukat/pembersihan diri dan persembahyangan,biasanya ramai dikunjungi saat bulan purnama dan odalan. "
21 September 2017
Made Panter
" Banyak dikunjungi oleh umat hindu seluruh bali jg wisman manca negara. "
07 September 2017
Bagoes Eka
" great place like a heaven "
03 July 2017
Gustu Bali
" Truth it can cleansing negative influence
Great Holy Spring Water in Bali "
23 July 2016
Agus Indra
" Tempat melukat yang sangat asri dan alami. Air nya jernih. Pemangku yg memimpin persembahyangan sangat ramah "
12 June 2016
May Dewi Ai
" Alami sekali "
17 May 2016
Dwi Martha
" Holy and beautiful place, clear water and naturaly. "
Devriy Profit
" Holy water to clearer mind.... Really nice place "
04 May 2018Putu Widiarsa
" Hari yg baik purnama dan tmpk landep umut penuh antusias ntk melukat bersama kerabat. "
04 April 2018Tram
" The water temple of Hindi "
21 March 2018The Paradise Hunters
" A place to get holy water balinese people come here to purify them self. It is called as melukat. "
27 February 2018Agus Oka
" This is a holy place where you can purifying your soul, absorbing energy and harmony in life. Feel water splash, water falls on head and river flows teasing your body balance. The temple on top will end your journey with God bless. "
20 January 2018Made Panter
" Banyak dikunjungi oleh umat hindu seluruh bali jg wisman manca negara.tempat ini sebelumnya bernama sudamala atau tirta sudamala,setelah di renovasi dan di bangun pura diberi nama pura tirta sudamala dan di kelola oleh desa adat pakraman banyuasri.sarana utk melukat/pembersihan diri dan persembahyangan,biasanya ramai dikunjungi saat bulan purnama dan odalan. "
21 September 2017Made Panter
" Banyak dikunjungi oleh umat hindu seluruh bali jg wisman manca negara. "
07 September 2017Bagoes Eka
" great place like a heaven "
03 July 2017Gustu Bali
" Truth it can cleansing negative influence
23 July 2016Great Holy Spring Water in Bali "
Agus Indra
" Tempat melukat yang sangat asri dan alami. Air nya jernih. Pemangku yg memimpin persembahyangan sangat ramah "
12 June 2016May Dewi Ai
" Alami sekali "
17 May 2016Dwi Martha
" Holy and beautiful place, clear water and naturaly. "
22 April 2016I Nyoman Putra
" What a nice place!!! "
15 July 2015Ailas Appareldivision
" Nice "
08 June 2015Gus Dex
" very good.... "
21 April 2015Yuni Trisnawati
" Holy place.... and
11 April 2015very beautiful the scene "